Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINSTB LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo TriSpectives TriSpect\ 3DEYEa TriSpectivesa trispect.exe Use of this TriSpectives(tm) 1.0 software isA governed by the terms and conditions of yourA 3D/EYE Program Agreement. The followingA license text applies to this release ofA TriSpectives(tm) 1.0.A 3D/EYE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FORA TriSpectives(tm) 1.0 SOFTWAREA IMPORTANT, READ CAREFULLY: This 3D/EYEA End-User License Agreement ("AGREEMENT") is aA legal agreement between you (either anA individual or a single entity) and 3D/EYE,A Inc. ("3D/EYE") for the 3D/EYE softwareA product identified above, which includesA computer software and associated media andA printed materials, and may include on-line orA electronic documentation (SOFTWARE PRODUCT orA SOFTWARE). By installing, copying, orA otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, youA agree to be bound by the terms of thisA AGREEMENT. If you do not agree to the termsA of this AGREEMENT, promptly return the unusedA SOFTWARE PRODUCT to the place from which youA obtained it for a full refund.A SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSEA The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected byA copyright laws and international copyrightA treaties, as well as other intellectualA property laws and treaties. The SOFTWAREA PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.A 1. GRANT OF LICENSE.A This AGREEMENT grants you the followingA rights:A - Systems Software. You may install andA use one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on aA single computer.A - Storage/Network Use. You may alsoA store or install a copy of the SOFTWAREA PRODUCT on a storage device, such as aA network server, used only to install or runA the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your other computersA over an internal network; however, you mustA acquire and dedicate a license for eachA separate computer on which the SOFTWAREA PRODUCT is installed or run from the storageA device. A license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCTA may not be shared or used concurrently onA different computers.A - License Pak. If you have acquired thisA AGREEMENT in a 3D/EYE License Pak, you mayA make the number of additional copies of theA computer software portion of the SOFTWAREA PRODUCT on the printed documentationA accompanying the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, and youA may use each copy only in the mannerA specified above.A 2. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS ANDA LIMITATIONS.A - Limitations on Reverse Engineering,A Decompilation, and Disassembly.A You may not reverse engineer, decompile, orA disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except andA only to the extent that such activity isA expressly permitted by applicable lawA notwithstanding this limitation.A - Separation of Components. The SOFTWAREA PRODUCT is licensed as a single product. ItsA component parts may not be separated for useA on more than one computer.A - Rental. You may not rent or lease theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or any portion or componentA of it.A - Software Transfer. You may permanentlyA transfer all of your rights under thisA AGREEMENT and the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, providedA you retain no copies, you transfer all of theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including all componentA parts, the media and printed materials, anyA upgrades, this AGREEMENT and, if applicable,A the Certificate of Authenticity), and theA recipient agrees to the terms of thisA AGREEMENT. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is anA upgrade, any transfer must include all priorA versions of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.A - Use of Content. IntelliShape(tm)A models, image textures, and other imagesA and catalog content licensed with theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT are licensed for use solelyA in connection with Licensee's use of theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT, and not for resale. ExceptA as expressly permitted under this AGREEMENT,A Licensee shall not copy, distribute or sellA IntelliShape(tm) models, image textures,A images or catalog content, in any fileA format, or the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or anyA portion or component of it, as part ofA another product, image, shape, 3D modelA library or product, or product similar to theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT.A - Limitations on Use. Licensee shall notA use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or any relatedA content licensed under this AGREEMENT to (a)A create obscene or defamatory work, or (b) toA in any way violate the trademark, tradename,A copyright or other intellectual propertyA rights of any third party.A - Termination. This license shallA continue for so long as you use theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT, including any upgrades.A Without prejudice to any other rights,A however, 3D/EYE may terminate this AGREEMENTA if you fail to comply with the terms andA conditions of this AGREEMENT. In such event,A you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWAREA PRODUCT and all of its component parts.A Limitations on warranties, customer remedies,A and limitations on use will survive any suchA termination.A - Ownership of all