My undying endearment and infection goes out to... David Tiberio For responding to the first BLAZEMONGER article on the Net, thereby forcing me to write about it continually for the next 4 years. * Mike Smithwick For his AmigaTrek stories oh so many years ago, earning him the title of "The Father of Amiga Humor." Leo Schwab For his wonderful "display hacks" of years past, earning him the title of "Hey, I'M the Father of Amiga Humor, DAMMIT!" Commodore Employees on USENET For their voluminous volunteer work and good cheer, helping us Amigans on the Net. Commodore Business Machines For providing me with an endless supply of material. Monty Python, Bill Griffith/Zippy The Pinhead, and Dave Barry For humorous influences far beyond the call of duty. Denny Atkin (no relation to Marc) For publishing my humor with a touch of class. Marc Atkin (no relation to Denny, nor Leo for that matter) For beta-testing this BLAZE-Humor viewer. Registered BLAZEMONGER owners everywhere For your many helpful suggestions that have made BLAZEMONGER what it is today!

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