EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept pTextPort Page 15 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 356 ffield Read/write Replicas A read/write replica is a copy of the master replica and is the most common type of replica. Users can read and update its NDS information locally. Read/write replicas cannot be split, deleted, or merged. To perform these functions, make your changes to the master replica. The related replicas will then be automatically regenerated.ly regenerated. Replicas are updated immediately Replicas are updated immediately event occurs... Event Occurss Partition 1 Master Replica Partition 1 Master Replica Partition 1 Read/write Replica Partition 1 Read/write Replica event occurs... Event Occurss EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,3750,9290,6270 gTextID group id 8 of page id 346 ffield Also, an object cannot belong to more than one partition. Therefore, partitions cannot overlap.... NetWare Server 1 NetWare Server 3 NetWare Server 2 Partition B Partition B Partition A Partition A Partition C Partition C Engineering Engineering Eng. Parts Dev. `$8$]$ Eng. Parts Dev. Wallace Wallace n'F'k' Company Company Z(2(W( NetWare Server 3 NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 1 Marketing r*J*o* Marketing LaserWriter LaserWriter T,,,Q, LaserQueue LaserQueue -X-}- Deidre Deidre B F._ Page 6 of 24 pTemplate pFeedbackPort A,B,C pCor_Fb Correct. A partition consists of a container object, all objects contained in it, and related data about those objects. pExit_Fb A, B, and C are correct. A partition consists of a container object, all objects contained in it, and related data about those objects. pTest Two of your choices are correct. D, however, is incorrect. Partitions do not include information about file system directories. Please select three items again. Two of your choices are correct. E, however, is incorrect. Partitions do not include information about file system files. Please select three items again. One of your choices is correct. D and E, however, are incorrect. Partitions do not include information about file system directories and files. Please select three items again. Page 7 of 24u estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 285,4635,4710,6270 gTextID group id 7 of page id 336 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds Answer ButtonUp ButtonUp LChPageHi 1,2,3,4,5 HFInvert 1,2,3,4,5 0,0,0 0,100,0 exit_fb fill_h stroke_h quesno result HFInvert 1,2,3,4,5 0,0,0 0,100,0 exit_fb fill_h stroke_h quesno result Answer ffield Which three of the following items are included within partitions? Select 3 choices from A, B, C, D, or E, and then click the Done button. buttondown buttonup buttondown HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup buttondown buttonup buttondown HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup buttondown buttonup buttondown HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup buttondown buttonup buttondown HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup File system files buttondown buttonup buttondown HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup HFInvert A,B,C,D,E 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 buttonup File system directories Object data Objects found within the container objects Container objects terPage LeavePage EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack DoPage ActButton pCor_Fb pWr1_Fb quesno cor_fb wr1_fb revnum LeavePage HFInvert true,false whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname ButtonUp ButtonUp A,B,C,D,E Select 3 choices from A, B, C, D, or E, and then click the Done button. score cor_fb wr1_fb wr2_fb wr3_fb exit_fb quesno result stroke fill_h stroke_h EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 354 ffield Master Replicas Although many replicas of a partition can exist in the NDS database, only one is designated as the "master." A master replica is the first instance of the original partition information. The master replica is the only one that can be used to make changes like splitting, deleting, or merging. Note that when you change the structure of the master replica, replicas of the partition are automatically deleted and the succeeding partition generates new replicas to replace those deleted. Server 1 Server 1 Server 2 Server 2 I have the master replica of Partition A. You can split, delete and merge within me. I have a read/write replica of Partition A. You must split, delete, and merge at the master replica... Page 13 of 24 PLast EnterPage leavePage EnterPage DoPage ESetComp 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 pTextPort ptemplate plast Page 24 of 24 AAAAAA" ` ` L o t ~ t Q ` ` L o t ~ t Q 3 $ ~ Lesson estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds fGLGppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 vGgTextID group id 543 of page id 197 ffield You have now completed this lesson. To select another lesson, click Menu or Map. To search for information on a specific topic, click Options, and then click Topic Search. For more information on these topics, refer to NetWare v4.0 Supervising the Network . mouseEnter buttonDown indexButton_change keyUp leavePage