History of ASpringies --------------------- It all began in late 1992, when I played around with xspringies on the Dec workstations at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. It was very entertaining, and I thought that this program deserved an Amiga port. When I decided to buy an Amiga 4000/40 later that year, this idea turned out to be my first serious programming job on that machine. Using the the tools listed below, programming was a great fun, but due to my lazyness it took much too long to get it ready for distribution -- about one year and six months. Thanks to the powerful programming tools and the unique Amiga operation system, ASpringies, although consisting of only some more than 50kB executable, is now (ahem) much more comfortable than its ancestor, xspringies. ASpringies was developed using the following hardware and tools: o Standard A4000/40/6/200 o SAS/C Compiler 6.3 o MUI (Magic User Interface) o Gnu Emacs editor (a must for at least every programmer!) o RCS (Revision Control System) o much time and passion... Version history --------------- Version 1.0: first public release

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