menu7210 gStar dShadow gline1 dShadow dLine gLine2 dShadow dLine gLine5 dShadow dLine gLine3 dShadow dLine gLine4 dShadow dLine gLine6 dShadow dLine dHighlight fField Lesson NetWare Directory Services (NDS)/ NetWare Directory Services (NDS) gMenu ppMarked ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pStrokeColor 60,50,100 pFillColor 0,25.125,100 fUpperTextID field id 1786 of page id 138 fLowerTextID field id 1785 of page id 138 fUpperUnitID field id 1784 of page id 138 fLowerUnitID field id 1783 of page id 138 dCompID rectangle id 1782 of page id 138 gComputerID group id 1781 of page id 138 dFaceID rectangle id 1665 of page id 138 dFace gComputer dComp fLowerUnit Lesson 1: fUpperUnit Lesson 1: fLowerText Introduction to NDS v4.0 fUpperText Introduction to NDS v4.0 gMenu ppMarked false 7ppEnabled 47&7pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 Z7J7pStrokeColor 60,50,100 7n7pFillColor 0,25.125,100 7fUpperTextID field id 1910 of page id 138 7fUpperUnitID field id 1909 of page id 138 8fLowerTextID field id 1908 of page id 138 j8F8fLowerUnitID field id 1907 of page id 138 8z8dCompID rectangle id 1906 of page id 138 8gComputerID group id 1905 of page id 138 8dFaceID rectangle id 1789 of page id 138 dFace gComputer dComp fLowerUnit Lesson 2: fLowerText Working with NDS Objectses (NDS) cool button fUpperUnit Lesson 2: fUpperText Working with NDS Objectses (NDS) cool button gMenu ppMarked false 0S$SppEnabled XSJSpUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 ~SnSpStrokeColor 60,50,100 SpFillColor 0,25.125,100 SfUpperTextID field id 2158 of page id 138 SfLowerTextID field id 2157 of page id 138 RT*TdCompID rectangle id 2156 of page id 138 TfTgComputerID group id 2155 of page id 138 TdFaceID rectangle id 2039 of page id 138 TfUpperUnitID field id 2038 of page id 138 UfLowerUnitID field id 2037 of page id 138 fLowerUnit Lesson 3: fUpperUnit Lesson 3: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Context and NamingServices (NDS) cool button fUpperText Context and NamingServices (NDS) cool button gMenu ppMarked false ToHoppEnabled |onopUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 opStrokeColor 60,50,100 opFillColor 0,25.125,100 ofUpperTextID field id 2282 of page id 138 pfLowerTextID field id 2281 of page id 138 vpNpdCompID rectangle id 2280 of page id 138 pgComputerID group id 2279 of page id 138 pdFaceID rectangle id 2163 of page id 138 pfUpperUnitID field id 2162 of page id 138 6qfLowerUnitID field id 2161 of page id 138 fLowerUnit Lesson 4: fUpperUnit Lesson 4: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Implementing NDS Securitys (NDS) cool button fUpperText Implementing NDS Securitys (NDS) cool button gMenu 6ppMarked false ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pStrokeColor 60,50,100 pFillColor 0,25.125,100 fUpperTextID field id 2406 of page id 138 fLowerTextID field id 2405 of page id 138 dCompID rectangle id 2404 of page id 138 gComputerID group id 2403 of page id 138 dFaceID rectangle id 2287 of page id 138 fUpperUnitID field id 2286 of page id 138 fLowerUnitID field id 2285 of page id 138 fLowerUnit Lesson 5: fUpperUnit Lesson 5: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Partitions and Replicas0 fUpperText Partitions and Replicas0 gMenu SppMarked false ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pStrokeColor 60,50,100 pFillColor 0,25.125,100 fUpperTextID field id 2654 of page id 138 fLowerTextID field id 2653 of page id 138 dCompID rectangle id 2652 of page id 138 gComputerID group id 2651 of page id 138 dFaceID rectangle id 2535 of page id 138 fUpperUnitID field id 2534 of page id 138 fLowerUnitID field id 2533 of page id 138 fLowerUnit Lesson 6: fUpperUnit Lesson 6: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Bindery Emulationre v4.0 fUpperText Bindery Emulationre v4.0 terPage LeavePage EnterPage menuButton_change EnterPage HiComp index butno level place LeavePage menuButton_change pLabel FiButton vSelect theSelf butno level place LeavePage menuButton_change pLabel FiButton vSelect theSelf false pplabel pplabel pplabel pplabel pplabel pplabel false menu7310 tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled about pCaller page id 127 of Book "C:\SOFTWARE\NOVEL\COURSE7\COURSE7.TBK" Novell, Inc. Introduction to NetWare v4.0 Computer-Based Training v1.0 Novell Educationcation buttonUp buttonUp pcaller pcaller Return OURSEWARE ANDERSEN CONSULTING Courseware, a developer of customized training programs, is a unit of Andersen Consulting, part of the Arthur Andersen Worldwide Organization. Copyright 1993 by Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. c All rights reservedts reserved All rights reserved tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID 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dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? tbkfile.dll numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt tbkfile.dll numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Index Index Click a computer to make your selection.or P for Practice. Click a computer to make your selection.or P for Practice. buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place Dialog buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bAbout getValue about about pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bAbout getValue about about pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile ctrlID dlgBox 524480,4,30,20,111,114,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.61,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.61,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bAbout,29.68,41.93,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,About,0,bCancel,29.68,84.14,50.86,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bAbout,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE Options menu7000 OURSETITLE 8<:z= button button computr1 onscreen1 onscreen2 onscreen3 onscreen5 onscreen4 onscreen6 computr2 fp*!] $v+ p JvI p ` x" r ` ` *y ` Py ` vyJ ' ` computr3 Introduction to NetWare v4.0 Introduction to NetWare v4.0 computr4 Introduction to NetWare v4.00m Manager to NetWare v4.00NetWare v4.00m Manager NetWare v4.0 to NetWare v4.00m Manager Introduction to NetWare v4.00m Manager to NetWare v4.00NetWare v4.00m Manager NetWare v4.0 to NetWare v4.00m Manager menu7110 terPage LeavePage EnterPage menuButton_change EnterPage HiComp index butno level place LeavePage menuButton_change pLabel FiButton vSelect theSelf butno level place LeavePage menuButton_change pLabel FiButton vSelect theSelf N%v%(CPCxC buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? tbkfile.dll numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt tbkfile.dll numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup menu7000 coursefile place u7000 coursefile place Index Index Click a computer to make your selection.or P for Practice. Click a computer to make your selection.or P for Practice. buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place gStar dShadow gLine4 dShadow dLine gline1 dShadow dLine gLine2 dShadow dLine gLine3 dShadow dLine dHighlight fField Lesson gMenu &pplabel <&pEppMarked false Z&N&ppEnabled &t&pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 &pFillColor 240,37.625,100 &dCompID rectangle id 133 of page id 148 &gComputerID group id 132 of page id 148 N'('dFaceID rectangle id 16 of page id 148 'd'fUpperUnitID field id 15 of page id 148 'fLowerUnitID field id 14 of page id 148 fLowerUnit Lesson 4: fUpperUnit Lesson 4: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Using Novell ElectroText and HelppHelp fLowerText Using Novell ElectroText and HelppHelp Overview of NetWare v4.0 &Fc|D Overview of NetWare v4.0 gMenu ^EVEpplabel tppMarked false EppEnabled EpUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 EpStrokeColor 60,50,100 EpFillColor 240,37.625,100 PF.FgComputerDisabledID group id 393 of page id 148 F`FdCompID rectangle id 297 of page id 148 FgComputerID group id 296 of page id 148 FfUpperTextID field id 180 of page id 148 GfLowerTextID field id 179 of page id 148 bGFdFaceID rectangle id 3854 of page id 127 dFace fLowerUnit Unit 2::: fLowerText NetWare Directory Services (NDS) cool button fUpperUnit Unit 2::: fUpperText NetWare Directory Services (NDS) cool button gComputer dComp gComputerDisabled gMenu gpplabel CppMarked DppEnabled gpUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 0h hpStrokeColor 60,50,100 ZhDhpFillColor 120,25.125,100 hvhgComputerDisabledID group id 4322 of page id 127 hdCompID rectangle id 4226 of page id 127 hgComputerID group id 4225 of page id 127 Di ifUpperTextID field id 4172 of page id 127 ~iZifUpperUnitID field id 4171 of page id 127 ifLowerTextID field id 4170 of page id 127 ifLowerUnitID field id 4169 of page id 127 jdFaceID rectangle id 4168 of page id 127 dFace fLowerUnit Unit 3::: fLowerText Planning a Directory Treen this cool button fUpperUnit Unit 3::: fUpperText Planning a Directory Treen this cool button gComputer dComp gComputerDisabled gMenu pplabel gppMarked gppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pFillColor 300,25.125,100 gComputerDisabledID group id 5339 of page id 127 dCompID rectangle id 5243 of page id 127 gComputerID group id 5242 of page id 127 fUpperUnitID field id 5188 of page id 127 fLowerUnitID field id 5187 of page id 127 fLowerTextID field id 5189 of page id 127 dFaceID rectangle id 5185 of page id 127 dFace fLowerText Novell ServicesWare v4.0 fLowerUnit