3.2 Discussion Graph2D is able to do a complete discussion for real functions with max. one argument. Before the discussion Graph2D asks you with a requster to edit the test-intervall in which the discussion should be done. That test- intervall should alway be choosen as small as possible, because the wider you chose it the worse is Graph2D in detecting the points of the function you are looking for. The result of every search will be outputted in a textviewer and may even be send to a printer from there. A complete discussion consists of the following parts, which can also be executed allone from the function-editor: 3.2.1 �Zero-points���� 3.2.2 �Extrema�������� 3.2.3 �Turning-points� 3.2.4 �Monotony������� 3.2.5 �Symmetry������� A dicussion may take (especially on 68000er Amigas) sometimes quite a long time and it is also very recommended to verify the results by having a look to the graph of the function. So you probably will see soon, that certain types of zero-points will sometimes really not be detected.