Saving and Loading Files ------------------------ The system state can be saved to and loaded from files. The files are entered via the standard system file requester (ASL or whatever you patched it into). For consistency, the filenames should terminate with ".xsp". When a file is loaded or saved, this extension is automatically added if not added by the user. By selecting "Load" from the "Project" menu, a previously saved file can be loaded. This will load up all the masses and springs that were saved, as well as the system parameters. Any previous state before the load is cleared. "Insert" is much like the "Load" menu, except that the current state is not cleared. Instead, only the masses and springs are loaded (the system paramaters are not changed), and are added to the current collection. If no objects are selected when "Insert" is selected, then all the objects in the file are selected after they are loaded. Selecting "Save" saves this information in the last file you loaded from without any request. If you didn't load anything before, the file requester will pop up. "Save as" acts like "Save" but always displays the file selector. By default, the directory which contains the ASpringies files is present automatically, it's the subdir called 'lib' in the directory where ASpringies resides. Cancelling the file requester leaves the system state untouched. If a file error occurs (for example, the file does not exist), a warning requester appears.

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