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Introduction ************ `ARcalc' is a program, developed for the Amiga series of computers, that emulates a scientific calculator. `ARcalc' can be used with any Amiga model running a version of the operating system greater then 1.3. Version 2.1 of the operating system introduces a localization feature which allows programmers to write programs that are able to comunicate with the user in the language he chooses. `ARcalc' is able to make use of this feature, and is distributed with the files needed to localize the calculator menu items and error messages in a number of languages. I decided not to localize the button labels, because even on a real calculator these are not usually localized. `ARcalc' provides almost every feature you might expect from a scientific calculator, including binary, hexadecimal and octal base calculation. The trigonometric functions can be applied to values measured in degrees, radians, or decimal degrees; numbers can be rappresented in scientific notation, with fixed decimal point (allowing you to choose the number of decimal digits), or as a combination of formats. Every computation is performed with an internal double precision. The current release of `ARcalc' is version 1.1. Version 1.0 was never released, and was not localized. Remember that `ARcalc' *does not* work with versions of the operating system lower than 2.0; if you try to start it using an earlier version of the operating system, nothing will happen.

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