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ARcalc menus ************ `ARcalc' has two menus, named as `Project' and `Clipboard' (using english localization). The `Project' menu has the following items: `Settings' this is a submenu with items as follows: `Set Font ...' allows you to modify the font actually used to show the calculator, using a standard Amiga font requester. If the font you choose is too big, an error requester appears, informing you about it. Note that the new font will not be used the next time you start `ARcalc' if you do not use the `Save defaults' option. `Use WB font' this allows you to use the Workbench font, instead of one chosen with the preceding item. Note that this is different from using the previous item and specifying the Workbench font. With this item, if you save the defaults, when the calculator is started it looks for the current Workbench font, that might have been changed from the last time you used `ARcalc'. `AutoCLR' this item acts like a switch, allowing to set the `AutoCLR' flag on or off. If the flag is on, after every evaluation, preformed with the `=' or `sto' buttons, or with the `RETURN' key, the text of the expression in the edit area is cleared. If this flag is off, the text is not cleared, allowing to make changes to it and evaluate again. `Save defaults' allows you to save some calculator settings in a file named `ARcalc.config'. When `ARcalc' is started, it looks for this file, and adopts the settings specified within it. The following settings are saved: * Position of the calculator on the screen * Font (and Y dimension) used. * `AutoCLR' flag status * `ARcalc' status (numeric base, arc measuring system unit, numeric format, number of significant digits). `About ...' it shows a requester with informations about the program and its author. The same function is performed by the `Inf' button in `ARcalc'. `Quit' quits the program. The same effect is obtained pressing the `ARcalc' CloseWindow gadget. The `Clipboard' menu has the following items: `Cut Result' copies the most recently evaluated result to the Amiga clipboard. The same effect is obtained pressing the `ARcalc' `put' button. `Paste Expression' copies text from the Amiga clipboard to the edit area, skipping non-alphanumeric characters. The same function is performed by the `ARcalc' `get' button.

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