Template: O=Owner/S,IP=IP-Addr/S,Kick=Kickstart/S,WB=Workbench/S,NIPC/S, FM=FastMem/S,CM=ChipMem/S,P=Processor/S,C=Chips/S, S=Services/S,E=Entities/S,A=All/S, SR=ScanRealms/S,SH=ScanHosts/S,SA=ScanAll/S, K=Kludge/S,MT=MaxTime/K/N,MP=MaxPackets/K/N, R=Realms/K/M/A,SF=SaveFile/K/A This is a version which can be used with automated shell scripts. It's also useful on machines not (yet) equipped with MUI. Feature ;-) The shell version does not honor the preferences file of the MUI version. O=Owner/S see Lots of Checkboxes and Strings IP=IP-Addr/S Kick=Kickstart/S WB=Workbench/S NIPC/S FM=FastMem/S CM=ChipMem/S P=Processor/S C=Chips/S S=Services/S see Services E=Entities/S see Entities A=All/S All information possible SR=ScanRealms/S SH=ScanHosts/S SA=ScanAll/S K=Kludge/S see 40.2-kludge MT=MaxTime/K/N see Preferences MP=MaxPackets/K/N SF=SaveFile/K/A R=Realms/M/A List of Realms to scan