keyUp ptemplate 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup vTemplate seqno isCntrl isShift buttonDown hotword popup displayHotword vtext No definition for fpopup System vtext fPopup fPopup fPopup popup vLines fpopup popup vText mouseEnter hotword indexButton_change pHotTopics vGpage vGPage vPage vItem vTopic theSelf leavePage popup pTemplate TrueFalse pFeedbackPort pTextPort pWr1_Fb Incorrect. Partitions can be created during installation, with Partition Manager, or with PARTMGR. pCor_Fb Correct. Partitions can be created during installation, with Partition Manager, or with PARTMGR. Page 22 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,5115,9285,6270 gTextID group id 7 of page id 351 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 315,1485,9270,4680 gTextID group id 22 of page id 351 Select True or False. buttondown buttonup buttondown False False 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert .qffinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup pcor_fb pwr1_fb False 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert .qffinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup pcor_fb pwr1_fb False buttondown buttonup buttondown 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert false .qffinvert false 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup false false pcor_fb pwr1_fb 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert false .qffinvert false 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup false false pcor_fb pwr1_fb False estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ffield There are three ways to create partitions: by default during NetWare v4.0 installation, by using the Partition Manager tool in the NetWare Administrator graphical utility, or by using the menu utility PARTMGR. EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept pTextPort Page 11 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 353 ffield Replicas - Provide Faster Access to Information You can decrease access time and network traffic for users who must use a Wide Area Network (WAN) link to get particular information by placing a replica containing that information on a server they can access locally. Partition A Read-only Replica Master Replicasaer Replica Server 1 oadway St. San Diego, CA Broadway St. ay St. o, CADiego, CA San Diego, CAAAdway St. San Diego, CA Server 3 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA Toledo, OH ledo, OH . San Diego, CA Partition A Read/write Replica! Server 2 oadway St. San Diego, CA Community Rd. Community Rd.ADiego, CA San Diego, CAAAdway St. San Diego, CA Server 4 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA Boulder, CO Partition B Read-only Replicaaa l!b!i! Master Replicasaer Replica Server 1 oadway St. San Diego, CA Broadway St. ay St. o, CADiego, CA San Diego, CAAAdway St. San Diego, CA Server 3 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA l%$%i% Toledo, OH ledo, OH . San Diego, CA Server 2 oadway St. San Diego, CA Community Rd. Community Rd.ADiego, CA San Diego, CAAAdway St. San Diego, CA Server 4 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA Boulder, CO L)$)I) Partition A Read-only Replica Partition A Read/write Replica Partition B Read-only Replicaaa pTemplate TrueFalse pWr1_Fb Incorrect. You can create an unlimited number of replicas for each partition. pFeedbackPort pCor_Fb Correct. You can create an unlimited number of replicas for each partition. False Page 17 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,5115,9285,6270 gTextID group id 7 of page id 342 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 315,1485,9270,4680 gTextID group id 22 of page id 342 Select True or False. buttondown buttonup buttondown False False 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert .qffinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup pcor_fb pwr1_fb False 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert .qffinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup pcor_fb pwr1_fb False False buttondown buttonup buttondown 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert false .qffinvert false 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup false false pcor_fb pwr1_fb 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert false .qffinvert false 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup false false pcor_fb pwr1_fb False False estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ffield You can create only one replica for each partition. EnterPage whatRevAmI buttondown LeavePage drag_buttondown buttonUp EnterPage DoPage pBinNo finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate pBinNo ptest set box select group clear cor_FB pCor_Fb pcor_fb wr1_FB pWr1_Fb pwr1_fb pExit_Fb vscript cor_fb wr1_fb wr2_fb exit_fb revnum binno quesno LeavePage finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate finalstate StopLoop whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.01 bookname buttondown drag_buttondown vname drag_buttondown vvname buttonUp finalstate stoploop stoploop finalstate finalstate syslocscreen vname binno pTest pExit_fb The correct answer is shown. pBinno pCor_fb Correct. You have matched each replica