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Group Selection --------------- This listview is used to display all groups in alphabetical order. Behind every group you will see two numbers. The first one shows the number of new messages, the second one the total number of the messages fulfilling the criteria of ScanMode1. The content of this listview is directly affected by the settings of the cycle gadgets in the group window. Groups containing new messages to the current user are highlighted in the list. Since version 1.2 IntuiNews supports so called "mail folders" to be able to divide personal mail. These folders are shown at the top of the list labeled "Mail: <Foldername>". Attention: Folders are only supported if the folder field (15) is marked as index field in the "ums.config". Otherwise personal mail can not be sorted into different folders. The listview may be controlled via mouse or keyboard. After a double click on an entry the selected group will be scanned. After the scan has been completed the Article Window will appear showing all the messages in the selected group. Controlling the listview with the keyboard is this easy, too. Just use the cursor keys and SPACE to (de)select groups and RETURN to enter a group. The group selection supports multiselect. Use Read... to read one group after the other. See also: Read... ScanMode1 ScanMode2

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