(logo)  Screen 2: Windows

On this settings page, you can specify the location and size of the windows, and the window refresh mode.

Location and size

There are two button groups, one for the initial browser window, and one for the network status window.

Specify the window coordinates in the X and Y gadgets, and the width and height in the W and H gadgets. Alternatively, you can click the snapshot button that will fill in these gadgets with the current values.

The values for the browser window only apply to the first window that is opened. The second and later windows will be opened shifted over a small distance to the bottom and right, provided there is enough room on the screen.


Currently, this group only contains the Simple refresh checkbox. This checkbox determines the window refresh mode. The refresh mode determines what happens if a window is (partially) obscured by another window.
Smart refresh
For a smart refresh window, the obscured part is put away temporarily by the operating system. If part of the window is revealed, the system automaticcaly restores the uncovered portion. This is relatively fast, because the program need not to redraw the window contents. Major disadvantage is, that this method needs possibly large amounts of chip memory, especially on screens with many colours.

Simple refresh
No parts of the window are saved for simple refresh windows. If part of the window is revealed, the program must redraw the uncovered parts. This will take up no extra chip memory at all. The major drawback is, that it is not possible to scroll the window contents if it is partially covered. Therefore, scrolling a simple refresh window causes the entire window to be cleared and redrawn, even when scrolled small amounts.

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