PLast EnterPage leavePage EnterPage DoPage ESetComp 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 pTextPort ptemplate plast Page 29 of 29 AAAAAA" ` ` L o t ~ t Q ` ` L o t ~ t Q 3 $ ~ Lesson estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds fGLGppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 vGgTextID group id 543 of page id 197 ffield You have now completed this lesson. To select another lesson, click Menu or Map. To search for information on a specific topic, click Options, and then click Topic Search. re information on these topics, refer to the Novell Services Guide. ions 1-2, and Appendix A. Product Upgrade Call 1-800-873-2831 or contact your local Novell reseller. Product Update Call 1-800-NETWARE, 1-801-429-5588, or contact your local Novell reseller. Novell Consulting Services (NCS) Call 1-801-429-7633 or FAX 1-801-429-5511. vComback vBlueBack pTextPort pTemplate textPick pScript to handle EnterPage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Template Name: TextPick --- LATER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- send DoPage set syslockscreen to true set vBlueBack of this page to my pback1 if vblueback of this page is "show" show rectangle "BlueBack" of this background send background select rectangle "blueback" of this background set layer of selection to 1 send foreground else hide rectangle "BlueBack" of this background end if set vComback of this page to my pback2 if vComback of this page is "show" show group "ComBack" of this background else hide group "ComBack" of this background end if to handle leavepage hide group "popUp2" set text of field "popUp2" to null to handle buttonUp set vname to name of target set QT to """" step i from 1 to my phwordscount if vname = i set vscript to "get textlinecount(my pf"&i&")" execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf"&i&")" execute vscript if vtemp2 > 1 step j from 1 to vtemp2 set vscript to "get textline "&j&" of my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp3 to textline "&j&" of my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "put "&QT&vtemp3&QT&" after text of field ""popup2""" execute vscript put crlf after text of field "popup2" show group "popUp2" end else set vscript to "get my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp to my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set text of field ""popUp2"""&" to "&QT&vtemp&QT execute vscript show group "popUp2" end end if pBack1 pBack2 CNE and ECNE Programs Call 1-800-NETWARE or 1-801-429-5588. NetWare Users International (NUI) Call 1-800-228-4NUI or 1-801-429-7177. Novell Customer Satisfaction Hotline Call 1-800-453-1267 x7695 or 1-801-429-7000 x7695. Novell Labs Call 1-800-453-1267 x5544, 1-801-429-5544, or contact your local Novell office. Novell Resellers Call 1-800-828-3362, 1-801-429-5225, or contact your local Novell office. Novell Technical Support (NTS) Call 1-800-NETWARE, 1-801-429-5588, or contact your local Novell office. Professional Developers Program (PDP) Call 1-800-733-9673, 1-512-794-1796, or FAX 1-512-794-1770. phwordscount Page 26 of 29 Contact Phone Numbers Contact Phone Numbers estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds !gTextID group id 71 of page id 353 >!ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 ffield Contact Phone Numbers Click on any of the support services listed below to access contact information: CNE and ECNE Programs NetWare Users International (NUI) Novell Consulting Services (NCS) Novell Customer Satisfaction Hotline Novell Labs Novell Resellers Novell Technical Support (NTS) Professional Developers Program (PDP) Product Update Product Upgrade For general information call 1-800-NETWARE or 1-801-429-5588.. popup2 popup2 (borderstype rectangle buttonup buttonup popup2 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 343 ffield A CNE or ECNE may work as an independent consultant or may be on the staff of a larger organization that provides NetWare support services. Companies with in-house support often employ CNEs and ECNEs directly. ECNEs CNEsss ECNEs CNEsss Page 7 of 29 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 21 of 29 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 338 ffield NetWare Users International (NUI) NetWare Users International (NUI) is an independent, not-for-profit professional society designed to foster communication among NetWare users. NUI provides NetWare users with services and support tools designed to facilitate information exchange. Technical publications, user groups, and electronic bulletin board services are some of the many benefits available to you through NUI.hrough NUI. NetWare Users International _change destroy adjustBounds scenarioButton_change buttonUp buttonDown buttonStillDown pEnabled pEnabled scenarioButton_change theSelf pScenario ppBounds destroy pScenario adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds buttonUp ppEnabled scenarioButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled