RSA SecurID Software Token 1.2 for Android FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
Product Documentation
Frequently Asked Questions

I can't get the app to download or to run on my device.
If you can't download the app, Google Play may be down. Try again later. If you can't get the app to run on your device, your device or operating system may not be supported. For more information on system requirements and qualified devices, visit

What permissions does the app request during installation?
For security purposes, such as obtaining the device's identity and device binding, the app requests permissions for full Internet access, to read phone state and identity, and to view the device's network state and Wi-Fi state. The app does not collect any personal data. You must grant the app the requested permissions for successful installation of the app and a token.

I am running Android apps on my BlackBerry. Can I install RSA SecurID Software Token for Android?
No--RSA does not offer RSA SecurID Software Token 1.2 for Android on BlackBerry devices.

I installed the app, but I don't have a token.
You must install a token so you can get one-time passwords. Your IT administrator will issue you a token with instructions on how to install it.

I'm getting a new Android device. Can I transfer the token from my old device?
That feature is not supported. Additionally, if you reinstall the app, your IT administrator must issue you a new token.

When I try to install my token from an email file attachment, it won't install.
The app does not support installing a token as a file from an email this way. Your IT administrator must reissue your token as a hyperlink. Touch the Help (?) icon in the app for instructions on installing a token.

My IT administrator sent a URL link for installing my token, but the link doesn't work.
The URL link should start with If the link does not start with this address, contact your IT administrator. If the link starts with this address, try to copy and paste the link into the Import Token screen on the app. Contact your IT administrator as necessary.

I don't know the password (or activation code) for installing my token.
When IT administrators issue tokens that are password protected or require a one-time activation code, they must also communicate the necessary information for successful installation. Check your email and voicemail for any missed communications, and follow up as necessary.

I turned Wi-Fi off, and I can't launch the app.
While you don't need to connect to a Wi-Fi network, you must turn the Wi-Fi connection on the first time you launch the app. In your device Settings, turn on the Wi-Fi connection, and launch the app. Then you can turn off Wi-Fi. You won't need a Wi-Fi connection again to use the app.

I turned Airplane mode on, and I can't launch the app.
Airplane mode disables all connections, including the Wi-Fi connection. While you don't need to connect to a Wi-Fi network, you must turn the Wi-Fi on the first time you launch the app. Then you can turn off Wi-Fi. You won't need a Wi-Fi connection again to use the app.

I am having trouble authenticating with my token.
Ask your IT administrator for a copy of the Quick Start guide PDF or touch the Help (?) icon to get the instructions.

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Product Documentation

Release Notes, Administrator's Guide, and Quick Start Guide
These documents are in the ZIP package The package can be downloaded from

Help is accessed from the app by touching the Help (?) icon.

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