NAME UMSSelect -- Select messages. SYNOPSIS count = UMSSelect( login, tags ) D0 D2 D3 LONG UMSSelect( LONG, struct TagItem * ); count = UMSSelectTags( login, tag1, ... ) LONG UMSSelectTags( LONG, ULONG, ... ); FUNCTION Select messages in the MB according to various criteria. To 'select' here means to set or unset some flags, which then can be used by UMSSearch(), stored or transferred to another user. UMSSelect() can only do one operation upon every invocation. An operation usually looks for all messages that fullfill the specified criteria and then selects them in a specified way. When you want to select messages by different, logically combined criteria, you may need to call UMSSelect() more than once and use some temporary flags. However, very few calls to this functions usually should suffice. INPUTS The following tags control the selection of messages. Thus, they somehow specify the 'output' of the select operation. SelWriteGlobal : (none) manipulate global flags on the selected messages. SelWriteLocal : (none) manipulate your local login-flags. SelWriteUser : STRPTR manipulate another user's user-flags. You must specify the users name (or alias). SelWriteGlobal, SelWriteLocal and SelWriteUser are mutual exclusive -- you can manipulate only one flag-table at a time. When specifying none of these tags, your user-flags will be manipulated as default. SelSet, SelUnset : LONGBITS on each selected message the 'SelUnset' flags are cleared and then the 'SelSet' flags are set. ['status = (status & ~unset) | set;'] When writing global- or user-flags, you are not allowed to manipulate all possible flags. See <ums.h> for protected flags. The following tags control what and how messages are selected, the 'input' and 'modes' of the select operation. SelStart, SelStop : LONG Limit the number of messages to be processed. The select operation will start with the message indicated by 'SelStart' and stop before the 'SelStop' message. In other words, start is included and stop is excluded. (0 < start <= messages to be processed < stop) This was different and partly buggy in MBP versions prior to V10.16. If no 'SelStart' is specified, the operation starts with the first message; if no 'SelStop' is specified, the operation stops at the last existing message. The following seven operations are mutually exclusive: 1) select by status SelReadGlobal : (none) SelReadLocal : (none) SelReadUser : STRPTR like SelWriteGlobal, SelWriteLocal, SelWriteUser, but specifys which flags to look at. Again, your user-flags are the default. SelMask, SelMatch : LONGBITS specify a mask and a match. If (status & mask) == match [status * mask = match], the message will be selected. SelParent : (node) with this tag specified, each message's 'parent' (reference; -> reply-chaining) will be inspected instead of its own status. 2) select by date SelDate : LONG the messages' dates are compared with the supplied date (in seconds since 1.1.1978) and only the younger ones will be selected. 4) select a tree SelTree : LONG you must specify the number of a message here. Then all messages being in the same reply-tree will be selected. 5) select a sub-tree SelSubTree : LONG like SelTree, but only the subtree (the one with the specified message as its root) is selected. 6) select a single message SelMsg : LONG select only the specified message. 7) select by text WMsgText, .. WMsgText + 127 : STRPTR when you specify one of these tags, the function selects all messages which have the supplied string in the specified field. The strings are compared case-INsensitive. SelQuick : (none) when this tag is specified, 'quick-search' is enabled for selecting texts. This means that only some CRCs on the texts are compared. This makes it possible to select also some wrong messages. Yet, due to the usage of 32-bit CRCs, the probability of selecting wrong messages is VERY low, you most likely will never experience this case. As 'quick-search' does not usually need to access mass- storage, it is VERY FAST. RESULT count - how many messages have been selected. Zero, when no message has been selected or an error has occured. EXAMPLE See SelectMail.c for examples on how to use this function. NOTES Although LONGBITS are used in the definition, the current implementation only uses/supports the lower 16 bits. SEE ALSO UMSSearch(), <usm.h>, </demo/SelectMail.c>

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