theLocation buttonStillDown ppEnabled theLocation pEnabled 0,0,0 ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage popUp2 DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage popUp2 popUp2 buttonUp phwordscount popup2 get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf popup2 popup2 popUp2 get my pf set vtemp to my pf set text of field "popUp2" popUp2 vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage buttonUp phwordscount get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf get my pf set vtemp to my pf vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname Page 23 of 29 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 338 ffield Product Update Novell's product update is an annual, renewable contract designed to keep you up-to-date with the latest fixes, changes, and enhancements to NetWare products. Product update provides timely information and updated files for users of the most current versions of NetWare. NOVELL NOVELL l v l Q , ' l v l Q , ; Novell Product Update::: Novell Product Update::: PopUpBig PopUp Big EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname Page 24 of 29 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 11 of page id 338 ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 ffield Product Upgrade The NetWare upgrade program provides an economical way for you to upgrade to the current version of a product you are using or upgrade to a product with more functionality. Through the product upgrade program, you can trade in your present product and receive the most current NetWare product at a discount. NOVELL NOVELL l v l Q , G l v l Q , [ Novell Product Upgrade:: Novell Product Upgrade:: destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID 300,3750,9290,6270 pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort ffield group id 8 of page id 350 Yes, It Runs with NetWare The Yes program is a group of Novell's industry partners who provide NetWare-compatible hardware and software products. The Yes logo on software and hardware products answers the question that customers often ask our partners: "Does your product work with NetWare?"are?"""""""""""" Page 20 of 29 destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds title _change destroy adjustBounds scenarioButton_change buttonUp buttonDown buttonStillDown pEnabled pEnabled scenarioButton_change theSelf pScenario ppBounds destroy pScenario adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds buttonUp ppEnabled scenarioButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled theLocation buttonStillDown ppEnabled theLocation pEnabled 0,0,0 ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled PLast EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 25 of 29 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 345 ffield Novell Customer Satisfaction Hotline Novell's Customer Satisfaction group provides two vital functions for NetWare users. First, the group resolves immediate customer concerns that are not being solved through normal channels. Second, the group works with other departments throughout Novell to make it easier for our customers to do business with us. If you have a concern that you feel is not being addressed adequately, or if you have a suggestion that would improve our business relationship, call the Customer Satisfaction Hotline at 1-800-453-1267 x7695.r 1-801-429-7695. For Novell Customer Service call: 1-800-453-1267 x7695595 Participate in the NetWire Electronic Bulletin Board forum available through CompuServe (1-800-524-3388 or 1-614-457-8650, and join the NetWare Users International (NUI) professional society (1-800-228-4NUI or 1-801-429-7177). Look for the "Yes, it runs with NetWare" symbol on the product you are purchasing. phwordscount vComback vBlueBack pTemplate graphicPick pBack1 pBack2 Yes, contact the Professional Developers Program (PDP) at 1-800-733-9673 or 1-512-794-1796. To make sure your vendor is a Novell Gold or Platinum Authorized Reseller call 1-800-828-3362 or 1-801-429-5225. To locate a Gold or Platinum Authorized Reseller in your area, call 1-800-NETWARE, 1-801-429-5588, or contact your local Novell office. text7 text8 text9 text10 text11 text12 text13 text14 Page 27 of 29 Click on the question of your choice.. estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 1275,1320,8370,4260 gTextID group id 92 of page id 354 Will my software run with NetWare? How can I communicate with other NetWare users? Does Novell provide support for users creating network computing applications? How can I be sure my network software vendor is qualified to answer my questions? destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID 4665,1470,9285,6270 ppBounds ffield pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds pTextPort group id 11 of page id 356 Page 16 of 29 Technical Support Alliance (TSA) Customers of multivendor networks have a critical need for efficient technical support for their systems. Building multivendor systems is a cooperative effort, and supporting them should be too. TSA means customers can get their problems solved without getting the runaround. The TSA was formed with you in mind. If you have a problem with a TSA vendor's product, follow the usual procedure; try to isolate the problem and call that vendor. If additional information is needed, that TSA vendor will use TSA resources to expedite problem resolution..xpedite problem resolution... B o" l v l Q , Technical Support Allianceee Technical Support Allianceee EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pScenario pTextPort pTemplate concept l v l Q , Technical Support Allianceee) Technical Support Allianceee .