/* $Revision Header built automatically *************** (do not edit) ************ Copyright by Dirk Federlein ** File : TeXAddressList.dfa ** Created on : Monday, 04.04.94 18:53:56 ** Created by : Dirk Federlein ** Current revision : V2.0 ** Purpose ** ------- ** - Puts all addresses of a running DFA application into a file. ** The formatting is done in LaTeX style, so you need TeX ** (e.g. PasTex, (c) Georg Hessmann) to print them. The ** addresses will be printed using a very small font size, so ** a lot of addresses will fit on one page. ** Revision V2.0 ** -------------- ** created on Monday, 04.04.94 18:53:56 by Dirk Federlein. LogMessage : ** --- Initial release --- *********************************************************************************/ tabchar = '09'X cr = '0A'X TEXFILENAME = "ram:AddressList.tex" pagelines = 0 options results if open('exfh', TEXFILENAME ,'W') then numchars=writech('exfh', '\documentstyle[german,A4] {report}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\begin{document}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\noindent') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\begin{flushleft}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\tiny\begin{tabular}[b] {|l|l|l|l|}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\hline') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', 'Name&Phone Number&ZIP/PC City\\ \hline \hline') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) address "DFA" cr = '0A'X FIRST STEM ADR. do while RC = 0 numchars=writech('exfh', left(ADR.ADDRESS.1,20, '')) numchars=writech('exfh', ' ') numchars=writech('exfh', left(ADR.ADDRESS.2,20,'')) numchars=writech('exfh', '&') numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.10) numchars=writech('exfh', '&') numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.5) numchars=writech('exfh', ' ') numchars=writech('exfh', left(ADR.ADDRESS.6,20,'')) numchars=writech('exfh', '\\ \hline') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) pagelines = pagelines + 1 if pagelines > 95 then numchars=writech('exfh', '\end{tabular}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\end{flushleft}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\newpage') numchars=writech('exfh', '\begin{flushleft}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\tiny\begin{tabular}[b] {|l|l|l|l|}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\hline') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', 'Name&Phone Number&ZIP/PC City\\ \hline \hline') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) pagelines = 0 end next stem adr. numchars=writech('exfh', '\end{tabular}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\end{flushleft}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\end{document}') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr)) numchars=writech('exfh', '\end') numchars=writech('exfh', (cr))