destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 10 of 12 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds p ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 336 ffield NetWare v4.0 Server Worksheet A planning worksheet is provided in the NetWare v4.0 Getting Started manual. It serves as a place to pre-record much of the information needed to respond properly to the prompts encountered during installation. Responses to prompted items not on the worksheet should be written down elsewhere during the process of planning for installation. NetWare v4.0 Server Worksheet NetWare v4.0 Server Worksheet destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage popup2 DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage popUp2 popUp2 buttonUp phwordscount popup2 get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf popup2 popup2 popUp2 get my pf set vtemp to my pf popup2 popUp2 vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bGoto getValue pptotno pptotno Go to Page (1 - Page number is not within this component bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vPage vStartPage vTotalPages vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile component destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds PLast EnterPage leavePage EnterPage DoPage ESetComp 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 pTextPort ptemplate plast Page 12 of 12 AAAAAA" ` ` L o t ~ t Q ` ` 8 1' L o t ~ t Q 3 $ ~ Lesson estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds xG^GppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 GgTextID group id 543 of page id 197 ffield You have now completed this lesson. To select another lesson, click Menu or Map. To search for information on a specific topic, click Options, and then click Topic Search. For more information on these topics, refer to Netware v4.0 Installation and Upgrade . Directory Tree Name You must assign a name of 1 to 32 characters in length to each Directory tree. The name can contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores, but no spaces or trailing underscores. pTextPort vComback vBlueBack pTemplate textPick pBack1 pBack2 Block Suballocation Block suballocation saves server space by storing files in blocks of 512 bytes in addition to the volume's configured block size (4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 KB). For example, in NetWare v3.x, storing a 5 KB file takes two 4 KB blocks (on a volume with a 4 KB block size); consequently, 3 KB is wasted. With block suballocation enabled, the same 5 KB file takes up only 5 KB of disk space: one 4 KB block and two 512-byte suballocation blocks of another 4 KB block. Subsequent files in need of suballocation blocks take them from this block as well, until the 4 KB are used up. The default setting for block suballocation is "On." Data Migration Data migration lets you migrate (move) data to a storage device (disk, tape, CD-ROM), while NetWare still perceives it as residing on the volume. This frees up valuable hard disk space for often-used files while still allowing slower access to infrequently used files. The default setting for migration is "Off." Type of Time Server Choose one of the four time server types: - Reference server - Single Reference server - Primary server - Second server The defaults set the first NetWare v4.0 server in a tree to a Single Reference time server. All other time servers default to Secondary time servers. Time Zone You will be prompted to select your time zone. j pf6 Context This prompts you to enter the context into which you will be installing the server. The context specifies where the server is located in the Directory tree. Name for User Object ADMIN The default common name for the administrator of the first NetWare v4.0 server in a Directory tree is ADMIN. You can change the name ADMIN in the NETADMIN text utility or the NetWare Administrator graphical utility after the server is installed and you have set up a workstation. For any other server besides the server in a tree, however, you are prompted for an administrator's name and you can enter whatever name you want. Context for User Object ADMIN When the User object ADMIN is first created, by default it is placed in the Organization container object, which may not be the same context in which you installed the server. You may want to record the context in which the User object ADMIN is installed. When you install subsequent servers, you must supply this context. Password for User Object ADMIN Entry of a password for ADMIN at this prompt is strongly recommended for security reasons. This password is also the password for the user SUPERVISOR when you upgrade a server. text12 text13 text14 phwordscount Page 9 of 12G estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 22 of page id 342 ffield Installation Prompts (continued) Block suballocation Data migration Directory tree name Type of time server Time zone Context Name for User object ADMIN Context for User object ADMIN Password for User object ADMIN or User object ADMIN - Password for User object ADMIN Installation Prompts Installation Prompts popup2 popup2 &borderstype rectangle buttonup buttonup popup2 Name of Server You will be asked to give the server a name consisting of 2 to 47 characters, including numbers, letters, hyphens, and underscores. (No spaces.) pTextPort vComback vBlueBack pTemplate textPick pBack1 pBack2 Installation Media In planning for installation, you must choose one of three media from which to install NetWare v4.0. These include: - Floppy disk - CD-ROM - An existing network directory This decision is typically based on available hardware. For example, if you have a CD-ROM drive, using it to install NetWare v4.0 is the best solution. Booting Disk Drive You will be asked if you want the system to boot from a floppy diskette or from a hard disk drive. The hard disk boot method is recommended for speed and reliability. Server's IPX Network Number The IPX (Internetwork Packet eXchange) is a Novell communications protocol for sending data packets to requested destinations on the network. The IPX internal network number can be from 1 to 8 characters in length. It can include hexidecimal digits 0 - 9 and A - F. For example, BABA007 is allowed, while 24SURFER is not. The IPX internal network number cannot use 0 or FFFFFFFF, and it must be unique within all interconnected networks. Automatic vs. Manual Partitions You need a NetWare v4.0 disk partition on every server disk for NetWare files and shared data. You can only have one NetWare v4.0 disk partition per disk. INSTALL.NLM offers two ways of creating NetWare disk partitions, automatically and manually. If you want to specify the size of the disk partition, mirror or duplex disk partitions, change the size of the Hot Fix Redirection Area, delete disk partitions, or are using OS/2, then choose manual at this prompt. Otherwise, choose automatic. Mirror or Duplex Partitions NetWare v4.0 protects data from hard disk failure by letting you duplicate (mirror) one hard disk's data on one or more other hard disks. When you mirror hard disks on the same host bus adapter, this is called "mirroring." When