type with its function. pWr1_fb Incorrect. Please try again. ptemplate 3660,3585 3660,2580 3660,1590 pFeedbackPort Page 18 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 285,4635,3225,6270 gTextID group id 47 of page id 366 Create a new partition View NDS database information Update NDS database information (but can't create a new partition) ffield Match each replica type with its function. Drag a button to match it to the appropriate box. Answer $8O_& ButtonUp ButtonUp move group to position of button finalstate pExit_fb vscript BinNo quesno result exit_fb move group to position of button finalstate pExit_fb vscript BinNo quesno result exit_fb Answer Insert search drive Read-only Replica Read-only Replica Read/write Replica Read/write Replica Master Replicaaa Master Replicaaa destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds hatRevAmI EnterBook whatRevAmI LeaveBook whatRevAmI :Lesson Book Rev 1.19 bookname EnterBook seconds altkey sizetopage reader setSysBooks ppTotTry ppBancont ppLevel ppPlace PMark SMark TotNo TMark result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component normal svEnterTime svTotalIdle svStartIdle result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component level bmarkfile StartZ coursefile place bookname seqno totno bancont tottry LeaveBook MMM dd y hh:min:sec AMPM set vLastTime to p time of book bmarkfile set p LastDate of book bmarkfile to vLastDate set p Time of book bmarkfile to vDiff FromGoTo vLastTime vCommand vLastDate vDiff vTotal svEnterTime svLeaveTime svTotalIdle bmarkfile place EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept Partitions and Replicas eplicas Page 23 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 378 of page id 344 ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 ffield This lesson describes how the NDS database is able to be split into partitions and replicated for ease of use and access across the network. This strategy reduces the chance that the entire NDS database will become inoperable at one time and provides users faster access to information across the network. ] AAA Summary terPage LeavePage EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack DoPage ActButton pCor_Fb pWr1_Fb quesno cor_fb wr1_fb revnum LeavePage HFInvert true,false whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ButtonUp ButtonUp ptest finalstate of group ptest vtemp Drag all the buttons to match their appropriate boxes. finalstate pcor_fb BinNo finalstate pwr1_fb J:to1 vTemp vscript score numstr allstr cor_fb wr1_fb wr2_fb wr3_fb exit_fb binno quesno result destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds terpage LeavePage enterpage whatRevAmI enterpage vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack DoPage pTest pTest set wr _fb to it cor_FB pCor_Fb pExit_Fb vScript revnum quesno cor_fb wr1_fb wr2_fb wr3_fb exit_fb LeavePage HFInvert a,b,c,d,e whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname terPage LeavePage EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack DoPage ActButton pCor_Fb pWr1_Fb quesno cor_fb wr1_fb revnum LeavePage HFInvert true,false whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds PopUpBig PopUp Big title PLast EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage popup DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pPopup POPUP pTemplate concept pTextPort Page 8 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,3750,9290,6270 gTextID group id 8 of page id 324 ffield Replicas A replica is a copy of partition information. You can create an unlimited number of replicas for each partition and store them on any server in the network. NetWare Server 3 NetWare Server 3 NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 1 NetWare Server 1 ROSSB ROSSB ROSSB ROSSB ROSSB ROSSB popup fpopup borderstype rectangle A computer that runs NetWare operating system software (or could be any device that offers services to the network i.e., print server, NCP server, and access server). buttonup buttonup popup nel: Right Half terpage leavePage enterpage menuButton_change enterpage ppTotNo DoPage 0,100,0 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf r N ptopic9 group id 2519 of page id 304 ptopic8 group id 2515 of page id 304 ptopic7 group id 2511 of page id 304 ptopic6 group id 2507 of page id 304 ptopic5 group id 2503 of page id 304 ptopic4 group id 2499 of page id 304 ptopic3 group id 2495 of page id 304 ptopic2 group id 2491 of page id 304 ptopic1 group id 2487 of page id 304 pColdTopics Definition - Partitions,4 Container object - In partitions,5 Creating partitions,19 Utilities used to create partitions,20 Definition - Replicas,8 Server - Replica storage,8 Purposes,9 Fault tolerance,10 Information access,11 Types of replicas,12 Master replicas,13 Read/write replicas,15 Read-only replicas,16 Creating replicas,19 Utilities used to create replicas,20 Partitions modification,13 Definition - Read/write replicas,15 Definition - Read-only replicas,16 pTextPort pHotTopics Overview,2 Objectives,3 Partitions,4 Replicas,8 Master Replicas,13 Read/write Replicas,15 Read-only Replicas,16 Creating Partitions and Replicas,19 Summary,23 pptotno pTemplate Page 1 of 24{ !!!!!! AAAAAA