1.1 Short description Graph2D is a function-plotter that can create graphs of math. functions and is able to discuss them. That includes zero-points, extrema, turning-points, monotony and symmetrie. You can derive and simplify the functions, calculate value-tables, integrate functions numerically, create tangents, etc. As a special feature functions can be presented in a SIRDS-picture giving you the impression of "true" three- dimensionality. The Graph2D package contains an installer-script and online-help. Feature overview: - Plots functions into highly configurable coordinate-systems - Generates SIRDS for three-dimensional functions - Work with many functions in many windows at the same time - Generation of discussions (zero-points, extrema, turning-points, monotony, symmetry) - symbolic derivation and numerical integration of funktion-terms - use your own functions to define other functions - Generation of value-tables and tangents - Shows functions in "mathematical notation" - system- and user-friendly MUI-interface - Printing of graphs and discussions - Online-Help as AmigaGuide - Installation with the Commodore-Installer - uncrippeled shareware without limitations System requirements: - Amiga with Kickstart2.0 or higher - installed MUI-System version 2.1 or higher

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