Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (1L)
Updated: 1 Sep 1992
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mines - play in a mine field  




The mines game is played on a grid. Every cell of the grid either has a bomb on it, or it doesn't. If you move onto a cell that has a bomb on it, you lose your leg. If you move onto a cell that doesn't have a bomb on it, a integer between 0 and eight will be displayed, letting you know how many bombs are in cells adjecent to the one you just moved to. (Adjecent, in this game, means one cell away in any direction: up, down, left, right, or diagonal.) Zeros are displayed as blanks, to avoid cluttering the display. Additionally, since you can obviously move in any direction from a zero, you automatically claim the territory adjacent to cells which are blank. You are only allowed to move to cells adjacent to ones you already own. Cells you own are indicated by being printed in black; ones you don't own are in white. The object of the game is to (eventually) claim the lower right hand corner of the grid.

The left button is for claiming new territory. The right button starts a new game. The middle button displays a bomb. This is a note to yourself about where you think a bomb is; there is no feedback as to whether you have guessed right or not.

Keyboard entries: 'n' gives you a new game. 'q' quits the program. some very simple rules. Doesn't win every winable game, but it does save stupid mistakes.

The slider at the bottom of the window is for adjusting how many mines you have in the grid. You can also resize the window if you want to play on a grid of a different size. The maximum number of bombs you can have is half the number of cells in the grid.




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