2.3.1 2D-graph-editor With this editor you are able to adjust the visible intervall, the scaling of the axis and some other attributes of a graph. You can set the following attributes for each the x- and the y-axis: from ... to - The visible intervall for the axis. The value also depends of the choosen unit! Unit - The basical unit of the axis. The other values of the axis will be (internally) multiplied with with the unit - so the unit is a kind of a scaling factor. Usually you set the unit to "1". But maybe if you want to generate a coordinate-system especially for trigonometric functions a unit of "3.141" would make sense. If you then enter a visible intervall of e.g. [-2; 4] it would mean, that the axis in fact shows an intervall of [-2*3.141; 4*3.141] = [-6.282; 12.564]. You can chose the unit free as long it stays >0. Draw axis - Display the axis or not. Even if displayed not, the visible intervall of an axis is of course of importance! Title - You can give a title to every axis which will be shown in the graph next to the axis. If you maybe chose a unit of e.g. "3.141" then it is important, to make that "public" by e.g. titeling the axis as "x-axis in pi" or something like this. Marks - An axis can optionally be divided by many small marks. Now here you can define after how many units a mark should be drawn. Furthermore you may place a certain number of (smaller) "Submarks" between every two regular marks. A submark-value of "0" means: no submarks. If you choose too many marks for a graph so that one could not visually tell one from another then Graph2D will not draw the marks. Text - The marks can optionally be equipped with numbers next to them. You can decide after how many marks a number should be drawn. The number again is dependant of the unit you have chosen. If you draw too many numbers so that they would overleap one another, Graph2D just leaves out some of them. Now you can decide for both axis wheter there should be a "Raster", wheter the raster should appear as "dots" or as "lines" and how large the distance between the rasterlines in x- and y-direction should be. Again: this is unit-dependant. "Connect" makes Graph2D to connect the single calculated function- values by lines. So if the graph of a function "jumps" in the visible intervall, maybe because of a low accuracy, the otherwise existing gaps can be avoided. Of the other hand "connect" could draw connections that in reality just do not exist (e.g. sgn(x))! And last but not least you can choose an "Accuracy", with that a graph should be calculated. At a lower accuracy only fewer function-values will be calculated and the output-speed will increase - but the graph of the function may get a bit unprecise ans show some "steps". You can load and save Graph-settings with any filename with "Load..." and "Save...". After leaving the graph-editor with "Ok" the active graph gets redrawn to make the probably made changes visible. When leaving the editor via "Cancel" or simply closing the window nothing will be changed of course and the old settings stay valid.

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