Short documentation for "DXEditor"

The program "DXEditor" is a so-called "Software-Editor" for the YAMAHA DX7II-synthesizer(I don't know exactly if it works with the original DX7 because I don't have any information about its MIDI-implementation...)

When the program is startet, a new screen will open, on which four windows appear. These look all very similar, only "----------" is shown in them. These windows are called "VoiceListWindows".
All loaded voices are shown in the most-left one, which is therefore called "MainVoiceListWindow" (title: "MainVL"). Voices which appear in this window can not be edited except the name (later more about this).

To load voices into a voicelist, you have to activate the window in which the voices should be loaded and activate the menu "Files/LoadVL". A filerequester pops up and you can select the voice-file you want to be loaded, e.g. "SmartEd.64Sounds" (64 voices by Wiliam Adjei which came on AmigaLibDisk708 with "SmartEd").

Voices are sorted alphabetically all time!

The next window to the right is the "EditVoiceListWindow" (title: "EditVL"). A voice in this window can be selected by double-klick with the left mouse-button and will be put in an internal edit-buffer. If you open one of the editors (menu "Editors/...") this voice will be removed from the voicelist and its parameters will show in the editor in order to be changed. To copy voices from the "MainVoiceListWindow" to the "EditVoiceListWindow" you have to select the voice in the "MainVL" with the left-mouse-button, keep it hold (the name will be highlighted and the mousepointer changes), drag the mouse over the "EditVoiceListWindow" and release the left-mouse-button. The voice will be copied and appear in the "EditVL". If you release the mouse-button outside a voicelist-window, a red "star" will appear, which means that the voice can be deleted by this action.

The two "VoiceListWindows" on the right are so-called "BankWindows" which means that there is a restriction that they can contain only up to 32 voices (like banks in the DX7).

To edit a voicename without starting the "Header-Editor" it is possible to go into "Key-Mode" when a "VoiceListWindow" is activated. Simply hit the "Esc"-button. A voice will be highlighted, you can use the cursor-up/-down to position the highlight over the voice you want to rename, the hit "Backspace" ("<-") and the color will change, you can edit the name like in any line-editor. RETURN will accept the new name, "Esc" will abort edition.

Keep on trying, there are much "drag & drop" features implemented, to many to mention in such a short time.

Detailed bug-reports and suggestions to:
Juergen Zimmermann
Ringstrasse 6
67317 Altleinigen