AAAAAA Index estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds AppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 6AgTextID group id 1955 of page id 304 ffield Lesson Index Click Next to begin this lesson or click an Index button to jump to the topic of your choice. choice. topic1 DbButtonID button id 2485 of page id 304 DfFieldID field id 2486 of page id 304 DppBounds 3405,2760,6390,3075 EpEnabled bButton fField OverviewgyyzXx topic2 JF&FbButtonID button id 2489 of page id 304 F\FfFieldID field id 2490 of page id 304 FppBounds 3405,3465,6390,3780 FpEnabled bButton fField Objectives topic3 GbButtonID button id 2493 of page id 304 HfFieldID field id 2494 of page id 304 RH8HppBounds 3405,4155,6390,4470 dHpEnabled bButton fField Partitions topic4 IrIppBounds 3420,4845,6405,5160 IfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 IpEnabled IpLines JbButtonID button id 2497 of page id 304 FJL2LpEnabled VLNLpLines LhLbButtonID button id 2501 of page id 304 LppOffset LppLineHeight LppLines LppEnabled MfFieldID field id 2502 of page id 304 bButton fField Master Replicas topic6 PN6NppBounds 6285,2760,9270,3075 N`NfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 NpEnabled NpLines NbButtonID button id 2505 of page id 304 OppOffset *O OppLineHeight BO:OppLines `OTOppEnabled rOfFieldID field id 2506 of page id 304 bButton fField Read/write Replicas topic7 PppBounds 6285,3465,9270,3780 PfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 PpEnabled QpLines PQ,QbButtonID button id 2509 of page id 304 lQbQppOffset QppLineHeight QppLines QppEnabled QfFieldID field id 2510 of page id 304 bButton fField Read-only Replicas topic8 RppBounds 6285,4065,9270,4590 FS$SfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 dSXSpEnabled |StSpLines SbButtonID button id 2513 of page id 304 SppOffset SppLineHeight SppLines TppEnabled 6TfFieldID field id 2514 of page id 304 bButton fField Creating Partitions and Replicas;U topic9 vU\UppBounds 6285,4845,9270,5160 UfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 UpEnabled UpLines UbButtonID button id 2517 of page id 304 0V&VppOffset PVFVppLineHeight hV`VppLines VzVppEnabled VfFieldID field id 2518 of page id 304 bButton fField Summary keyUp whatRevAmI keyUp 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup seqno isCntrl isShift whatRevAmI Background Title Rev 1.00 bookname EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept pTextPort estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,3750,9290,6270 gTextID group id 8 of page id 347 ffield Replicas - Ensure Fault Tolerance Replicas can help ensure fault tolerance by eliminating single points of failure. For example, if a server disk crashes or a natural disaster occurs, a replica on a server in another location can allow users to log in and access information about objects in that partition. Server 1 Washington, DC Server 2 San Diego, CACC Server 3 Boulder,COO DCC I have a replica of Partition A. I have a replica of Partition A. Server 1 Washington, DC Server 2 San Diego, CACC Server 3 Boulder,COO DCC CRASH! Page 10 of 24 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept pTextPort Page 12 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,3750,9290,6270 gTextID group id 8 of page id 326 ffield There are three types of replicas found within the NDS database: - Master replicas - Read/write replicas - Read-only replicass - Read-only Replicas Partition A edo, OH . San Diego, CA Master Replica Partition A edo, OH . San Diego, CA Master Replica Partition B edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read/write Replica Partition C edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read-only Replica Partition A edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read/write Replica Partition B edo, OH . San Diego, CA Master Replica Partition B edo, OH . San Diego, CA j!B!g! Master Replica 3 i 2 Partition C edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read/write Replica Partition A edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read-only Replica Partition C edo, OH . San Diego, CA Master Replica Partition C edo, OH . San Diego, CA Master Replica Partition B edo, OH . San Diego, CA R(*(O( Read-only Replica v).)s) Server 1 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA NetWare B*o * Server 1 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA NetWare Server 2 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA NetWare &-o * Server 2 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA NetWare Server 3 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA NetWare Server 3 oledo, OH . San Diego, CA NetWare Partition B edo, OH . San Diego, CA ^262[2 Read/write Replica Partition C edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read-only Replica Partition C edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read/write Replica Partition A edo, OH . San Diego, CA T6,6Q6 Read-only Replica Partition B edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read-only Replica Partition A edo, OH . San Diego, CA Read/write Replica EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 358 ffield Creating Partitions and Replicas A partition is created automatically when