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Demo Versions of VR Softwaree Demos ButtonClick ButtonClick "Demos" Demo Versions of VR Softwareee CompelPE ButtonClick ButtonClick "CompelPE" Virtus WalkThrough Special Edition Virtus ButtonClick ButtonClick "Virtus" Virtus WalkThrough Special Edition Windows VR Gamess Games ButtonClick ButtonClick "Games" Windows VR Gamess nextPage .&+ +E .&+ +E buttonClick buttonClick stretchBitmap Question popupHelp buttonClick buttonClick "popupHelp" %modal stretchBitmap Previous Page .&+ +E .&+ +E buttonClick buttonClick stretchBitmap Virtual Reality Madness!! Virtual Reality Madness!!! Virtus CDPath \virtus\install.exe ButtonClick TO HANDLE ButtonClick 4CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\virtus\install.exe" &Install WalkThrough SE in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine To install WalkThrough SE, click on the Install WalkThrough SE button, or double-click the Install WalkThrough SE icon in the VR Madness Disc One Group. An on-line version of the WalkThrough manual is included on the CD-ROM. What makes this version of WalkThrough a "Special Edition"? It's the same Virtus WalkThrough program that has won dozens of computer industry awards, with a few expert-level functions changed and only a few libraries included. See the manual for more details. See the Virtus ad in the back of the book for special offers, including a special upgrade price for moving to WalkThrough Pro. Virtus Corporation 118 MacKenan Drive Suite 250 Cary, NC 27511 (800) VIRTUS1 (847-8871) (919) 467-9700 New Address e back of the book for special offers, including a special upgrade price for moving to WalkThrough Pro. Virtus Corporation 118 MacKenan Drive Suite 250 Cary, NC 27511 (800) VIRTUS1 (847-8871) (919) 467-9700 New Address Corporation 118 MacKeanan Drive Cary, NC 27511 (800) VIRTUS1 (847-8871) (919) 467-9700 New Address irtus. Virtus WalkThrough SE PEE ViewBMP MenuPage ButtonClick TO HANDLE ButtonClick MenuPage Disc Two contains some amazing animations that were created with WalkThrough Pro. This revolutionary new software has dozens of completely new features, including texture mapping, shading, video insertion, and much more. uch more. n, and much more. insertion, and much more. Games CDPath \VRGAMES\SPECTREW\INSTALL.EXE ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath Run &"\VRGAMES\SPECTREW\INSTALL.EXE" &Install Spectre VR for Windows demo Spectre VR for Windows in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Most of the virtual reality games on these CD-ROMs only work at the DOS level. Run the DOS menu program for each disc to install or run these games. Nearly all of these games are "test-drive" versions that allow you to play the game up to a certain level. To play additional levels, you must purchase the full game. You'll find many hours of action in these test-drive versions. est-drive versions. VR GamessImages ViewBMP MenuPage ButtonClick TO HANDLE ButtonClick MenuPage CDPath \VRGAMES\MYST\SETUP.EXE ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath Run &"\VRGAMES\MYST\SETUP.EXE" Setup Myst demo After you run the setup or installation program, you must exit this menu program before running a game....mes... Demos leavepage mmclose Page 12of 3 Demos of Commercial Softwareed Software CDPath \windemos\ereality\setup.exe ButtonClick TO HANDLE ButtonClick 4CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\ereality\setup.exe" &Install Elastic Reality demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Elastic Reality was originally developed for use on the powerful Silicon Graphics workstation computers. Now, the same program is available for Microsoft Windows! This program has been used to create astonishing special effects sequences in films like Wolf and Forest Gump, TV shows like Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5, and numerous commercials. It offers professional quality morphing and warping effects, along with a nearly unlimited variety of other effects. Note: This program will install Win32s 32-bit drivers on your system. When the install program has completed, you must restart Windows for the changes to take effect. Elastic Reality 925 Stewart Street Madison, WI 53713 (608) 273-6585 nged and only a few libraries included. See the manual for more details. See the Virtus ad in the back of the book for special offers, including a special upgrade price for moving to WalkThrough Pro. Virtus Corporation 118 MacKenan Drive Suite 250 Cary, NC 27511 (800) VIRTUS1 (847-8871) (919) 467-9700 New Address 27511 (800) VIRTUS1 (847-8871) (919) 467-9700 New Address Elastic Realityirtus WalkThrough SE MGM Clip ButtonDoubleClick TO HANDLE ButtonDoubleClick mmisOpen clip MGM mmclose mmPlay MGM Clip ButtonDoubleClick TO HANDLE ButtonDoubleClick mmisOpen clip MGM mmclose mmPlay stage " 0Clip" Double-click in this gray box to play a video clip that shows some special effects created by Elastic Reality. To stop the video before the end, double-click anywhere on the video. ViewBMP MenuPage ButtonClick TO HANDLE ButtonClick MenuPage Demos of Commercial 3D Softwareee Page 22of 3 CDPath \windemos\macmodel\setup.exe ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\macmodel\setup.exe" Install &MacroModel Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine MacroModel is a three dimensional modeling program that combines CAD accuracy with 2-D drawing tools. It provides real-time visualization from any angle for feedback. You can import and export polygon-based objects for compatibility with other 3D modelers. Macromedia 600 Townsend St. Suite 310 W San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 252-2000 