%$(9 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds P(6(ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 `(gTextID group id 11 of page id 357 ffield TSA works "behind the scenes." As a result of customer demand, vendors are working together to escalate support issues for multivendor systems. Although each vendor individually supports its products according to the policy of that company, collectively they cooperate to provide support for your multivendor network. For a list of TSA members, click the Info button. P,H,pscen b,ppBounds 6367,5730,7582,6105 Page 17 of 29 _change destroy adjustBounds scenarioButton_change buttonUp buttonDown buttonStillDown pEnabled pEnabled scenarioButton_change theSelf pScenario ppBounds destroy pScenario adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds buttonUp ppEnabled scenarioButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled theLocation buttonStillDown ppEnabled theLocation pEnabled 0,0,0 ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bGoto getValue pptotno pptotno Go to Page (1 - Page number is not within this component bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vPage vStartPage vTotalPages vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile component mouseEnter buttonDown indexButton_change keyUp leavePage keyUp ptemplate 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup vTemplate seqno isCntrl isShift buttonDown hotword popup displayHotword vtext No definition for fpopup System vtext fPopup fPopup fPopup popup vLines fpopup popup vText mouseEnter hotword indexButton_change pHotTopics vGpage vGPage vPage vItem vTopic theSelf leavePage popup keyUp whatRevAmI keyUp 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup seqno isCntrl isShift whatRevAmI Background Title Rev 1.00 bookname destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 6 of 29 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 324 ffield Independent Service Providers - CNEs and Enterprise CNEs (ECNEs) CNEs are technicians who have gone through a rigorous certification procedure and are authorized by Novell to service NetWare networks and products. CNEs can access Novell for technical support and information. ECNEs have achieved a higher level of certification by being tested on more extensive network technology and products. ECNEs typically specialize in supporting large enterprise NetWare environments. tWare environments. ise NetWare environments. logy. ECNEs CNEsss ECNEs CNEsss ppLine dYh@EY nel: Right Half terpage leavePage enterpage menuButton_change enterpage ppTotNo DoPage 0,100,0 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf h@EXT 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf r N ptopic10 group id 2828 of page id 304 ptopic9 group id 2824 of page id 304 ptopic8 group id 2820 of page id 304 ptopic7 group id 2816 of page id 304 ptopic5 group id 2808 of page id 304 ptopic4 group id 2804 of page id 304 ptopic3 group id 2800 of page id 304 ptopic2 group id 2796 of page id 304 ptopic1 group id 2792 of page id 304 pColdTopics Outside Novell support,4 Service providers - Listed,5 CNEs and Enterprise CNEs,6 Novell resellers,8 Reseller Authorization Program,8 Reseller authorization type - Platinum,9 Reseller authorization type - Gold,10 Novell Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs),11 Novell OEM - List,12 Novell Alliance Program Members - List,13 Service types - (NCS),14 Personnel - (NTS),15 Description - (TSA),16 Member list - (TSA),17 Services - (PDP),18 Description - Novell labs,19 Yes logo,20 Description - (NUI),21 Updates and upgrades,21 pHotTopics Overview,2 Objectives,3 Independent Service Providers,4 Novell Technical Support (NTS),15 Technical Support Alliance (TSA),16 Professional Developers Program (PDP),18 Novell Labs,19 NetWare Users International (NUI),21 Contact Phone Numbers,26 Summary,28 pTextPort pptotno pTemplate Page 1 of 29 h0Q u !!!!!! AAAAAA AAAAAA Index estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds AppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 AgTextID group id 1943 of page id 304 ffield Lesson Index Click Next to begin this lesson or click an Index button to jump to the topic of your choice. Overview Objectives Novell-approved Independent Service Providers Novell Consulting Services Novell