PLast EnterPage leavePage EnterPage DoPage ESetComp 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,100,0 0,0,0 leavePage 0,0,0 0,0,0 pTextPort ptemplate plast Page 21 of 21 AAAAAA" ` ` L o t ~ t Q ` ` L o t ~ t Q 3 $ ~ Lesson estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds fGLGppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 vGgTextID group id 543 of page id 197 ffield You have now completed this lesson. To select another lesson, click Menu or Map. To search for information on a specific topic, click Options, and then click Topic Search. For more information on these topics, refer to the NetWare v4.0 Utilities Reference. gTextID 4665,1470,9285,6270 ppBounds ffield pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds pTextPort group id 11 of page id 358 Page 17 of 21 NetWare Administrator NetWare Administrator is a new graphical utility that provides much of the same functionality as all of the workstation text utilities combined. You can use NetWare Adminstrator to perform all workstation tasks except logging in. Helpow NetWare Administrator Object Viewow Options Toolsryyy Windowyyy OU=Bikes and Trikes.O=Apollo line4 Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing line5 R and D R and D R and D line6 COAXG COAXG COAXG line7 CYCLEB CYCLEB CYCLEB 8 J5e line8 GEARG 8 8e $ H8{ GEARG 8 n:e GEARG Bikes and Trikes EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 340 ffield New Graphical Workstation Utilities Graphical workstation utilities allow network administrators to manage the network through Microsoft Windows v3.x or OS/2 Presentation Manager v2.x . NetWare Administrator is a new graphical utility available with NetWare v4.0. Partition Managerstrator - Partition Managerrr Partition ManageretWare Administrator - Partition Managerer Helpow NetWare Administrator Object Viewow Options Toolsryyy Windowyyy OU=Bikes and Trikes.O=Apollo line4 Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing line5 R and D R and D R and D line6 COAXG COAXG COAXG line7 CYCLEB CYCLEB CYCLEB 8 6:e line8 GEARG $ 4={ GEARG 8 Z?e GEARG Bikes and Trikes Page 16 of 21 keyUp whatRevAmI keyUp 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup seqno isCntrl isShift whatRevAmI Background Title Rev 1.00 bookname EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname 4$n&Q pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 18 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 342 ffield Examples of tasks you can perform with NetWare Administrator include the following: - Manage NetWare Directory Services (NDS) objects - Manage file system directories and files - Set up and manage printing - Implement file system and NDS securityct rights - Manage partitions $ AAA 3 AAA Helpow NetWare Administrator 3 AAA Object 3 AAA Viewow 3 AAA Options 3 AAA Toolsryyy 3 AAA Windowyyy OU=Bikes and Trikes.O=Apollo Bikes and Trikes Manufacturing R and Dturing COAXGacturing CYCLEBcturing GEARGacturing Manage NDS Objects d%<%a% Manage Directories and Files Set Up and Manage Printing ^&6&[& Implement Security Manage NDS Objects Manage Directories and Files Set Up and Manage Printing Implement Security buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bGoto getValue pptotno pptotno Go to Page (1 - Page number is not within this component bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vPage vStartPage vTotalPages vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile component TIMESYNC Controls time synchronization on servers running NetWare Directory Services. SERVMAN Changes SET parameters in the .NCF files. Also contains IPX/SPX, device, volume, and network information. SBACKUP Backs up data across the network. SBACKUP is the user interface utility used with the Storage Management Services (SMS) architecture. Real Time Data Migration (RTDM) Enables remote booting of IBM PC-compatible diskless workstations that have network boards and remote boot Programmable Read-only Memory chips (PROMs) installed. NWSNUT Use NWSNUT (NLM Utility User Interface) if you have a loadable module (such as MONITOR or SERVMAN) that requires NWSNUT's library of routines and functions. NPRINTER Allows a printer attached to the server to be a network printer. DSREPAIR Repairs and corrects problems in the NetWare Directory Services Database. DOMAIN Creates