NAME LogUMS -- Write an entry to the global UMS logfile. SYNOPSIS LogUMS( login, level, format, args ) D2 D4 D5 D6 LogUMS( LONG, LONG, STRPTR, LONG * ); LogUms( login, level, format, ... ) LogUms( LONG, LONG, STRPTR, ... ) FUNCTION Write a short message to the UMS logfile, doing printf-style formatting on supplied parameters. Rather than creating all its own logfile, an application should use this function to report its actions and/or errors. This makes it easier for the user to get an overview on what is happening in his system - he only has to look in ONE logfile. LogUMS() uses a 'level'-parameter to decide whether a message should actually be written to the logfile or be ignored. The lower this number, the more important is the message. Choose it as follows: 1-4: an ERROR. 1=very fatal error, 4=recoverable error. 5-7: general information or report. 8-9: information that is not useful for normal operation, but used for debugging purposes. Of course messages with higher level-values should appear more frequently than those with low level-values. INPUTS level - Number between 1 and 9. format - Printf-style format-string. See RawDoFmt() for more information on formatting. args - Arguments for the format-string. SEE ALSO RawDoFmt()

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