Technical Support Professional Developers Program Novell Labs/Yes it runs with NetWare NetWare Users International Technical Support Alliance Updates and Upgradesades topic1 FpEnabled TF:FppBounds 3405,2760,6390,3075 FfFfFieldID field id 2791 of page id 304 FbButtonID button id 2790 of page id 304 bButton fField OverviewgyyzXx topic2 GpEnabled GppBounds 3405,3465,6390,3780 HfFieldID field id 2795 of page id 304 BHbButtonID button id 2794 of page id 304 bButton fField Objectives topic3 IhIbButtonID button id 2798 of page id 304 IfFieldID field id 2799 of page id 304 IppBounds 3405,4065,6390,4590 JpEnabled bButton fField Independent Service Providers topic4 KfFieldID field id 2803 of page id 304 PKDKppEnabled hK`KppLines K~KppLineHeight KppOffset KbButtonID button id 2802 of page id 304 KpLines LpEnabled BL LfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 TLppBounds 3405,4755,6390,5280 bButton fField Novell Technical Support (NTS) topic5 MpMfFieldID field id 2807 of page id 304 MppEnabled MppLines MppLineHeight MppOffset NbButtonID button id 2806 of page id 304 TNLNpLines rNfNpEnabled NfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 NppBounds 3405,5445,6390,5970 bButton fField Technical Support Alliance (TSA) topic6 bButton fField Professional Developers Program (PDP) topic7 PfFieldID field id 2815 of page id 304 QppEnabled mhu$ 5 of page id 185 field id 51 of page id 155 omGoTo fD|D| fD|D| DoubleEntry to handle EnterPage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Template Name: TextPick --- LATER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- send DoPage set syslockscreen to true set vBlueBack of this page to my pback1 if vblueback of this page is "show" show rectangle "BlueBack" of this background send background select rectangle "blueback" of this background set layer of selection to 1 send foreground else hide rectangle "BlueBack" of this background end if set vComback of this page to my pback2 if vComback of this page is "show" show group "ComBack" of this background else hide group "ComBack" of this background end if to handle leavepage hide group "txt1" set text of field "txt1" to null to handle buttonUp set vname to name of target set QT to """" set text of field "txt1" to null step i from 1 to my phwordscount if vname = i set vscript to "get textlinecount(my pf"&i&")" execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf"&i&")" execute vscript if vtemp2 > 1 step j from 1 to vtemp2 set vscript to "get textline "&j&" of my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp3 to textline "&j&" of my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "put "&QT&vtemp3&QT&" after text of field ""txt1""" execute vscript put crlf after text of field "txt1" show group "txt1" end else set vscript to "get my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp to my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set text of field ""txt1"""&" to "&QT&vtemp&QT execute vscript show group "txt1" end end if execute vScript set vScript to "set wr" & i & "_fb to item 2 of it" execute vScript end step set wr3_fb to my pWr3_Fb set exit_fb to my pExit_Fb end to handle keydown key, IsShift, IsControl send ProcessKeyDos key, IsShift, IsControl to handle LeavePage system FieldNo set syslockscreen to true send HideGoTo clear text of field feed hide group feed clear text of field FieldNo end normal nner and Pagination L-L-L- Df4f4f4f4f4 BlueBack comback Banner Novell Support Services buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Index ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component ponent ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component Index buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bGoTo,b22,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,5,30,20,111,116,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.07,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.07,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bGoTo,3.70,42.26,50.86,32.16,22,1342242816,128,Go To Page,0,bTopMenu,57.68,42.17,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,31.54,83.61,50.90,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place hatRevAmI EnterBook whatRevAmI LeaveBook whatRevAmI :Lesson Book Rev 1.19 bookname EnterBook seconds altkey sizetopage reader setSysBooks ppTotTry ppBancont ppLevel ppPlace PMark SMark TotNo TMark result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component normal svEnterTime svTotalIdle svStartIdle result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component level bmarkfile StartZ coursefile place bookname seqno totno bancont tottry LeaveBook MMM dd y hh:min:sec AMPM set vLastTime to p time of book bmarkfile set p LastDate of book bmarkfile to vLastDate set p Time of book bmarkfile to vDiff FromGoTo vLastTime vCommand vLastDate vDiff vTotal svEnterTime svLeaveTime svTotalIdle bmarkfile place Overview Street estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds :ppBounds ApTextPort 9,