tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown within pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID pFillColor dCompID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pLabel ppLabel theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown within pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID pFillColor dCompID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pLabel ppLabel theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown within pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID pFillColor dCompID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pLabel ppLabel theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown within pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID pFillColor dCompID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown 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dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pLabel ppLabel theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown within pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled pLabel pInverted pMarked pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID pFillColor dCompID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 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