you install NDS on a server and configure that server to be the first server in any container. any container.e. popup fpopup borderstype rectangle Workstation boot files: DO workstation operating jkl;kl;jkl;kl;kl;kl;k;kljljkljkljkljkljkljkljkljkljklkjljkghfhgfdghfdghfhfghfghfhgfdhfg ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggglllllllllll buttondown buttonup buttondown 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup 0,0,0 popup component buttonup 0,0,0 popup Root Root Page 19 of 24 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 355 ffield You can also use the master replica to read or update Directory tree information, such as adding or deleting objects.ts.w Server 1 Server 1 Server 3 Server 3 I have the master replica of Partition A. You can also add or delete objects within me! I can't do that! read-only..d-Only. zE2EwE I can add objects. I am read/write!!!!! Server 2 Server 2 Page 14 of 24 title buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Index Index 2/.eb buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile , "bGlossary") tbk" buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,4,30,20,111,114,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.61,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.61,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bTopMenu,29.68,41.93,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,29.68,84.14,50.86,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place title Title Screen EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 component LeavePage tialize 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 component LeavePage pptotno pTemplate title Partitions and Replicas Partitions and Replicas NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 1 Company Company Partition A Partition A Partition C Partition C Marketing Marketing LaserWriter LaserWriter LaserQueue LaserQueue Deidre Deidre Engineering Engineering Eng. Parts Dev. Eng. Parts Dev. n$F$k$ Wallace Wallace `&8&]& Partition B Partition B NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 3 NetWare Server 1 NetWare Server 2 v*N*s* NetWare Server 3 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 9 of 24! estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 352 ffield Replicas serve two purposes: - To ensure fault tolerance - To provide faster access to information... Faster Access Faster Access Fault Toleranceem Fault Tolerancee D!3 % hD^DeD XP0PUP H\ \E\ EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept pTextPort estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 357 ffield Read-only Replicas In contrast to master and read/write replicas, read-only replicas may be used to view, but not modify, NDS database information. Read-only Replica Read-only Replica I'm sorry, you cannot modify these objects!! Page 16 of 24 EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage popup DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pPopup POPUP pTemplate concept pTextPort estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 359 ffield You can also create partitions and replicas at any time by using the Partition Manager tool in the NetWare Administrator graphical utility or the PARTMGR menu utility.. Partition Administration Manage Partitions Change Context Allows you to: Split Partitions Merge Partitions Add Replicas Delete Replicas Modify Replicas popup fpopup borderstype rectangle No definition for PARTMGR buttonup buttonup popup Page 20 of 24 The text utility used to create, delete, merge, and manage partitions and replicas. pTemplate TrueFalse pWr1_Fb Incorrect. The use of partitions and replicas increases fault tolerance and provides faster access to information. pCor_Fb Correct. The use of partitions and replicas increases fault tolerance and provides faster access to information. pFeedbackPort pTextPort Page 21 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pFeedbackPort destroy pFeedbackPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,5115,9285,6270 gTextID group id 7 of page id 345 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 315,1485,9270,4680 gTextID group id 22 of page id 345 Select True or False. buttondown buttonup buttondown False False 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert .qffinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup pcor_fb pwr1_fb False 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert .qffinvert 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup pcor_fb pwr1_fb False buttondown buttonup buttondown 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert false .qffinvert false 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup false false pcor_fb pwr1_fb 0,0,0 0,100,0 Hfinvert false .qffinvert false 0,100,0 0,0,0 component buttonup false false pcor_fb pwr1_fb False estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ffield The use of partitions and replicas reduces the chance of losing the entire NDS database and provides users faster access to information across the network. across the network. work. etwork. C:\TOOLBOOK\COURSE7.TBK :REPORTDATA 09 +09 FromGoTo FromGoTo curfocus altyes false InCor ActButton FromGoTo System `D|D| System `D|D| pIndex page id 232 ActButton 22.TBK" 38625 !