## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_DELETE ; Warning: you cannot get back\nwhat you delete! Ok to delete:\n\n%ld file(s) and\n%ld drawer(s) (and their contents)?\n\n MSG_DELETE_GAD ; OK|Interactive|CANCEL MSG_CONFIRM ; Ok to Delete: \"%s\" ?\n MSG_CONFIRM_GAD ; Delete|All|Abort|Skip MSG_ERROR ; Error%s\n\nWhile trying to delete \"%s\" MSG_ERROR_GAD ; Retry|CANCEL MSG_PROTECTED ; \"%s\" is protected from deletion MSG_PROTECTED_GAD ; FORCE|CANCEL MSG_WBSTART ; Can't find \"WBStart-handler\" MSG_WBSTART_GAD ; OK MSG_ABOUT ; %s\n\nWritten by Aric R Caley\n\nMany thanks to the programers of 2.1,\n(because it made my long standing\ndream of a REAL trashcan possible!)\n MSG_ABOUT_GAD ; Remove TrashMaster|Continue MSG_END