intellectual propertyA rights in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains theA property of 3D/EYE.A 3. UPGRADES.A If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is an upgrade fromA another 3D/EYE product, you may use orA transfer the SOFTWARE PRODUCT only inA conjunction with that upgraded product,A unless you destroy the upgraded product. IfA the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is an upgrade of aA 3D/EYE product, you now may use that upgradedA product only in accordance with thisA AGREEMENT.A 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS -A COPYRIGHT.A All title and copyrights in and to theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limitedA to any IntelliShape(tm) models, imageA textures, images, photographs, animations,A video, audio, music, text, and applets,A incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), theA accompanying printed materials, and anyA copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, are owned byA 3D/EYE or its suppliers. The SOFTWAREA PRODUCT is protected by copyright and/orA patent laws and international treatyA provisions. Therefore, you must treat theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyrightedA material except that you may eitherA (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCTA solely for backup or archival purposes, orA (b) install the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on aA single computer provided you keep theA original solely for backup or archivalA purposes. You may not copy the printedA materials accompanying the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.A 5. MULTIPLE-MEDIA SOFTWARE.A You may receive the SOFTWARE PRODUCT inA more than one medium. Regardless of the typeA or size of medium you receive, you may useA only one medium that is appropriate for yourA single computer. You may not use or installA other media on other computers. You may notA loan, rent, lease, or otherwise transferA other media to other users, except as part ofA the permanent transfer (as provided above) ofA the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.A 6. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS.A The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and documentation areA provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use,A duplication, or disclosure by the GovernmentA is subject to restrictions as set forth inA subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights inA Technical Data and Computer Software clauseA at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1)A and (2) of the Commercial Computer SoftwareA Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, asA applicable. Manufacturer is 3D/EYE, Inc.,A 1050 Craft Road, Ithaca, NY 14850.A 7. MISCELLANEOUS.A If you acquired this product in the UnitedA States, this AGREEMENT is governed by theA laws of the State of New York.A - If you acquired this product in Canada,A this AGREEMENT is governed by the laws of theA Province of Ontario, Canada. Each of theA parties hereto irrevocably attorns to theA jurisdiction of the courts of the Province ofA Ontario and further agrees to commence anyA litigation which may arise hereunder in theA courts located in the Judicial District ofA York, Province of Ontario.A - If this product was acquired outsideA the United States, then local law may apply.A - Should you have any questionsA concerning this AGREEMENT, or if you desireA to contact 3D/EYE for any reason, pleaseA contact the 3D/EYE subsidiary serving yourA country, or write: 3D/EYE Sales InformationA Center, 1050 Craft Road, Ithaca, NY 14850.A 8. LIMITED WARRANTY.A 3D/EYE warrants that the media on which theA SOFTWARE PRODUCT is delivered will, underA normal use, be free from defects in materialsA and workmanship for a period of ninety (90)A days from the date you acquire it. ThisA Limited Warranty is void if any breach ofA this warranty results from accident, abuse,A or misapplication. Any replacement SOFTWAREA PRODUCT will carry the same limited warrantyA for the remainder of the original warrantyA period or thirty (30) days, whichever isA longer. Outside the United States, neitherA these remedies nor any product supportA services offered by 3D/EYE are availableA without proof of purchase from an authorizedA international source.A 9. NO OTHER WARRANTIES.A TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,A 3D/EYE AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL OTHERA WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,A INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIEDA WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THEA SOFTWARE PRODUCT, AND ANY ACCOMPANYINGA HARDWARE. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOUA SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHERS,A WHICH VARY FROM STATE/JURISDICTION TOA STATE/JURISDICTION.A Some states and jurisdictions do not allowA limitations on duration of an impliedA warranty, so the above limitation on durationA may not apply to you. In any event and toA the extent allowed by applicable law, impliedA warranties on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, areA limited to the greater of ninety (90) days orA the minimum legal duration for suchA warranties under applicable law.A 10. CUSTOMER REMEDIES.A 3D/EYE's and its suppliers' entireA liability and your exclusive remedy for anyA breach of warranty or any other breach ofA this AGREEMENT shall be, at 3D/EYE's option,A either (a) return of the price paid, or (b)A repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE PRODUCTA that does not meet 3D/EYE's Limited WarrantyA and which is returned to 3D/EYE with a copyA of your receiptA 11. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALA DAMAGES.A TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BYA APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL 3D/EYE ORA ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL,A INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIALA DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUTA LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESSA PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OFA BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARYA LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TOA USE THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT, EVEN IF 3D/EYE HASA BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHA DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES ANDA JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION ORA LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALA DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLYA TO YOU.A THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT HAS MANY POTENTIALA APPLICATIONS. THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT HAS NOTA BEEN TESTED IN ALL SITUATIONS OR FOR ALLA APPLICATIONS UNDER OR FOR WHICH IT MAY BEA USED. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BYA APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL 3D/EYE ORA ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE IN ANY MANNERA WHATSOEVER FOR THE RESULTS OBTAINED THROUGHA THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. PERSONSA USING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT ARE RESPONSIBLEA FOR THE SUPERVISION, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLA OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING DETERMININGA APPROPRIATE USES FOR THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT,A AND MANAGING ITS USE AND THE USE OF OTHERA SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE THE USER'S INTENDEDA RESULTS.A Si vous avez acquis votre produit 3D/EYE auA CANADA, la garantie limit e suivante vousA concerne:A GARANTIE LIMITEE. 3D/EYE garantit que toutA riel fourni par 3D/EYE accompagnant leA LOGICIEL sera exempt de d faut de mati premi re ou de vice de fabrication dans desA conditions normales d'utilisation etA d'entretien pour une p riode deA quatre-vingt-dix jours compter de la dateA ception. Toute garantie impliciteA concernant le LOGICIEL et le mat riel estA limit quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours et unA (1) an, respectivement.A RECOURS DU CLIENT. La seule obligation deA 3D/EYE ou ses fournisseurs et votre recoursA exclusif seront, au choix de 3D/EYE, soit (a)A le remboursement du prix pay ou (b) laA paration ou le remplacement du LOGICIEL ouA du mat riel qui n'est pas conforme Garantie Limit e de 3D/EYE et qui estA retourn 3D/EYE avec une copie de votreA u. Cette Garantie Limit e est nulle si leA faut du LOGICIEL ou du mat riel est caus par un accident, un traitement abusif ou uneA mauvaise application. Tout LOGICIEL deA remplacement sera garanti pour le reste de laA riode de garantie initiale ou pour trenteA (30) jours, selon laquelle de ces deuxA riodes est la plus longue.A AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE. 3D/EYE DESAVOUE TOUTEA AUTRE GARANTIE, EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, YA COMPRIS MAIS NE SE LIMITANT PAS AUX GARANTIESA IMPLICITES DU CARACTERE ADEQUAT POUR LAA COMMERCIALISATION OU UN USAGE PARTICULIER ENA CE QUI CONCERNE LE LOGICIEL, LE(S) MANUEL(S)A DE PRODUITS, LA DOCUMENTATION ECRITE ET TOUTA MATERIEL QUI L'ACCOMPAGNENT. CETTE GARANTIEA LIMITEE VOUS ACCORDE DES DROITS JURIDIQUESA SPECIFIQUES.A PAS D'OBLIGATION POUR LES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS.A 3D/EYE OU SES FOURNISSEURS N'AURONTA D'OBLIGATION EN AUCUNE CIRCONSTANCE POUR TOUTA AUTRE DOMMAGE QUEL QU'IL SOIT, Y COMPRIS,A SANS LIMITATION, LES DOMMAGES ENTRAINES PARA LA PERTE DE BENEFICES, L'INTERRUPTION DESA AFFAIRES, LA PERTE D'INFORMATION COMMERCIALEA OU TOUTE AUTRE PERTE PECUNIAIRE, DECOULANT DEA L'UTILISATION OU DE L'IMPOSSIBILITEA D'UTILISATION DE CE PRODUIT 3D/EYE, ET CE,A MEME SI 3D/EYE A ETE AVISE DE LA POSSIBILITEA DE TELS DOMMAGES. EN TOUT CAS, LA SEULEA OBLIGATION DE 3D/EYE EN VERTU DE TOUTEA DISPOSITION DE CETTE CONVENTION SE LIMITERAA AU MONTANT EN FAIT PAYE PAR VOUS POUR LEA LOGICIEL.A LE LOGICIEL A PLUSIERS APPLICATIONSA POSSIBLES. LE LOGICIEL N'A PAS ETE EXAMINEA POUR TOUTES LES SITUATIONS NI POUR TOUTES LESA APPLICATIONS POSSIBLES. 