CONTACTING THE AUTHOR Postal mail: Daniel J. Barrett Department of Computer Science Lederle Graduate Research Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 USA Electronic mail: (Internet, USENET) > (Compuserve) COPYRIGHT INFORMATION The enclosed articles and this viewer are Copyright 1990-1994 by Daniel J. Barrett. You are welcome to make copies of these files and give them to other people for free, as long as they are distributed UNCHANGED. However, you may NOT: (1) distribute modified copies of these articles. (2) sell them, without my written permission. (3) include them in any publication, free or commercial, without my written permission. Fred Fish is explicitly given permission to include these articles on disks in his AmigaLibDisk and FreshFish series. I also give permission to include these articles in the Meeting Pearls CD-ROM series. If you want to publish any of these articles, please contact me. (If your publication is free, like a user's group newsletter, I will usually let you publish them for free... but ask me first.)

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