EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 16 of 28 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,3750,9290,6270 gTextID group id 8 of page id 385 ffield Replica Type The needs and access rights of objects and their users can affect the type of replica you choose. If users need to make changes to shared information, they need a read/write replica. Changes made to read/write replicas get reflected in the original partition. If users need only to read partition information, and not change it, a read-only replica is best. Read-only replicas have the added benefit of reducing WAN traffic by increasing overall network efficiency. Read-only Replicas Read/write Replicas Read-only Replicas AAAAAA WAN Link WAN Link Master Replicas Master Replicas Read-only Replicas Read-only Replicas Read/write Replicas EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname !8!|! >(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@ pTemplate concept pTextPort Page 15 of 28 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 335 ffield Smaller replicas synchronize quickly and take up less hard drive space on the destination server than large replicas. Sometimes large replicas are needed because users on another server require access to a significant portion of the NDS information on the partition. If only a small amount of information is needed from a large partition, divide the partition and replicate only the new partition containing the necessary information.ry information.ormation.n. Master Replicasaer Replica Part of Replica Acaite Replica Server 4 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA Part of Replica Acaly Replicaaa Server 1 oadway St. San Diego, CA Server 3 oadway St. San Diego, CA Server 4 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA Server 1 oadway St. San Diego, CA Master Replicasaer Replica Server 3 oadway St. San Diego, CA Part of Replica Acaite Replica Part of Replica Acaly Replicaaa Replica B A Replica B Replica Server 2 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA Replica B A Replica B Replica Server 2 oledo, OH . 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To select another lesson, click Menu or Map. To search for information on a specific topic, click Options, and then click Topic Search. For more information on these topics, refer to NetWare v4.0 Supervising the Network . = item 1 of zzz and a <= item 3 of zzz and \ b >= item 2 of zzz and b <= item 4 of zzz set finalstate of group vname to i move group vname to position of button ("bin" & i) break buttonup end if end step end ButtonUp %p7313Time N7."N714892 B7"#h#vTemp1 B7d#3:18 PM normal nner and Pagination L-L-L- Df4f4f4f4f4 BlueBack comback Banner Planning Partitions and Replicas buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Index ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component ponent ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component Index buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bGoTo,b22,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,5,30,20,111,116,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.07,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.07,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bGoTo,3.70,42.26,50.86,32.16,22,1342242816,128,Go To Page,0,bTopMenu,57.68,42.17,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,31.54,83.61,50.90,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place `Ex?TE5 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Overview Street estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds @ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 @gTextID group id 247 of page id 317 ffield Default partitions and replicas are created during NetWare v4.0 installation. Partitions make the NetWare Directory Services (NDS) database more manageable by distributing the NDS database across the entire network. Replicas can reduce fault tolerance by eliminating single points of failure and increase efficiency by providing faster access to database information. Strategies for the most efficient use of partitions and replicas include the following design factors; speed, size, and replica type. type.ica type. Page 2 of 28 and Replicas EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept ` ` ` ` 8 3! L o t ~ t Q >0o < L o t ~ t Q AAA!!!" ` ` 8 )Q ` ` ` >bq L o t ~ t Q c AAA ` Zwq L o t ~ t Q Ryo < Objectives estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 gTextID group id 460 of page id 318 ffield At the end of this lesson, you will be able to do the following: - Describe the default partitions and replicas that are created during installation. - Describe the planning of replicas to eliminate single points of failure. - Describe the planning of replicas to provide faster access to information. - Given a scenario, identify the best plan for partitions and replicas..... Page 3 of 28 and Replicas mouseEnter buttonDown indexButton_change keyUp leavePage keyUp ptemplate 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup vTemplate seqno isCntrl isShift buttonDown hotword popup displayHotword vtext No definition for fpopup System vtext fPopup fPopup fPopup popup vLines fpopup popup vText mouseEnter hotword indexButton_change pHotTopics vGpage vGPage vPage vItem vTopic theSelf leavePage popup normal destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bGoto getValue pptotno pptotno Go to Page (1 - Page number is not within this component bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vPage vStartPage vTotalPages vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile component title EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 21 of 28 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 389 ffield Exercise 1 - Planning Partitions and Replicas Based on the products they produce, divisions often need to share research data. The following sites often share information: - Tokyo and Detroit - Paris and Hong Kong - Naples and San Diego To view this information during the exercise, click the scenario button. W } W } Toyco Tokyo Diego Detroit Paris Naples Tokyo Diego Detroit Paris Naples Toyco