Unit 4:gdfgdfgdfgdfgdf 1412: fUpperUnit Unit 4:gdfgdfgdfgdfgdf 1412: fLowerText Novell ServicesWare v4.0 gComputer dComp gComputerDisabled gMenu pplabel ppMarked ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pStrokeColor 60,50,100 pFillColor 180,25.125,100 gComputerDisabledID group id 5496 of page id 127 dCompID rectangle id 5400 of page id 127 gComputerID group id 5399 of page id 127 fUpperTextID field id 5346 of page id 127 fLowerTextID field id 5345 of page id 127 dFaceID rectangle id 5344 of page id 127 fUpperUnitID field id 5343 of page id 127 fLowerUnitID field id 5342 of page id 127 fLowerUnit fUpperUnit dFace fLowerText Course TouricesWare v4.0 fUpperText Course TouricesWare v4.0 gComputer dComp gComputerDisabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 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pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled `D|D| BMARK `D|D| review ;e 1,Objective 2,Objective 3 1,2,1,1,3 numrev revdes Objective 1,Objective 2,Objective 3 0*B!no !review ;revnum numrev *revdes K\LESS1111.TBK 86YES "11.TBK Fcotno "curpage" falseinvert B"a" B"b" B"c" B"d" function removes blanks REMBLANK SSTRING OUTSTRING TO "" PUT CHARCOUNT ( ( )INTO I 1 TO I ! J OF H <> " " AS TEXT ? J OF b AFTER checks within a certain area checkinc xxx, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd,EEE,FFF aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) turns --non- ITCOUNTLESSNULL NUMSTR TO ITEMCOUNT( 1 TO D OF 9 = "" DECREMENT itcountlessnull zero ITCOUNTLESSZERO 1 TO D OF = "0" itcountlesszero initialize ENTERBOOK doban falseinvert FIND_MENU checkinc ITCOUNTLESSNULL REMBLANK ITCOUNTLESSZERO ENTERBOOK SIZETOPAGE C:\TOOLBOOK\MENUS.TBK BMARK PMARK FIND_MENU menu_ PLACEX initialize doban curpage seqno totno falseinvert REMBLANK OUTSTRING SSTRING checkinc ITCOUNTLESSNULL NUMSTR ITCOUNTLESSZERO NUMSTR e 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination dehighlights & mult. choice questions. FInvert but function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader Author --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, ,review,atmpt,numrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing FiButton optn <<> 0 &"\less"& prints reviews PrRev revdes printreview O = 1 "yes" c"no" "You have demonstrated Lesson. recommended."\ sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) --Goes bookmark UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark --Removes [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" --Hilights on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) ,seg) --Resets state ColBut "I,C,P" --Gives effect pressing a hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= a graphic clicked ColChange obj selected letter Glossary ColPress newobj,oldobj glosspick pagination HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMas CompRev hidewindow PrRev setcomp InQues UseBookMark CheckBut RemBookMark previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook HiMap initialize ColBut hideshow doban ColChange userpath ColPress nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook Pxuserpath \result \bmark exist file not found tbkfile.dll copyFile bmark.tbk copyFile stname reader hidewindow place bmarkfile resultfile stname coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook hidewindow hidewindow coursefile coursefile userpath oPxuserpath coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteMas ARiteMas coursefile InQues InQues coursefile CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj false SMARK 1,0,0,0,0 cLesson: Topologies; Section: Network Foundation,Lesson: IEEE 802.5; Section: IEEE 802 >numrev =revdes >review catmpt review H?false `D|D| false gD|D| gD|D| ?true gD|D| ?true false \@usernames @ShortNames p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p pTopMenu @p,p,p,p p,p,p p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p initialize doban 4seqno, , totno,bancont banner FInvert but function checks within a certain area CheckInc xxx, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd,eee,fff aray flag (4 * i) O >= (j+1) i <= (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) returns --non- ItCountLessNull numstr ItemCount( * = "" Reader Author InQues result WRONG (0) 4atmpt, --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, m,review, cnumrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing option FiButton optn 4place ;<> 0 "c:\toolbook\less"& [&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes 3 = 1 printreview difference between 2 positions, each --having two xbeing used anymore ** FiDiff pos1, pos2 sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) HiComp butno,level numinvert Z = 3 