DrFun - Index - Page 4

23 June 94
Apartment Clean-up tips #32

28 June 94
Scene from "Little House in the Big Colon"

29 June 94
Death In The Afternoon

7 July 94
Dung beetle motivational seminars.

27 July 94
Recent excitement in the microbiology lab ended abruptly when Dr Roscoe's "giant amoeba" turned out to be a fried egg.

29 July 94
Unpopular Nature Books

2 Aug 94
Short-Lived superheroes

9 Aug 94
Indicators that hell has fallen on hard times

11 Aug 94
"Why don't you come back and see us again after your little friend there passes the bar?"

18 Aug 94
"For the last time - it's not a phallic symbol - it's a soup bone!"