you mirror across host bus adapters, this is called "duplexing." If a hard disk fails and cannot be accessed by the server, data will be retrieved from the hard disk automatically. Volume Names Volume SYS: is automatically created in the free space available on the largest disk device (device 0). A volume SYS: is mandatory; its minimum size is 25 MB. You may need more space than this, depending on the files you choose to install. If not enough volume space is available, you have the option to go back and resize the volume. If you have only one disk, but you want another volume besides SYS:, decrease the size of volume SYS: and locate the new volume in the resulting free space. It is recommended that you reserve SYS: for NetWare files and create additional volumes for data. Volume for Long File Names It is a good idea to create a separate volume for each name space. Long file names take up disk space that is not required for DOS files. Also, you can isolate network problems more easily. For example, if you have DOS and Macintosh files, you may want to create two volumes for data: DOSVOL: and MACVOL:. This way you add name space only to those volumes that require it. File Compression File compression is defaulted to "On" during installation unless you respond that you want it "Off." Compression automatically migrates seldom-used files to a compressed state, thus saving disk space. A compressed file becomes decompressed when it is accessed. After compression for a volume is enabled and volume information is saved to disk, you can never disable compression for this volume. You would have to delete the volume and recreate it to change the file compression status. text10 text11 text12 text13 text14 phwordscount Page 8 of 12 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1485,9285,6285 gTextID group id 20 of page id 341 ffield Click on each of the following installation prompts to view a brief description and suggested responses. Installation media Booting disk drive Name of server Server's IPX network number Automatic vs. manual partitions Mirror or duplex partitions Volume names Volume for long file names File compression (Click Next to see the remaining installation prompts.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))n prompts.)rompts)tion Installation Prompts Installation Prompts popup2 popup2 Z*borderstype rectangle buttonup buttonup popup2 terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage popup2 DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage popUp2 popUp2 buttonUp phwordscount popup2 get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf popup2 popup2 popUp2 get my pf set vtemp to my pf popup2 popUp2 vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds PopUpBig PopUp Big title PLast EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 6 of 12 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 324 ffield Site and Equipment Recommendations For proper operation, and to protect your investment, it is recommended that your installation site have the following: - Dedicated power lines and grounded outlets - Power conditioning equipment - Protection against static electricity - The proper computer environment in terms of temperature, humidity, and altitude - Working copies of the NetWare diskettes (if installing from floppy diskettes)kettes) Site and Equipment Recommendationsementss Dedicated Power Lines Grounded Outlets Power Conditioning Equipment Protection Proper Environment NetWare Diskettes re Requirementsss nel: Right Half terpage leavePage enterpage menuButton_change enterpage ppTotNo DoPage 0,100,0 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf R . ptopic7 group id 2291 of page id 304 b ptopic6 group id 2287 of page id 304 ptopic5 group id 2283 of page id 304 ptopic4 group id 2279 of page id 304 ptopic2 group id 2275 of page id 304 ptopic1 group id 2271 of page id 304 pColdTopics Planning process,2 Hardware requirements,4 Software requirements,5 Prompts,7 Prompts response list,8 Requirements for site,6 Server Worksheet,10 pHotTopics Overview,2 Objectives,3 Hardware Requirements,4 Software Requirements,5 Site and Equipment Recommendations,6 Installation Prompts,7 NetWare v4.0 Server Worksheet,10 Summary,11 pTextPort pptotno pTemplate Page 1 of 120 !!!!!! AAAAAA AAAAAA Index estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds B?(?ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 R?gTextID group id 1943 of page id 304 ffield Lesson Index Click Next to begin this lesson or click an Index button to jump to the topic of your choice. choice. topic3 BxBpEnabled BppBounds 3405,4065,6390,4590 BfFieldID field id 2246 of page id 304 BbButtonID button id 2245 of page id 304 bButton fField Hardware Requirementss topic1 DpEnabled VD 1 step j from 1 to vtemp2 set vscript to "get textline "&j&" of my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp3 to textline "&j&" of my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "put "&QT&vtemp3&QT&" after text of field ""popup2""" execute vscript put crlf after text of field "popup2" show group "popUp2" end else set vscript to "get my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set vtemp to my pf"&i execute vscript set vscript to "set text of field ""popUp2"""&" to "&QT&vtemp&QT execute vscript show group "popUp2" end end if "to item 1 of it" execute vScript set vScript to "set wr" & i & "_fb to item 2 of it" execute vScript end step set wr3_fb to my pWr3_Fb set exit_fb to my pExit_Fb end to handle keydown key, IsShift, IsControl send ProcessKeyDos key, IsShift, IsControl to handle LeavePage system FieldNo set syslockscreen to true send HideGoTo clear text of field feed hide group feed clear text of field FieldNo end normal nner and Pagination L-L-L- Df4f4f4f4f4 BlueBack comback Banner Planning for Installation buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Index ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component ponent ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component Index buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bGoTo,b22,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,5,30,20,111,116,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.07,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.07,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bGoTo,3.70,42.26,50.86,32.16,22,1342242816,128,Go To Page,0,bTopMenu,57.68,42.17,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,31.54,83.61,50.90,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place keyUp whatRevAmI keyUp 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup seqno isCntrl isShift whatRevAmI Background Title Rev 1.00 bookname mouseEnter buttonDown indexButton_change keyUp leavePage keyUp ptemplate 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup vTemplate seqno isCntrl isShift buttonDown hotword popup displayHotword vtext No definition for fpopup System vtext fPopup fPopup fPopup popup vLines fpopup popup vText mouseEnter hotword indexButton_change pHotTopics vGpage vGPage vPage vItem vTopic theSelf leavePage popup Overview Street estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds :ppBounds ApTextPort 9,