
3.1.1 Internal functions and operators The following functions and operators are by default known to Graph2D: sin(x), arcsin(x), sinh(x), cos(x), arccos(x), cosh(x), tan(x), arctan(x), tanh(x), arctanh(x) - The well-known trigonometrical functions abs(x) - The absolute value of the argument, also known as |x| int(x) - The integer value of the argument ln(x) - natural logarithm (to the base 2) sqrt(x) - The square root x^(1/2) sgn(x) - returns 1, 0, -1 in dependance of x>0, x=0, x<0 fak(x) - known as x!. e.g. fak(4)=4*3*2*1=24 (only defined for positive integer values) if(a, b) - returns b if a is TRUE (=1) otherwise 0 + , - * , / ^ - I think you know that, don't you? = , > , <, >=, <=, <> - Compare the two operands e.g. a>b=1 if a>b otherwise a>b=0 AND, OR, NOT - Boolean operators. Only use them for values like 1 (TRUE) and 0 (FALSE). Do not expect a bit-wise work of those operators!

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