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Starting the ARCHandler To be able to use the ARCHandler you should install it first. If you double click the `Install'-icon, the handler will be installed for you (the installation requires the Commodore Installer, � Commodore). If you only want to test the handler, double click the `ARC'-icon and a disk-icon should appear on the Workbench-window named `Archives'. Once installed, you'll have to start the handler. If you've selected the `Always mount ARC: on start-up?'-option during the installation, the handler will be started after each reset. If you did not use this option, you'll have to start it manually: �under Workbench 2.1 or higher the easiest way is to double-click the `ARC'-icon in the `Storage/DOSDrivers'-drawer of your Workbench partition (or disk); �if you are using Workbench 2.04 or higher you can (also) start the handler by entering the following command in a Shell: Mount ARC: If everything was installed correctly, a disk-icon should appear on the Workbench-window named `Archives' (or the name you selected during installation).

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