a,b,i) SegComp(a,b) UnitComp(a) UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark i,j) <> "" C <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" hilights buttons on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) = "yes" ) = 1 ,seg) = 1 i ) = 1 ColBut B"I" B"C" B"P" CompRev doban PrRev LeaveBook setcomp HiComp FInvert UseBookMark Reader RemBookMark EnterBook previous Author togglestatus initialize HiMap InQues ColBut Find_Menu ItCountLessNull FiButton CheckInc FiDiff EnterBook reader showwindow setwindowword setwindowword showwindow coursefile bookname LeaveBook Find_Menu PLACEX initialize doban page banner seqno totno bancont FInvert CheckInc ItCountLessNull numstr Reader Author InQues atmpt result CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton c:\toolbook\less book page place PrRev printreview numrev review revdes FiDiff setcomp LessComp place coursefile HiComp LessComp SegComp SegComp UnitComp UnitComp i:to1 numinvert place level butno UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark RemBookMark UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 seqno previous seqno togglestatus 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp coursefile unitbutton ColBut 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 brevnum brevnum bnumrev bnumrev brevdes brevdes Tms Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Times New Roman System System gD|D| -d8dv !d8d dtrue dfalse 8dtrue Dd,d4 false Pdfalse false d~dwrongpass zdtrue \dfalse retrue dfalse efalse dtrue dtrue dtrue dtrue dtrue dtrue etrue etrue "etrue .etrue :etrue Fetrue Retrue ^etrue jetrue vetrue ftrue false efalse efalse efalse e&ftrue efalse false false gtrue ffalse System System Small Fonts Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman etrue Reader Author InQues result WRONG (0) 4atmpt, --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, m,review, cnumrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing option FiButton optn 4place, ;<> 0 &"\less"& T&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes 3 = 1 printreview sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) HiComp butno,level RiteFile UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" lights buttons on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) = "yes" ) = 1 ,seg) = 1 ) = 1 resets colors component ColBut "I,C,P" hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= effect a graphic clicked ColChange obj InQues CompRev initialize PrRev doban setcomp EnterBook HiComp RiteFile pagination UseBookMark RemBookMark hidewindow previous FInvert togglestatus Reader HiMap Author ColBut LeaveBook hideshow ColChange nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook reader hidewindow coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h LeaveBook hidewindow hidewindow Find_Menu PLACEX initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author InQues atmpt result CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteFile o\cRiteFile coursefile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark RemBookMark UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 seqno previous seqno togglestatus 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp coursefile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut I,C,P component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination dehighlights & mult. choice questions. FInvert but function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader c"help" Author --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, ,review,atmpt,numrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing FiButton optn <<> 0 &"\less"& U&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes printreview O = 1 "yes" c"no" "You have demonstrated b Lesson. recommended."\ sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) --Goes bookmark UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark --Removes [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" --Hilights on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) ,seg) --Resets state ColBut "I,C,P" --Gives effect pressing a hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= a graphic clicked ColChange obj selected letter Glossary ColPress newobj,oldobj glosspick pagination HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMaster CompRev PrRev hidewindow setcomp UseBookMark InQues RemBookMark CheckBut previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook initialize HiMap ColBut doban hideshow userpath ColChange ColPress nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook Nettech WrongPass Pxuserpath reader hidewindow place bmarkfile resultfile stname resname coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook tbkfile.dll wrongpass hidewindow hidewindow coursefile coursefile userpath oPxuserpath coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteMaster RiteMaster coursefile InQues InQues coursefile CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus wrongpass 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj false ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj false false false false rBook 4coursefile,bookname,pgno,fill,stroke,fill_h,stroke_h,path,userpath 4place,bmarkfile,resultfile,stname "1000" [WrongPass 0,0,0 0,75.3125,0 0,75.3125,0 0,0,0 hidewindow LeaveBook X"tbkfile.dll" [wrongpass --This handler hides 9puts DOS environment ^NOVCBT ^USERCBT --Highlights completed coptions HiComp butno,level --Writes mastery test results RiteMaster --Initializes InQues --Checks component correct depression CheckBut buttons are hilighted ChPageHi high gives appropriate Find_Menu <> 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination dehighlights & mult. choice questions. FInvert but function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader c"help" Author --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, ,review,atmpt,numrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing FiButton optn <<> 0 &"\less"& U&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes printreview O = 1 "yes" c"no" "You have demonstrated R Lesson. recommended."\ sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) --Goes bookmark UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark --Removes [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" --Hilights on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) ,seg) --Resets state ColBut "I,C,P" --Gives effect pressing a hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= a graphic clicked ColChange obj selected letter Glossary ColPress newobj,oldobj glosspick pagination HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMaster CompRev PrRev hidewindow setcomp UseBookMark InQues RemBookMark CheckBut previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook initialize HiMap ColBut doban hideshow userpath ColChange ColPress nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook WrongPass Pxuserpath reader hidewindow place bmarkfile resultfile stname coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook tbkfile.dll wrongpass hidewindow hidewindow coursefile coursefile userpath oPxuserpath coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteMaster RiteMaster coursefile InQues InQues coursefile CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus wrongpass 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj About keyUp keyUp Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt isCntrl isShift menu7410 @&S2f>g gStar dShadow gline1 dShadow dLine gLine2 dShadow dLine gLine4 dShadow dLine gLine3 dShadow dLine dHighlight fField Lesson gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabled Novell Services Novell Services gMenu ppMarked gppEnabled 2h$hpUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 \hFhpFillColor 300,25.125,100 hrhfLowerTextID field id 1044 of page id 142 hdCompID rectangle id 1042 of page id 142 hgComputerID group id 1041 of page id 142 idFaceID rectangle id 925 of page id 142 tiRifUpperUnitID field id 924 of page id 142 ifLowerUnitID field id 923 of page id 142 fLowerUnit Lesson 1: fUpperUnit Lesson 1: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Novell Training Opportunities fLowerText Novell Training Opportunities gMenu ppMarked ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pFillColor 300,25.125,100 fLowerTextID field id 1292 of page id 142 dCompID rectangle id 1290 of page id 142 gComputerID group id 1289 of page id 142 fUpperUnitID field id 1173 of page id 142 fLowerUnitID field id 1172 of page id 142 dFaceID rectangle id 1171 of page id 142 dFace fLowerUnit Lesson 2: fUpperUnit Lesson 2: gComputer dComp fLowerText Novell Support ServicesnitiesS) cool button fLowerText Novell Support ServicesnitiesS) cool button gMenu ppMarked ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pFillColor 300,25.125,100 fLowerTextID field id 1417 of page id 142 dCompID rectangle id 1415 of page id 142 gComputerID group id 1414 of page id 142 fUpperUnitID field id 1298 of page id 142 fLowerUnitID field id 1297 of page id 142 dFaceID rectangle id 1296 of page id 142 dFace fLowerUnit Lesson 3: fUpperUnit Lesson 3: gComputer dComp fLowerText Novell Certification ProgramsS) cool button fLowerText Novell Certification ProgramsS) cool button gMenu ppMarked ppEnabled pUnitStrokeColor 0,100,0 pFillColor 300,25.125,100 fLowerTextID field id 1665 of page id 142 dCompID rectangle id 1663 of page id 142 gComputerID group