The jump command

You use the jump command to display different documents in the Amiga Mosaic window.

Template: item,url/k,index/k/f,map/k/f,form/k/f

Exactly one of item or url must be specified. Item select one of several options for display.

You use index, map and form to add search keys to a URL before jumping to it. index converts the value given to it into an indexed search. map accepts X Y pairs, and uses that to query the image that URL designates. form accepts a string of name value pairs, and turns them into a query of the form that URL designates. The value of these keywords is ignored if URL is not specified. FORM is not implemented yet.

Item is one of:

Jumps back one document in the history list.
Jumps forward one document in the history list.
Jumps to the home document.
Jumps to the current document, but reloads it from the WWW.

Up to the commands, on to open or back to get.
Mike W. Meyer