Convert PCDOCS 4.2 database to SoftSolutions 4.x. Conversion Steps: 1. Install SoftSolutions with an empty dataset. The dataset should not be modified after it is installed (other than the "Control" File). 2. Make sure the "default path" in PCDOCS is correct. The "default path" field is converted to the SoftSolutions Control file field called "Loc" (ie., location). The "Loc" field is the bases for the document location for each Profile. An example of how the "default path" field might look is as follows: \dms\%a 3. Write down the following: . The SoftSolutions datapath. (The path to the SoftSolutions data directory followed by a colon and then the data set ID.) . The directory that contains the PCDOCS 4.2 database files. . The directory and file name of the SoftSolutions strings file (eg., f:\softsol\prog\softsol.ctx). . The name you want for the log file (eg., ssdocs.log). 4. Type the following and press enter: brequest /d:4096 /r:32 This will start the BTRIEVE requestor. 5. At a DOS prompt, type the conversion programs' file name with the appropriate switches. Required Switches: /data Points to a SoftSolutions dataset (append a ":" and the dataset id). /docsdata Points to the PCDOCS data directory /string Points to softsol.ctx /logfile Name of your conversion log file. Optional Switches: /onLine This switch tells SoftSolutions which files are considered "on-line archive" documents. NOTE 5 below discusses this switch in detail. /splitData This switch allows you to convert from PCDOCS in to several SoftSolutions datasets. In other words, you can split a PCDOCS database into more than one dataset. See NOTE 6 below for more details. /restart This switch allows you to quit the conversion before it is done and restart it later where you left off. No parameters are needed--ssdocscv.exe will detect where you left off. This switch will ONLY take effect if you had quit the conversion either during the Profiles or Versions conversion (these two take 95% of the conversion time). It is not recommended to use the /restart switch if the reason you are restarting is because your server crashed. /restart can be used with the /splitData switch (e.g., you are restarting a split). ONLY USE THIS SWITCH IF YOU HAVE CONVERTED SOME PROFILES OR ALL PROFILES WITH SOME VERSIONS. THIS IS BECAUSE OTHER FILES ARE SKIPPED DURING THE CONVERSION WHEN /restart IS USED. THOSE "SKIPPED" FILES ARE NEEDED WHEN CONVERTING A DATASET FOR THE FIRST TIME. /damagedIndex This parameter is used when the PCDOCS indices are damaged (specifically Profiles and Versions). When /damagedIndex is used then this conversion utility will not use any index but will read sequentially through the database. The limitation of using this switch is that the /restart and /splitData switches can not be used. If you need to use the /splitData or /restart options and your PCDOCS indices are damaged then you must reconstruct the PCDOCS indices first. An example would be. ssdocscv.exe /data=d:\Softsol\data:softsol /docsdata=i:\dms /string=c:\Softsol\prog\softsol.ctx /logfile=Docscon.log The first 4 switches are required. The conversion will not work without them. The following is a list of files that are converted: 1. Control 2. Applications 3. Document Types 4. Users 5. Profiles 6. Versions NOTE 1: Profile numbers are preserved during the conversion. NOTE 2: Make sure that the PC you are running the conversion on has 550k or better free conventional memory before starting. NOTE 3: If your command line is longer than the 128 character DOS limitation, you can put your command line in a response file (or configuration file). Your commandline would look like this: ssdocscv.exe ^ssdocs.cfg The "^" in front of the file name is required. The response file is a text file containing all of the switches listed above. NOTE 4: There is a number stored with each PCDOCS profile card that specifies where the document was archived. This number is translated into the SoftSolutions format (eg. ARC00001) during the conversion. If, for example, your PCDOCS archive number was 36 then the "Archive Set" in SoftSolutions would be ARC00036. The Control File in SoftSolutions is also updated with the highest number from PCDOCS plus 1. For example, if the highest archive number in PCDOCS was 36 then the Control file would say ARC00037. NOTE 5: For PCDOCS users who are using the Online Archive feature you can use the /online switch to specify which documents are online. Telling SoftSolutions which files are "Online Archive" will denote each of those Profiles as Archived which means the Profile will be automatically changed in the following ways: a) The Status field will be changed to Archive. b) The last Opened date will be copied to the Archive date field. c) The last segment from the location field will be copied in to the Archive location (see the additional information screen). d) The Profile's location field will be changed to point to where the document will reside if the Profile/document is Restored. You must make some changes: a) The "OAMResto" application record must then be changed manually BY YOU to point to the online archive location so that restorations can be made by an end user. b) The file name expected by the SoftSolutions restore routine is "Profile#.Version#" (e.g., 149.1). You must either change all of these "Online Archive" documents to have this naming convention or you would have to put the restore process in a batch file and translate the file names. The usage for the online switch is as follows: if I had all of my online documents on server "ARCHIVE" (and I am using the server volume name in the document location field) then I would add to the conversion command line "/online=archive". There is an optional parameter you may use with the /online switch. This parameter tells the conversion program where the "Online Archive" documents will be restored to. The way to use this optional switch is to append a comma (e.g., ",") and the name of the fileserver/volume name that you would like the "Online Archive" documents restored to. For example, if my "normal" documents are kept on fileserver/volume "DOCS/SYS" then I would add to the conversion command line "/online=archive,docs/sys:". Let me give another example of how this works: If my online archive path starts with "F:\SOFTSOL\DOCS" then I would have "/online=f:\softsol\docs" or, optionaly, you could have "/online=f:\softsol\docs,h:". The optional value (or parameter) after the "," will not only be placed at the begining of each "Online Archive" Profile's location field but will also be placed at the begining of the control file's "Loc" field. When the /online switch is used then "Online Archive:" displays at the bottom of the conversion screen. If you have online archive documents in PCDOCS but you don't use the /online switch then the document is not considered "Archived" by SoftSolutions and thus when a user opens one of these documents they would be editing the document in the online location. NOTE 6: If you wish to split your PCDOCS dataset into mutliple SoftSolutions datasets then an optional switch called "splitData" can be use. The reasons for using this switch are as follows: a) Your conversion takes much less time. By taking the first 200,000 PCDOCS profiles, you can startup another conversion which will convert from 200,001 to 400,000. If you had 400,000 profiles then the conversion would, theoretically take half the time. b) SoftSolutions is much more managable when the dataset has 200,000 or fewer Profiles. This switch only affects the Profiles and Versions files. All other files (Control, Users, DocTypes, and Applicat) will be converted as usual. The syntax for the splitData switch is as follows: /splitData=, The from number can be any number from 0 to 99,999,999 (or a "-" which means to start from the beginning of the database). The TO number is any number from 1 to 99,999,999 (or a "-" which means to go to the end of the database). The following is an example of how this switch could be used when converting a PCDOCS database of 400,000 Profiles in to two SoftSolutions datasets (using two PCs for the conversion): First Dataset: /splitData=0,200000 Second Dataset: /splitData=200001,400000