&"V" #F#v# Xuser showwindow( gsetwindowword( 9792,7200 8,-14,1024 +512) -- ** Prog. banner content here "Public Switched Telephone Network" -- ** J -- o4 digit no ( ,unit,sec,lesson) c"yes" PMark SMark TotNo TMark c"I" c"C" \ LeaveBook EnterBook LeaveBook EnterBook showwindow setwindowword setwindowword showwindow reader Public Switched Telephone Network PMark SMark TotNo TMark result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component normal result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component level bmarkfile coursefile place bookname seqno totno bancont LeaveBook normal normal normal bmarkfile $N%true Jan 27 1993 10:30:04 AM LessComp(3,2,3) System gD|D| ActButton ActButton ActButton LessComp(1,1,1) LessComp(2,2,1) curfocus false scrollx field id 0 of page id 148 IdNumber of this Background = 19 field id 43 of page id 198 curfocus fD|D| FromGoTo FromGoTo FromGoTo curfocus gD|D| ActButton fD|D| FromGoTo FromGoTo field id 89 of page id 181 false gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| LessComp(2,2,2) pplaceLastDate vTemp1 73874 ActButton pptottry ppbancont ppPlace ppLevel System !true !true 05:06:34 PM 8 of page id 232 :PRINTLAYOUT 09 +09 System `D|D| Fixedsys ActButton p7000LastDate Nov 30 1992 03:52:41 PM p7000Time 17095 p7215LastDate !true %p7215Time !20680 s Rmn `D|D| id 1124 of page id 261 button id 408 of page id 232 `D|D| ActButton 8 of page id 232 8 of page id 232 recordField id 1124 of page id 303 ActButton 8 of page id 232 ActButton :CONDITIONDATA IdNumber of this Background = 19 IdNumber of this Background = 19 this Background = 19 AltKey DoubleEntry DoubleEntry DoubleEntry DoubleEntry FromGoTo ActButton IdNumber of this Background = 19 5 of page id 185 field id 51 of page id 155 omGoTo fD|D| fD|D| DoubleEntry pplaceTime Partitions and Replicas p5000LastDate 08:36:21 PM p5000Time Nov 18 1992 03:06:26 PM Title stname PrintReview System `D|D| to handle EnterPage send DoPage end EnterPage to handle whatRevAmI system bookname,rev push ptemplate of this page&&":Rev 1.00"&CRLF onto rev 20981 $45755 05:14:29 PM Courier System Arial Tms Rmn `D|D| Arial MS Sans Serif System Arial Arial Arial System Arial Arial LessComp(2,1,5) $true %true System `D|D| %true $05:57:15 PM $true $10:58:39 AM f$F%stoploop ActButton 56150 N%true N%true 56280 N%f%12:16:07 PM r%selection to 1 send foreground else hide rectangle "BlueBack" of this background end if set vComback of this page to my pback2 if vComback of this page is "show" show group "ComBack" of this background else hide group "ComBack" of this background end if send DoPage set ActButton of this book to true -- ** Set scn to the scenario number. If there is no scenario -- then set scn to "" -- set scn to "" set scn to my pScn -- ** Prog. set correct answer here ("T"/"F") -- set ans to "F" set ans to my pAns -- ** Prog. set feedbacks here -- set cor_fb to " " set cor_fb to my pCor_Fb -- set wr1_fb to " " set wr1_fb to my pWr1_Fb end EnterPage to handle LeavePage set SysLockScreen to true send FInvert "true,false" clear text of field "feed" end LeavePage to handle whatRevAmI system bookname,rev push ptemplate of this page&&":Rev 1.00"&CRLF onto rev 4"Z" set box2 to "" set box3 to "" set box4 to "" set box5 to "" set box6 to "" set box7 to "" set binno to my pBinNo step i from 1 to binno get textline i of my ptest set vscript to "set box"&i&" to "&""""&it&"""" execute vscript end step step i from 1 to binno set vscript to "select group "&i execute vscript send clear end step set the cor_FB of group "done" to my pCor_Fb set cor_fb to my pcor_fb set the wr1_FB of group "done" to my pWr1_Fb set wr1_fb to my pwr1_fb set exit_fb to my pExit_Fb end enterpage to handle LeavePage set SysLockScreen to true move group a to posa of this page move group b to posb of this page move group c to posc of this page move group d to posd of this page move group e to pose of this page move group f to posf of this page clear text of field "feed" clear finalstate of group a clear finalstate of group b clear finalstate of group c clear finalstate of group d clear finalstate of group e clear finalstate of group f clear finalstate of group g clear StopLoop of this page end LeavePage to handle whatRevAmI system bookname,rev push ptemplate of this page&&":Rev 1.01"&CRLF onto rev to handle buttondown loc set vname to name of target if vname = a or vname = b or vname = c or vname = d or vname = e or \ vname = f or vname = g send drag_buttondown loc,vname end if to handle drag_buttondown loc,vvname set xoff to item 1 of loc - item 1 of position of group vvname set yoff to item 2 of loc - item 2 of position of group vvname do get sysmouseposition move group vvname to item 1 of it - xoff, item 2 of it - yoff until keystate(keyleftbutton) is up end to handle buttonUp system binno set vname to name of target set syslocscreen to false set finalstate of group vname to 0 put bounds of group vname into xxx clear stoploop of this book step i from 1 to binno put bounds of button ("bin" & i) into zzz send snap xxx,zzz,vname put bounds of group vname into xxx if stoploop of this book is true put i into finalstate of group vname break buttonup end if end step step