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IntuiNews.QuoteHeader[...] ========================== You can use this variable to define the header for quoted messages. This variable's name can be expanded by a full or partially group name. These are the supported format identifiers: Attention: Because AmigaGuide and MultiView react differently on backslashes you may see two backslashes in the following options. Of course you should use only one in the UMS configuration. "\\\\" for a backslash. "\\n" for a linefeed. "\\t" for a tabulator. "%%" for the per cent sign. "%a" for the addresse of the original sender. "%d" for the creation date and time of the original message. "%f" for the firstname of the original sender. "%g" for the group of the orignal message. "%i" for the MessageID of the original message. "%N" for the firstname or "You" for mail. "%n" for the name of the original sender. "%s" for the subject of the original sender. Examples: Universal QuoteHeader for all messages: IntuiNews.QuoteHeader = ... ... "%n wrote in article <%i> about %s this:" QuoteHeader for NetMail: IntuiNews.QuoteHeader.Mail = ... ... "\\tHello %f !\\n\\nYou have written in '%g' this:" QuoteHeader like XRN's one for "de.#?": = "In article <%i>, wrote %n <%a>:" Default: "%n wrote in %g about *"%s*":"

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