a protected OS domain (OSP) to be run in ring 1, 2, or 3. All NLMs should be developed and tested in an OSP domain. CDROM Allows the server to use a CD-ROM disk as a read-only volume. phwordscount pTextPort vComback !vBlueBack pTemplate textPick pBack1 pBack2 pTest 1,text 111111111111111 2,text22222222222 Page 14 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 11 of page id 353 ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 ffield The following is a list of the ten new or updated NLMs offered with NetWare v4.0. Click on each one to see what it can do for you. CDROM DOMAIN DSREPAIR NPRINTER NWSNUT SBACKUP SERVMAN TIMESYNCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC HOTWORDS HOTWORDS popup2 popup2 2 borderstype rectangle buttonup buttonup popup2 pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname group id 23 of page id 347 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID 3030,1470,9285,6277 ppBounds ffield There are many new utilities offered in NetWare v4.0. The advantages of these utilities include: - Fewer, yet more powerful, utilities - Utilities available in a variety of interfaces Page 20 of 21 N AAA Summary hatRevAmI EnterBook whatRevAmI LeaveBook whatRevAmI :Lesson Book Rev 1.19 bookname EnterBook seconds altkey sizetopage reader setSysBooks ppTotTry ppBancont ppLevel ppPlace PMark SMark TotNo TMark result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component normal svEnterTime svTotalIdle svStartIdle result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component level bmarkfile StartZ coursefile place bookname seqno totno bancont tottry LeaveBook MMM dd y hh:min:sec AMPM set vLastTime to p time of book bmarkfile set p LastDate of book bmarkfile to vLastDate set p Time of book bmarkfile to vDiff FromGoTo vLastTime vCommand vLastDate vDiff vTotal svEnterTime svLeaveTime svTotalIdle bmarkfile place terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage popUp2 popUp2 buttonUp phwordscount popup2 get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf popup2 popup2 popUp2 get my pf set vtemp to my pf set text of field "popUp2" popUp2 vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname mouseEnter buttonDown indexButton_change keyUp leavePage keyUp ptemplate 0,0,0 0,0,0 Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt popup vTemplate seqno isCntrl isShift buttonDown hotword popup displayHotword vtext No definition for fpopup System vtext fPopup fPopup fPopup popup vLines fpopup popup vText mouseEnter hotword indexButton_change pHotTopics vGpage vGPage vPage vItem vTopic theSelf leavePage popup PopUpBig PopUp Big destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 12 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 356 ffield New NLMs An NLM is a program you load and unload from server memory while the server is running. NLMs are disk drivers, LAN drivers, name space modules, management applications, and so on, that are loaded on the server's operating system. Operating System Operating System Load and Unload Load and Unload title PLast gTextID 4665,1470,9285,6270 ppBounds ffield pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds pTextPort group id 11 of page id 327 Page 9 of 21 NetWare v4.0 Utilities NetWare v4.0 offers the following two categories of utilities: - Server utilities and NLMs - Workstation utilities These NetWare v4.0 utilities support Windows, OS/2, and DOS environments.ext utilities These NetWare v4.0 utilities support Windows, OS/2, and DOS environments.ronments.NetWare v4.0 utilities support Windows, OS/2, and DOS environments. NetWare v4.0 Workstation Utilities o ` ~ Server Utilities and NLMs NetWare v4.0 NetWare v4.0 Workstation Utilities Server Utilities and NLMs NetWare v4.0 nel: Right Half terpage leavePage enterpage menuButton_change enterpage ppTotNo DoPage 0,100,0 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf 0,0,0 INDEX 0,100,0 seqno totno component StartZ leavePage INDEX 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 menuButton_change pHotTopics vPage vTopic vName theSelf T|VK r N ptopic10 group id 2487 of page id 304 ptopic9 group id 2483 of page id 304 ptopic8 group id 2479 of page id 304 ptopic6 group id 2471 of page id 304 ptopic5 group id 2467 of page id 304 ptopic4 group id 2463 of page id 304 ptopic3 group id 2459 of page id 304 ptopic2 group id 2455 of page id 304 ptopic1 group id 2451 of page id 304 pColdTopics Changes,4 Types,5 Text utilities ,6 Menu utilities,7 Graphical utilities,8 Categories,9 Text workstation utilities,19 Advantages,20 Server utilities list ,11 Tasks performed,10 Function - NLMs,12 NLMs,12 Drivers,13 List,14 Management utilities,13 Name space NLMs,13 Workstation utilities,15 Graphical workstation utilities - Function,16 NetWare Administrator,17 Task examples,18 pHotTopics Overview,2 Objectives,3 NetWare v4.0 Utility Types,5 Server Utilities and NLMs,10 New Server Utilities,11 New NLMs,12 Workstation Utilities,15 New Graphical Workstation Utilities,16 New Text Workstation Utilities,19 Summary,20 pTextPort pptotno pTemplate Page 1 of 21i !!!!!! AAAAAA AAAAAA Index estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds @ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 $AgTextID group id 1943 of page id 304 ffield Content Index Click Next to begin this lesson or click an Index button to jump to the topic of your choice. Overview Objectives NetWare v4.0 Interfaces Server Utilities Workstation Utilities Summaryyyryyy topic1 Ddraowdirect false DpEnabled DppBounds 3405,2760,6390,3075 DfFieldID field id 2450 of page id 304 .EbButtonID button id 2449 of page id 304 bButton fField OverviewgyyzXx topic2 bFVFdraowdirect false FtFpEnabled FppBounds 3405,3465,6390,3780 FfFieldID field id 2454 of page id 304 FbButtonID button id 2453 of page id 304 bButton fField Objectives topic3 Hdraowdirect false FH:HpEnabled rHXHppBounds 3405,4065,6390,4590 HfFieldID field id 2458 of page id 304 HbButtonID button id 2457 of page id 304 bButton fField NetWare v4.0 Utility Types topic4 IfFieldID field id 2462 of page id 304 JppEnabled :J2JppLines ZJPJppLineHeight vJlJppOffset JbButtonID button id 2461 of page id 304 JpLines JpEnabled JfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 &KppBounds 3420,4755,6405,5280 bButton fField Server Utilities and NLMs topic5 fLBLfFieldID field id 2466 of page id 304 LxLppEnabled LppLines LppLineHeight LppOffset LbButtonID button id 2465 of page id 304 MpLines DM8MpEnabled vMTMfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 MppBounds 3405,5535,6390,5850 bButton fField New Server Utilities topic6 NfFieldID field id 2470 of page id 304 NppEnabled NppLines OppLineHeight :O0OppOffset pOLObButtonID button id 2469 of page id 304 OpLines OpEnabled OfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 OppBounds 6285,2760,9270,3075 bButton fField New NLMs topic7 bButton fField Workstation Utilitiesss topic8 QfFieldID field id 2478 of page id 304 8R,RppEnabled PRHRppLines pRfRppLineHeight RppOffset RbButtonID button id 2477 of page id 304 RpLines RpEnabled SfTextID field id 64 of page id 154 ...hen press .er key. D:\>map Drives A,B,C map to a local disk. Drive D: = CN=CANDY_SYS.: \ ----- Search Drives ----- S1:=Z:. [CN=CANDY_SYS.: \PUBLIC] S2:=Y:. [CN=CANDY_SYS.: \PUBLIC\IBM\_PC\MSDOS S3:=C:\WIN31 S4:=C:\DOS D:\>>>OOLBOOK destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID 4665,1470,9285,6270 ppBounds pTextPort ffield group id 11 of page id 331 Page 7 of 21 Text Utilities - Menu Utilities Menu utilities are text utilities that allow you to perform tasks by choosing options from menus. Following is a list of some actions you might take while using this interface: - Use the arrow keys to move to menu choices. - Press to select a menu choice. - Press to move back one menu. - Press function keys to activate, modify, mark, select, or exit a menu item......em.u item. Currentpath: LISA\SYS:::Bikes and Trikes.0=Apollo Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: FILER v4.05 Context:OU=Bikes and Trikes.0=Apollo Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: Context:OU=Bikes and Trikes.0=Apolloikes.0=Apollo Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS:Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: Available Options Manage according to search pattern Select current directory View volume information Salvage deleted files Purge deleted files Set default filer options Manage files and directories ThursdayJanuary7, 1993 12:22PMMM title buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Index Index 122eV buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile , "bGlossary") tbk" buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,4,30,20,111,114,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.61,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.61,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bTopMenu,29.68,41.93,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,29.68,84.14,50.86,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place title Title Screen EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 component LeavePage tialize 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 component LeavePage pptotno pTemplate title New Utilities and Interfaces New Utilities and Interfaces D:\>map Drives A,B,C map to a local disk. Drive D: = CN=CANDY_SYS.: \ ----- Search Drives ----- S1:=Z:. [CN=CANDY_SYS.: \PUBLIC] S2:=Y:. [CN=CANDY_SYS.: \PUBLIC\IBM\_PC\MSDOS S3:=C:\WIN31 S4:=C:\DOS S5:=C:\TOOLBOOK Currentpath: LISA\SYS:::Bikes and Trikes.0=Apollo Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: FILER v4.05 Context:OU=Bikes and Trikes.0=Apollo Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: Context:OU=Bikes and Trikes.0=Apolloikes.0=Apollo Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS:Volumeobject: CN=CANDY_SYS. Currentpath: LISA\SYS: Available Options Manage according to search pattern Select current directory View volume information Salvage deleted files Purge deleted files Set default filer options Manage files and directories ThursdayJanuary7, 1993 12:22PMMM7 Helpow NetWare Administrator Object Viewow Options Toolsryyy Windowyyy l$D$i$ OU=Bikes and Trikes.O=Apollo line4 Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing line5 R and D R and D R and D line6 COAXG COAXG COAXG line7 CYCLEB CYCLEB CYCLEB 8 pGe line8 8 LEe GEARG GEARG GEARG Bikes and Trikes terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage popUp2 popUp2 buttonUp phwordscount popup2 get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf popup2 popup2 popUp2 get my pf set vtemp to my pf set text of field "popUp2" popUp2 vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 357 ffield Workstation Utilities All workstations retrieve their NetWare utilities from a NetWare server. Utilities are provided by NetWare for Windows- or OS/2-based graphical workstations as well as for DOS text-based workstations. orm workstation tasks from a DOS workstation. Windows or OS/2 Workstation Windows or OS/2 Workstation DOS Workstation Workstation DOS Workstation Workstation E DHD I jH+ Page 15 of 21 gTextID 4665,1470,9285,6270 ppBounds ffield pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds pTextPort group id 11 of page id 336 Page 13 of 21 NetWare v4.0 has four types of NLMs: - Disk drivers, which control communication between the operating system and the hard disks - LAN drivers, which control communication between the operating system and the network boards - Management utilities and server applications, which allow you to monitor and change configuration options - Name space NLMs, which allow non- DOS naming conventions to be stored in the directory and file naming system Drivers Driversrivers Drivers Driversrivers Enhancement Enhancement NLM Utilities NLM Utilities Management Management Driversrivers Driversrivers NetWare NetWare Space Space `!F![! PARTMGR Allows you to create, manage, and merge partitions of the database. NETUSER Replaces SESSION and enables users to perform basic NetWare tasks. Users can set up print jobs, manage drive mappings, access network attachments, and send messages to other users. NETADMIN Allows you to create objects and assign rights and properties. UIMPORT Allows the network administrator to create many User objects at the same time using a database. NPRINTER Allows a printer attached to any server to be a network printer. NPRINTER is also listed as a user tool because it can be installed on the workstation as well as on the server. NLIST Allows you to view information about files, directories, users, groups, volumes, servers, and queues. Allows you to create custom menus for users. This version is easier to use and requires less memory than previous versions of the utility. Allows you to change your position, or context, in the Directory tree. AUDITCON Allows individuals, acting independently of network supervisors and other users, to audit network transactions. Auditors can audit NetWare Directory Services events as well as those specific to a volume file system or a server. phwordscount pTextPort vComback vBlueBack pTemplate textPick pBack1 pBack2 pTest 1,text 111111111111111 2,text22222222222 Page 19 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 21 of page id 354 ppBounds 4680,1470,9300,6270 ffield New Text Workstation Utilities New or updated text workstation utilities are listed below. Click on each utility to see what it can do for you. Command Line Utilities: AUDITCON NLIST NPRINTER UIMPORT Menu Utilities: NETADMIN NETUSER PARTMGR PSETUP PSETUP HOTWORDS HOTWORDS popup2 popup2 borderstype rectangle buttonup buttonup popup2 destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds C:\TOOLBOOK\COURSE7.TBK :REPORTDATA 09 +09 FromGoTo FromGoTo curfocus altyes false InCor ActButton FromGoTo System `D|D| System `D|D| pIndex page id 232 Z 1,text for graphic 1, text1 2,text for graphic 2, text2 3,text for graphic 3, text3 tno,bancont 4result,revnum,numrev,revdes,atmpt,component,level,bmarkfile Xuser showwindow( gsetwindowword( 9792,7200 8,-14,1024 +512) -- ** Prog. banner content here "Public Switched Telephone Network" -- ** J -- o4 digit no ( ,unit,sec,lesson) c"yes" PMark SMark TotNo TMark c"I" c"C" \ LeaveBook EnterBook LeaveBook EnterBook showwindow setwindowword setwindowword showwindow reader Public Switched Telephone Network PMark SMark TotNo TMark result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component normal result revnum numrev revdes atmpt component level bmarkfile coursefile place bookname seqno totno bancont LeaveBook normal normal normal bmarkfile stoploop LessComp(3,2,3) System gD|D| ActButton ActButton ActButton LessComp(1,1,1) LessComp(2,2,1) curfocus false scrollx field id 0 of page id 148 IdNumber of this Background = 19 field id 43 of page id 198 curfocus fD|D| FromGoTo FromGoTo FromGoTo curfocus gD|D| ActButton fD|D| FromGoTo FromGoTo field id 89 of page id 181 false gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| LessComp(2,2,2) pplaceLastDate p7000LastDate 73874 ActButton pptottry ppbancont ppPlace ppLevel !ActButton 93953 !12:43:41 PM 01:53:48 PM age id 232 :PRINTLAYOUT 09 +09 Title stname PrintReview `D|D| s Rmn `D|D| id 1124 of page id 261 button id 408 of page id 232 `D|D| ActButton 8 of page id 232 8 of page id 232 recordField id 1124 of page id 303 ActButton 8 of page id 232 ActButton :CONDITIONDATA IdNumber of this Background = 19 IdNumber of this Background = 19 this Background = 19 AltKey DoubleEntry DoubleEntry DoubleEntry DoubleEntry FromGoTo ActButton >mhu$ 5 of page id 185 field id 51 of page id 155 omGoTo fD|D| fD|D| DoubleEntry pplaceTime New Utilities and Interfaces p5000LastDate 08:36:21 PM p5000Time Nov 18 1992 03:06:26 PM Dec 02 1992 05:02:43 PM p7000Time !p7112LastDate Z |#52026 11:29:58 AM p7112Time 12691 27475 f 01:24:01 PM System `D|D| System `D|D| 32517 LessComp(1,1,2) ActButton 93607 Jan 27 1993 10:15:31 AM gD|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| SYSTEM System gD|D| `D|D| gD|D| system System System 6!f! !&"V" er of selection to 1 send foreground else hide rectangle "BlueBack" of this background end if set vComback of this page to my pback2 if vComback of this page is "show" show group "ComBack" of this background else hide group "ComBack" of this background end if to handle leavepage hide group "popUp2" set text of field "popUp2" to null to handle buttonUp set vname to name of target set QT to """" step i from 1 to textlinecount(my ptest) get item 1 of textline i of my ptest if vName = item 1 of textline i of my ptest get textline i of my ptest set vtemp to textline i of my ptest clear item 1 of vtemp set vscript to "set text of field ""popUp2"""&" to "&QT&vtemp&QT execute vscript show group "popUp2" end if end step ct rectangle "blueback" of this background set layer of selection to 1 send foreground else hide rectangle "BlueBack" of this background end if set vComback of this page to my pback2 if vComback of this page is "show" show group "ComBack" of this background else hide group "ComBack" of this background end if to handle leavepage hide group "txt1" set text of field "txt1" to null to handle buttonUp set vname to name of target set QT to """" step i from 1 to textlinecount(my ptest) get item 1 of textline i of my ptest if vName = item 1 of textline i of my ptest get textline i of my ptest set vtemp to textline i of my ptest clear item 1 of vtemp set vscript to "set text of field ""txt1"""&" to "&QT&vtemp&QT execute vscript show group "txt1" end if end step normal nner and Pagination L-L-L- Df4f4f4f4f4 BlueBack comback Banner New Utilities and Interfaces buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Index ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component ponent ButtonUp ButtonUp 0,100,0 component Index buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup 0,0,0 seqno buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place \help pCaller vCaller place Dialog dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bGoTo,b22,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,5,30,20,111,116,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.07,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.07,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bGoTo,3.70,42.26,50.86,32.16,22,1342242816,128,Go To Page,0,bTopMenu,57.68,42.17,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,31.54,83.61,50.90,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage popUp DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pPopup POPUP pTemplate concept Page 2 of 21% estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 gTextID group id 264 of page id 317 ffield This lesson provides essential information about NetWare v4.0 utilities. This lesson covers the following topics: - NetWare v4.0 utility types based on interface - New server utilities and NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs) - New workstation utilitiesssss Z$K * "%K D J%K p Q h9d Overview Street popup fpopup Fborderstype rectangle `F&F]F No definition for NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs) buttonup buttonup popup EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTemplate concept Page 3 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID group id 24 of page id 318 ppBounds 3030,1470,9285,6277 ffield At the end of this lesson, you will be able to do the following: - Identify NetWare v4.0 utility types based on interface. - Identify new NetWare v4.0 server utilities and NLMs. - Identify new NetWare v4.0 graphical workstation utilities. - Identify new NetWare v4.0 text workstation utilities............... ` ` ` ` 8 =( L o t ~ t Q H7o < L o t ~ t Q AAA!!!" ` ` 8 3X ` ` ` Hiq L o t ~ t Q c AAA ` d~q L o t ~ t Q Objectives EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage popUp DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pPopup POPUP pTextPort pTemplate concept Page 4 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 319 ffield Introduction There have been several utility changes in NetWare v4.0. NetWare v4.0 eliminates some utilities from previous versions, combines related utilities, and introduces new utilities and NLMs. Because of differences between the NetWare v4.0 NetWare Directory Services (NDS) and the previously-used bindery database, utilities in earlier versions of NetWare do not always correspond directly to NetWare v4.0 utilities. es. es, new graphical and text utilities are also graphical and text utilities are also offered. NetWare v4.0 Earlier Versions of NetWare NetWare v4.0 Earlier Versions of NetWare Do not always correspond Do not always correspond popup fpopup borderstype rectangle A global, distributed, replicated database built into NetWare v4.0 that maintains information about, and provides access to, every resource on the network. buttonup buttonup popup normal estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds gTextID 4665,1470,9285,6270 ppBounds pTextPort ffield group id 11 of page id 322 Page 10 of 21 pTemplate concept EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname Server Utilities and NLMs Network administrators use server utilities to maintain the network. These utilities are available only from the server console or a remote console. Examples of tasks you can perform with server utilities include the following: - Change memory allocations - Monitor the network - Monitor how the server is being used - Control how workstations use network resources on the server - Link drivers and management utilities with the operating system Link drivers and management utilities