i from 1 to binno put bounds of button ("bin" & i) into zzz set a to item 1 of xxx + ((item 3 of xxx - item 1 of xxx)/2) set b to item 2 of xxx + ((item 4 of xxx - item 2 of xxx)/2) if a >= item 1 of zzz and a <= item 3 of zzz and \ b >= item 2 of zzz and b <= item 4 of zzz set finalstate of group vname to i move group vname to position of button ("bin" & i) break buttonup end if end step end ButtonUp normal nner and Pagination L-L-L- Df4f4f4f4f4 BlueBack comback Banner Partitions and Replicas buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Index ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component ponent ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component Index buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bGoTo,b22,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,5,30,20,111,116,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.07,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.07,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bGoTo,3.70,42.26,50.86,32.16,22,1342242816,128,Go To Page,0,bTopMenu,57.68,42.17,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,31.54,83.61,50.90,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place HH(HDHG EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pPopup POPUP pTemplate concept Page 2 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 256 of page id 317 ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 ffield Partitions and replicas are important parts of the NetWare Directory Services (NDS) database. Partitions are logical divisions of the NDS database for distribution across the network. Replicas are copies of partition information that are stored throughout the network. The effective planning of these components can increase the efficiency of the NDS database and accessibility of information across a NetWare v4.0 network and ensure system fault tolerance. <.o " ^%K V Overview Street popup fpopup Fborderstype rectangle A global, distributed, replicated database built into NetWare v4.0 that maintains information about, and provides access to, every resource on the network. buttonup buttonup popup EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept Page 3 of 24 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 gTextID group id 24 of page id 318 ffield At the end of this lesson, you will be able to do the following: - Define "partition." - Define "replica." - Identify reasons for using partitions and replicas. - Match each of the three types of replicas to its definition and purpose....u ` ` 8 G$ ` ` ` \5q L o t ~ t Q ` xJq L o t ~ t Q pLo < AAA!!!" ` ` ` ` L o t ~ t Q c AAA L o t ~ t Q Objectives EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept pTextPort estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 300,3750,9290,6270 gTextID group id 8 of page id 319 ffield Partitions The NDS database is divided into smaller portions called partitions. By segmenting the NDS database information in this manner, it becomes easier for you to manage.ble.s manner the NDS database becomes more manageable. 6OX ' NetWare Server 1 NetWare Server 3 NetWare Server 2 Partition B Partition B Partition A Partition A Partition C Partition C Engineering Engineering d$<$a$ Eng. Parts Dev. Eng. Parts Dev. Wallace Wallace Company ^(6([( Company NetWare Server 3 J)")G) NetWare Server 2 NetWare Server 1 v*N*s* Marketing Marketing LaserWriter LaserWriter LaserQueue LaserQueue Deidre p.H.m. Deidre B 6/A 0a: < Xi: < Bk: < lm: < Vo: < Page 4 of 24 normal buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bGoto getValue pptotno pptotno Go to Page (1 - Page number is not within this component bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vPage vStartPage vTotalPages vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile component destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pPopup POPUP pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 30 of page id 322 ppBounds 4680,1455,9300,6255 ffield When a partition is generated, it includes the original container object and all subordinate containers and objects. Note that because NDS does not include any information about the file system or the file system's directories and files, neither do NDS partitions. popup fpopup borderstype rectangle No definition for container object buttonup buttonup popup Container Objects Objectsts Company Company Marketing Marketing LaserQueue LaserQueue LaserWriter LaserWriter Container Objects Objectsts |++ ' NetWare Server NetWare Server Page 5 of 24 Objects that hold, or contain, other objects (for example, Organization, Organization Unit, and Country objects). Container objects are used as a way to logically organize all the other objects in the Directory tree. destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds title -- Topic Button menuButton_change theSelf -- Intrinsic Behavior "bButton" obButtonID "fField" ofFieldID vText vBounds #) > 20 ,+ 600 D- 90 [+ 2505 t+ 120 + 600 + 2505 oppBounds opEnabled }theLocation oppEnabled within( opInverted , theObject theInverted oppInverted pText theText ofTextID pExcludeTab theExcludeTab excludeTab adjustBounds opNoAdjust destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds