Andrew H Denton

Self Portrait 92 Self Portrait 93
After years of releasing my artwork on the net, I've been happily rendering away in my little house South of Santa Cruz California. I live near the beach with my girlfriend and work as a 3D artist contracting here and there. I also do some juggling shows and motorcycle all over the place., watch anime' late night with friends, hang out in hottubs on the cliffs of Big Sur (btw that is heaven I'm positive of it) with friends also.
I think my artwork and those that care for me are my way of living forever... So I have asked all my friends to think of a line or two to say about me and have it on this archive. I hope at least some of it is complimentary. So I'm working on my dream, full length anims that tell stories that I create from scratch, I'm also working on 5 club backcrosses, 7 balls with some tricks etc. you can find me at most of the west coast Juggling Conventions.

Comments from Friends and

Cool places on the WEB:

I have used the Amiga computer for many years, starting with sculpt 3D then I started using Silver, Turbo Silver then Imagine. You'll find my older images on this archive are Imagine, and the Newer are Lightwave. Lightwave's interface and overall speed are wonderful its rendering engine gives me enormous control over my environment. I now have a 90 MHz pentium networked to my amigas and Lightwave is making the journey to other platforms, so am I. My company, Engulf & Devour Graphics, Is starting to grow larger and larger, and my equipment is gaining enough power to actually fulfill my goals. Video Tapes will be announced here of my Anims and i will make mpegs available of the clips. If your system has allot of bandwidth and would like to mirror this site PLEASE esquire. I can be reached at Well if you like this artwork, Please email me!
Legalize: Don't fold, spindle, modify the images on this archive or use them in any commercial endeavor without my explicit consent. Blah blah blah blah if you do I'll sue, Blah blah blah and then you wont afford bus money blah blah blah Have a nice day. B)

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