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Input fields ============ These are buttons probably known from any other calculator. Simply click on the digit/operator you want to add to your expression. The characters 'A-F' are used to enter hexadecimal values. The other characters 'X-Z' are memories. These can be set using an expression of the form x = sqrt (2*3) This expression will set memory 'X' to the result of 'sqrt (2*3)'. You may now use this value during other operations. You may even set a memory relative to another one, like x = y + sqrt (2*3) MUIProCalc supports four different value formats, these are : Decimal Decimal values are entered with no additional characters, like '2.12322'. You may even enter doubles using scientific notation, like '2.123e-2' Hexadecimal These values are preceded by a '$'-sign or by '0x' Octal These values are preceded by a '\'-sign Binary These values are preceded by a '%'-sign The '!' operator is used to calculate the factorial of a value. This one is limited to a value of !170. The 'Exec' button may be used to 'start' the calculator. This can also be done, by simply hittin RETURN from within the String gadget For percentage calculations there are several modes and functions: * X + Y% Will add Y% of X to X * X - Y% Will subtract Y% of X from X * X * Y% Will calculate the Y percentage of X * X %ch Y Will return the percentual changes between X and Y * X %t Y Y is which percentage of X? Eg. 250 %t 10 will return 4. 'CLR' clears the current display. 'ACLR' will clear the display and all memories This Group may be hidden, thus leading to more space. See Window layout, to find out more about that.

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