WHAT IS THIS? Since 1990, I've been writing Amiga-related humor in magazines and electronic discussion groups. And now, despite popular demand, here are all the articles collected in one place for your enjoyment (or torture, depending on how you look at it...). HOW IT ALL STARTED... Back in 1990, a heated argument was going on in the Amiga discussion newsgroup on USENET (then called "comp.sys.amiga"). Actually, there were SEVERAL arguments going on at the same time -- after all, this was a multitasking newsgroup... o Games that "take over the machine" vs. games that multitask. o Games that do/don't install on a hard drive. o Copy protection: merits and methods. o The "C" programming language vs. assembly language. o Fantasy encounters involving goats. Nowadays, thankfully, all of these topics have been settled. (Yeah, right!!) But the discussion inspired me to write the article which is now found in the file 01_BLAZEMONGER in the Articles drawer. To my great surprise, BLAZEMONGER is still being discussed in 1994! I have no explanation for this, except perhaps the more than eighty followup articles that leaped, of their own accord, from my computer keyboard during the past 4-5 years. Enjoy!

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