id 1662 of page id 142 dFaceID rectangle id 1546 of page id 142 fUpperUnitID field id 1545 of page id 142 fLowerUnitID field id 1544 of page id 142 fLowerUnit Lesson 4: fUpperUnit Lesson 4: dFace gComputer dComp fLowerText Novell Information Resources fLowerText Novell Information Resources terPage LeavePage EnterPage menuButton_change EnterPage HiComp index butno level place LeavePage menuButton_change pLabel FiButton vSelect theSelf butno level place LeavePage menuButton_change pLabel FiButton vSelect theSelf gpplabel pplabel pplabel pplabel intro intro 2|3b4 M@M|M M0NlN N O\O &vc~K Click anywhere to continue. Click anywhere to continue. first keyUp keyUp Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component tbkfile.dll review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt isCntrl isShift tton_change buttonUp buttonDown menuButton_change buttonStillDown pText pInverted pLabel pMarked within pEnabled pInverted pLabel pMarked pText pEnabled menuButton_change theSelf dComp dCompID gComputer gComputerID gComputerDisabled gComputerDisabledID fUpperUnit fUpperUnitID fLowerUnit fLowerUnitID fUpperText fUpperTextID fLowerText fLowerTextID dFace dFaceID pFillColor dFaceID pStrokeColor fUpperTextID pUnitStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pEnabled pInverted pMarked buttonUp ppEnabled within menuButton_change pInverted theLocation buttonDown ppEnabled pInverted buttonStillDown ppEnabled within pInverted pInverted theLocation within theObject theLocation pInverted dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 dCompID pFillColor dCompID 0,0,0 theInverted pInverted ppInverted pText fUpperTextID fLowerTextID theText pText fUpperTextID pLabel fUpperUnitID fLowerUnitID ppLabel vStep vTemp vText theText pLabel ppLabel pMarked dCompID dCompID pFillColor ppMarked theMarked pMarked ppMarked pEnabled gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperUnitID fUpperTextID gComputerDisabledID gComputerID fUpperTextID pStrokeColor fUpperUnitID pUnitStrokeColor ppEnabled theEnabled pEnabled ppEnabled buttonup buttonup Do you want to exit the course? tbkfile.dll numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt tbkfile.dll numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt buttonup buttonup menu7000 coursefile place u7000 coursefile place Index Index Click a computer to make your selection.or P for Practice. Click a computer to make your selection.or P for Practice. buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup \help pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place buttonup buttonup pCaller vCaller place Dialog buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile dlgInit Cancel setValue dlgBox dialog bCancel getValue bSearch getValue tindex.tbK tindex.tbk pCaller bTopMenu getValue pTopmenu bGlossary getValue glossary.tbK glossary.tbk pCaller vTopMenu vCaller vResult vTempInit vInit coursefile dlgInit button bSearch,b19,TRUE button bGlossary,b21,TRUE button bTopMenu,b25,TRUE button bCancel,b20,FALSE dlgBox 524480,4,30,20,111,116,,,Options,8,Helv,bSearch,3.70,6.61,50.86,32.16,19,1342242816,128,Topic Search,0,bGlossary,57.87,6.61,50.86,32.16,21,1342242816,128,Glossary,0,bTopMenu,30.82,42.71,50.86,32.16,25,1342242816,128,Main Menu,0,bCancel,31.50,84.14,50.93,12.31,20,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Options first Novell Logo buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE Ghost Logo hVXhV XhXXe hXVXhh XfXhhV XXhXV hXhXU_ hhUXX VXhXh XXhXe XXhbf ehXVU XUUXU UXUXX XUXPhX hhXehX XPXUPXP XUXXV hXXfX PXUPXP UXPUU hXhXhhg ghVXXV PPUUXXP XUhXV VXhhVXf UXUUPU XUXPUP hhXhXV VhXXe UUPPX hXXhV XPUUXUX UhXhf XXhhi XUUPXPXU PXPXX XXPXU UUXUU XXUXUXXP XUXPX UXUXX fXhXe UPXXgg XhXfv_ ehhXh UXXPUU XXPPU XUPXX UUXUP XehhX hXhXeff UPXPPXU UUXXU hVXhV hhXhe UXXPU XUXPXUU PUXXU hXeUo XhhXXgXX PUXPX PXUPX PUXUXU UXUUP UXXUXP PXXUXU PUUPU PPXPX XUXPU h_XXhXh PXXPU PXUPX XhhVvv UXXUX PPXXPXU UXXPPUX PXXPU PXXPU UXPXUU PXPXUX XUXUU XXUPU UXPPU PXXPU PXXPU PXPXX PXXUX UPUPU hXXhf XhXVXXhV PXXPU XUPXP hXhXV UPXXPU XXUPU UUPXX hehUo XeXRXhV UPXXUPXXUU XXUPU UPUXPU UPUXX heXVX PPUPU hXVUXhhe XPXXPXXPU XPUPU PXXPUPP PXUXU PXUPUXX XXPXP XXUUX PUUPU UXUXXUP XhXeh PXXUXXU XXPPU XXUXXU PXUPU hVXXhXgo PPUUPU PUXUP UUXPPU PXXUX PUXXU PXUXU UUXPU PXPXP PXXPUP PXPUXUX XUXUP UPUXXUUX PXUUPX UPUPX (("" PUXUPU (( ( PPUXUU UXXPU ( ( " XUUXU UPPXU ((" " XUPXPU XXPXU PXPPU PPUUX XPXXPU UXPUPP PPXPP XPXPPU XPUUXXU " ( ( XUPXX XUPPU XPUUPP XPXUXPU PXUPPUPPU PUPXP PUUPXP UUXXU XPXPU XXUPXP PUXUPU XPXPPU ( (( PPXPX XXPXPPU UPXPPU (( " PXPXX PXXPP PUPPU PPXPU XXUPU XUPPU XPPXUU ( (" XPPUPPXP X"("/ PPUPP PXXUUX XXPUXPU "(" " ( ((" ("("" RB PXPXPP (( (! 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