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Menus ----- Project Menu ............ ReLogin... This menu item will open the Login Window. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'L' About... This menu item will open the information requester. You'll find the current user and server displayed in it. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'?' Quit... If you select this menu item IntuiNews will be terminated. If there are still changes which should be applied to the messagebase IntuiNews will let you confirm this decision. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'Q' Groups Menu ........... Read... See button Read.... Catch up With this menu item you can mark all messages in all selected groups as read. This way you can get off lots of uninteresting messages very fast. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'C' Select Pattern... With this menu item you can select groups by a AmigaDOS patterns. You are prompted for pattern and have the options to select, deselect or toggle all matching groups. Use 'Cancel' to abort this function. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'T' Select all With this menu item you can select all groups. This is e.g. usefull if you want to use "Catchup" or "Read...". Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'+' Unselect all With this menu item you can deselect all groups. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'-' Rescan See button Rescan. Rescan all Under some rare circumstances it is necessary to recreate the group list from scratch. This can be done with this menu item. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'A' Messages Menu ............. Search... After selecting this menu item the Search Window is opend. You can use it to search for messages in the whole message base. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'S' Mail... See button Mail.... Post... See button Post.... Preferences Menu ................ Scan junked Normally IntuiNews will ignore messages junked by a filter program. If you want to see them anway switch on this menu item. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'J' Groupfilter active You can use the configuration variable IntuiNews.Groups to select the groups you wish to see. If you want to see all groups temporarily switch this menu item off. Keyboard shortcut: AMIGA-'G'

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