MacroModel MacroModel \windemos\truespac\install.exe CDPath ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\truespac\install.exe" Install &trueSpace Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Caligari trueSpace for is an advanced 3D modeling and animation package. It's also easy to use for a program with this kind of power. This professional graphics tool offers modeling, fast rendering and broadcast quality animation. Caligari Corporation 1955 Landings Drive Mountain View, CA 94043 (415) 390-9600 0-9600 Caligari trueSpace CDPath \windemos\wtoolkit\setup.exe ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\wtoolkit\setup.exe" Install &World ToolKit Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine This demo is designed to show some of the more general capabilities of Sense8's WorldToolKit for Windows. You can "drag and drop" models and textures into the universe or simply use the dialog boxes to load models and apply textures. You can interactively fly around your models and change the color or texture of various surfaces or polygons. You can also load AutoCAD DXF, 3D Studio 3DS or Wavefront OBJ files. If you load any of these files, there will be an automatic timeout after 90 seconds of viewing the files. Sense8 4000 Bridgeway, Suite 101 Sausolito, CA 94965 (415) 331-6318 1-6318 World ToolKit Page 32of 3 Demos of Commercial 3D Softwareee \windemos\vreality\setup.exe CDPath ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\vreality\setup.exe" Setup &Visual Reality presentation in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine This interactive presentation shows you detailed information about the suite of programs within Visual Reality, including Visual Model, Visual Font, Renderize Live and Visual Image. You can also view a gallery of professionally rendered images. Visual Software 21731 Ventura Blvd. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 593-3500 Visual Reality \windemos\pmorph\install.exe CDPath ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\pmorph\install.exe" Install &PhotoMorph Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine PhotoMorph is an easy-to-use Windows-based morphing and special effects program from North Coast Software. It can easily create morphs and other effects in different formats, including Video for Windows .AVI format. North Coast Software P.O. Box 459 265 Scruton Pond Rd. Barrington, NH 03825 (603) 664-7871 (800) 274-9674 (800) 274-9674 PhotoMorph 2 Demo \windemos\typestry\pixsetup.exe setcurrentdirectory CDPath \shell \windemos\typestry ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized setcurrentdirectory( 7&"\windemos\typestry") \pixsetup.exe" p&"\shell") Install &Typestry Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Pixar Typestry turns TrueType and Type 1 fonts into amazing three-dimensional images and animations. Typestry uses RenderMan technology to apply textures and 3D lighting effects. This demo version lets you experiment with most of Typestry's features, but you can only use the letters P, I, X, A or R. Pixar 1001 W. Cutting Blvd. Point Richmond, CA 94804 (510) 236-4000 Pixar Typestry Page 42of 3 Demos of Commercial 3D Softwareee \windemos\dsuns2\install.exe CDPath ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\dsuns2\install.exe" Install &Distant Suns Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Distant Suns is a desktop planetarium that displays the night sky from anywhere on the planet from 4173 BC to 10,000 AD. One of the new features in Distant Suns 2.0 allows you to display the heavens from anywhere in the solar system. Virtual Reality Laboratories, Inc. 2341 Ganador Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 545-8515 (800) 829-VRLI Distant Suns CDPath \windemos\gmorph\setup.exe ButtonClick ButtonClick System CDPath -- state 0 = minimized #&"\windemos\gmorph\setup.exe" Install &Gryphon Morph Demo in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Gryphon Morph is a Windows program that allows you to create animations and videos that feature morphing and warping effects. This easy-use-program also allows you to morph moving images and create caricature effects. Gryphon Software 7220 Trade Street Suite 120 San Diego, CA 92121-2325 (619) 536-8815 (800) 795-0981 Gryphon Morph PopupHelpViewer Use the buttons at the bottom right of each page to navigate through this program. You won't find all of these buttons on every page, though only buttons that are needed will be shown........ Question stretchBitmap Display this Help screen Previous Page stretchBitmap Go to the previous page nextPage stretchBitmap Go to the next page ViewBMP Photos ButtonClick TO HANDLE ButtonClick Photos Return to a previous menu pageeeeee Click on a grey button to perform the action on the button's label.....tton's label.ill tell you what the actionl tell you what the action &Win the lottery Pause Rewind The Play button starts playing a video or animation clip from the beginning. Rewind immediately takes the clip to the beginning. Stop clears the clip from the screen. Pause does what you'd expect it to do.. expect it to do.en. 360,4629,5241,5004 Pause 360,4629,735,4995 735,4629,1110,4995 1110,4629,1485,4995 Rewind 1485,4629,1860,4995 To view pictures, listen to sound clips or play video clips, double-click on one of the files in a list.. of the files in a list.n a file, then click the grey button under the file list. Both ways will work PICTURE.BMP BEAUTY.BMP SCENIC.BMP SCHOOL.BMP WINDOW.BMP CAROL.BMP WAYNE.BMP COUNTRY.BMP BUBBLES.BMP PAPERS.BMP CHILDREN.BMP &View Picture Or, you can click on a file, then click the grey View or Play button..nder the file list. Gryphon Morph PopupHelp