NAME WriteUMSConfig -- Write an element to the global configuration. SYNOPSIS success = WriteUMSConfig( login, tags ) D0 D2 D3 BOOL WriteUMSConfig( LONG, struct TagIten * ); success = WriteUMSConfigTags( login, tag1, ... ) BOOL WriteUMSConfigTags( LONG, ULONG, ... ); FUNCTION Write or change something in the global UMS configuration. INPUTS Allowed tags: CfgData : STRPTR this tag holds the data to be written to a string. CfgUser : STRPTR name of the user whose config should be changed. CfgGlobalOnly : (none) change only global config elements. The following tags are mutually exclusive. Use exactly one of them. CfgName : STRPTR Name of the string that should be changed. If it does not already exist, the string will be created. If no tag CfgData is specified, then the string will be deleted. CfgDump : STRPTR write the current settings to a file with given name. RESULT success - whether it was possible and allowed to make the desired write or change. BUGS This function should provide tags to create or delete users, netgroups, akas, etc. These are not implemented yet. Tell the author (Martin Horneffer) when you need them! SEE ALSO ReadUMSConfig()

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