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Installing MUIProCalc ********************* Installing MUIProCalc isn`t that hard. First of all you should get hold of MUI (MagicUserInteface) and install it. MUIProCalc relies on MUI, since the complete User Interface was written using this great system. Having installed MUI (if you haven`t done so already), you may copy the program MCalc and it`s icon to a place you like. If you want to use the online help, you have to have AmigaGuide(C) installed. If so, move the supplied file to the same directory you moved the main program to. That`s it. In order to get online help, simply position the mouse over the object you want to get help for and MUIProCalc will pop up a window containing the help text. One word to the menu shortcuts : They might not be Style Guide compliant, but I think it`ll work just fine, anyway ;) NOTE that you better set the stack size to at least 8192 bytes

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