Link drivers and management utilities Control network resources Monitor network Change memory allocations Monitor server use Link drivers and management utilities Control network resources Monitor network Change memory allocations Monitor server use destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds EnterPage whatRevAmI EnterPage DoPage whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname whatRevAmI ptemplate :Rev 1.00 bookname pTextPort pTemplate concept estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 349 ffield Graphical Utilities NetWare v4.0 graphical utilities use the Windows or OS/2 Presentation Manager graphical interfaces. The graphical interface is very user-friendly. You can activate functions in this interface by: - Pulling down menu options - Closing and opening windows - Using scroll bars - Clicking buttons - Performing single-click, double-click, and mouse drag options - Using the mouse or the keyboard at any timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey timerag options Helpow NetWare Administrator Object Viewow Options Toolsryyy Windowyyy OU=Bikes and Trikes.O=Apollo line4 Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing line5 R and D R and D R and D line6 COAXG COAXG COAXG line7 CYCLEB CYCLEB CYCLEB 8 ^=e line8 8 :;e GEARG GEARG GEARG Bikes and Trikes Page 8 of 21 SCAN FOR NEW DEVICES Checks for installed hardware that has had drivers loaded since the server was last booted. REMIRROR PARTITION Starts remirroring of a logical disk partition. MIRROR STATUS Displays all mirrored logical disk partitions and the status of each. MEDIA Confirms that media requests ("Insert Media" and "Remove Media") from the server have or have not been satisfied. MAGAZINE Confirms that magazine requests ("Insert Magazine" and "Remove Magazine") from the server have or have not been satisfied. LIST DEVICES Displays device information for the server. LANGUAGE Sets the server to use specific language message files for NLMs or utilities. Allows you to select the nationality or language of your keyboard. ABORT REMIRROR Stops remirroring of a logical disk partition. phwordscount vComback vBlueBack pTextPort pTemplate textPick pBack1 pBack2 pTest 1,text 111111111111111 2,text22222222222 Page 11 of 21 estroy destroy adjustBounds pText pText gTextID ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds pTextPort destroy pTextPort gTextID pText fText pText fText theText adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds ppBounds 4665,1470,9285,6270 gTextID group id 11 of page id 355 ffield New Server Utilities The following is a list of the nine new or updated server utilities offered with NetWare v4.0. Click on each one to see what it can do for you. ABORT REMIRROR LANGUAGE LIST DEVICES MAGAZINE MEDIA MIRROR STATUS REMIRROR PARTITION SCAN FOR NEW DEVICESsssssssssssssces HOTWORDS HOTWORDS popup2 popup2 borderstype rectangle buttonup buttonup popup2 destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds destroy buttonUp menuButton_change buttonDown buttonStillDown adjustBounds erted within pText pInverted pExcludeTab nverted pText pInverted pExcludeTab menuButton_change theSelf bButton bButtonID fField fFieldID fFieldID bButtonID fFieldID ppBounds pEnabled fFieldID set p of this page to my uniquename vBounds vText destroy set p of this page to null buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted bButtonID bButtonID theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fTextID theText pText fTextID pExcludeTab bButtonID bButtonID theExcludeTab pExcludeTab bButtonID adjustBounds pNoAdjust ppBounds title EnterPage --- Template Name: TextPick --- LATER DoPage vBlueBack opback1 vblueback vComback opback2 "ComBack" "popUp2" vname ophwordscount "popup2" vscript opf"&i&")" vtemp2 opf"&i&")" B"&j&" opf"&i vtemp5 B"&j&" opf"&i opf"&i opf"&i ""&" "&QT& terPage leavepage EnterPage buttonUp EnterPage DoPage vBlueBack pback1 vblueback BlueBack background blueback foreground BlueBack vComback pback2 vComback ComBack ComBack leavepage popUp2 popUp2 buttonUp phwordscount popup2 get textlinecount(my pf set vtemp2 to textlinecount(my pf get textline of my pf set vtemp5 to textline of my pf popup2 popup2 popUp2 get my pf set vtemp to my pf set text of field "popUp2" popUp2 vtemp vtemp5 j:to1 vtemp2 vscript vname