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ARCHandler is Shareware This package is released as shareware. This means you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask any money for it, except perhaps a nominal fee for copying. If you like and use this package on a regular base, you should send me a contribution of 500 BEF or USD 15. Send money by International Money Order, EuroCheck (in BEF!) or Cash. The package is Copyright � Rafael D'Halleweyn, All Rights Reserved. The author reserves the right to change the status of this package whenever he finds it appropriate. This package should not be spread in any other form than an LhA (or equivalent) archive and all parts of it should be spread together. The package may not be altered in any way and cannot be used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the author. The archive should contain the following files: ARCHandler (dir) C (dir) FlushARC MountListEntry L (dir) arc-handler S (dir) MountList-header WhichLhA ARC Install ReadmeQuick The installation-script (`Install') and the extra commands it uses (`MountListEntry') are also copyrighted and can't be used in any other project/archive without the prior written permission of the author.

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