3D/EYE OU SESA FOURNISSEURS N'AURONT D'OBLIGATION EN AUCUNEA CIRCONSTANCE POUR LES RESULTATS OBTENUS POURA L'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL. CEUX QUIA UTILISENT LE LOGICIEL SONT RESPONSABLES POURA LA SURVEILLANCE, LA DIRECTION ET LAA POSSESSION DU LOGICIEL, Y COMPRIS DETERMINANTA LES UTILISATIONS ATTENDUES POUR LE LOGICIELA ET SURVEILLANT SON UTILISATION AVECA L'UTILISATION D'AUTRE LOGICIEL POUR OBTENIRA LES RESULTATS DESIRES DE L'UTILISEUR.A La pr sente Convention est r gie par les loisA de la province d'Ontario, Canada. ChacuneA des parties la pr sente reconna vocablement la comp tence des tribunauxA de la province d'Ontario et consent instituer tout litige qui pourrait d coulerA de la pr sente aupr s des tribunaux situ dans le district judiciaire de York, provinceA d'Ontario.A Au cas o vous auriez des questionsA concernant cette licence ou que vous d siriezA vous mettre en rapport avec 3D/EYE pourA quelque raison que ce soit, veuillezA contacter la succursale 3D/EYE desservantA votre pays, dont l'adresse est fournie dansA ce produit, ou crire : 3D/EYE SalesA Information Center, 1050 Craft Road, Ithaca,A NY 14850.A WelcomeA Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 TriSpectives Already Installed TriSpectives has already been installed. Either exit and uninstall the existing version, or continue to replace the registration information.a7 Exit TriSpectives Setup (to uninstall existing version)25 Replace Existing Registration Information26 Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 CBT TriSpectives License Agreementa1 Please review the TriSpectives License Agreement:B8 Do you accept all of the terms of the 3D/EYE TriSpectives License Agreement? If you choose No, Setup will terminate. You must accept this agreement to install TriSpectives. TriSpectives Registrationa. Please register your copy of TriSpectives now:a Name:a Company:a Serial #:R! Please enter the serial number. It can be found a/ on the box or the registration card, and it is $ required for product support.* Folder Selectionb Choose Destination Locationb ITEST Failed to create directory. Select a different destination, log in with $ appropriate permissions, or $ consult your System Administrator* ITEST? Setup Typea TriSpectivesJ Program FilesAx} ImagesA 3D ModelsA TemplatesA DemosA DocumentationA OLE Automation ExampleA8, WorkbooksA TriSpectives executable and DLLs. They should a be installed in most cases.` Program FilesA Decal, photo, and tile data referred to in a. catalogs. These will be accessed from the CD $ unless you choose to install them on your $ hard drive.` ImagesA 1000 free IntelliShape models grouped by category. These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` 3D ModelsA WorkBooks complete with models and textures. These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` TemplatesA DemosA Demonstrations of TriSpectives capabilities.$ WORDVIEW document viewer and electronic a versions of manuals.` DocumentationA OLE Automation ExampleA Examples of using TriSpectives with OLE Automation.` WorkbooksA Sample Workbooks.` ImagesA ImageDataJ ImageDataa DecalsA ImageDataa AbstractA ImageDataa BackdropA ImageDataa BumpsA ImageDataa InteriorA ImageDataa MasonryA ImageDataa MetalsA( ImageDataa PlantsA ImageDataa TextilesA ImageDataa TexturesA ImageDataa WoodA Non-repeating images of logos, flags, etc. These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa DecalsA Stripes, speckles, swirls, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa AbstractA Scenic vistas, clouds, skylines, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa BackdropA Bumpmaps for a variety of surface effects. These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa BumpsA Carpeting, wallpaper, floor tile, windows, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa InteriorA Brick, marble, cement, rock, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa MasonryA Gold, silver, brass, copper, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa MetalsA Shrubs, grasses, clover, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa PlantsA Canvas, leather, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa TextilesA Small sampler of all of the the textures catalogs.a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa TexturesA Bark, oak, pine, a These will be accessed from the CD unless you $ choose to install them on your hard drive.` ImageDataa WoodA DocumentationA DocDataJ DocDataa Getting StartedA DocDataa OLE Automation GuideA DocDataa Reference GuideA DocDataa User ManualA DocDataa Getting StartedA Getting Started manual` DocDataa OLE Automation GuideA OLE Automation Guide` DocDataa Reference GuideA Reference Guide` DocDataa Step By StepA Step By Step manual` DocDataa User ManualA User Manual` 3D ModelsA SpecsJ Specsa AerospaceA Specsa BuildingA Specsa Building PartsA Specsa Business SymbolsA Specsa ComputerA Specsa Doors and WindowsA Specsa EducationA Specsa EnergyA Specsa FastenersA Specsa FoodA Specsa HomeA Specsa MarineA Specsa MechanicalA Specsa MedicalA Specsa MilitaryA Specsa MiscA Specsa Modular FixturesA Specsa MoleculeA Specsa OfficeA Specsa Office LayoutA Specsa PC BoardA Specsa PlantsA Specsa PlumbingA Specsa ProduceA Specsa ScienceA Specsa SportsA Specsa StructuralA Specsa SymbolsA Specsa TechnologyA Specsa ToolsA Specsa TransportationA Specsa AerospaceA Satellite, Rocket, Earth, etc.` Specsa BuildingA Church, Factory, Lighthouse, etc.` Specsa Building PartsA Balusters, Arches, Columns, etc.` Specsa Business SymbolsA Arrows, Thought Balloons, Currency Symbols, etc.` Specsa ComputerA Mouse, Headphones, Scanner, Modem, etc.` Specsa Doors and WindowsA French Doors, Swinging Doors, Gothic Window, etc.` Specsa EducationA Book, Diploma, Mortarboard, Gavel, etc.` Specsa EnergyA Windmill, Fuse, Solar Panel, Plug, etc.` Specsa FastenersA Nails, Screws, Washers, etc.` Specsa FoodA Pizza Pie, Hamburger, Bottles, etc.` Specsa HomeA Mixer, Sewing Machine, Tables, Stove, Clock, etc.` Specsa MarineA Fish, Diving Equipment, etc.` Specsa MechanicalA Hand Truck, Welding Tank, Funnel, etc.` Specsa MedicalA Scalpel, Syringe, etc.` Specsa MilitaryA Missle, Tank, Bomb, etc.` Specsa MiscA Toothbrush, Musical Instruments, Toys, etc.` Specsa Modular FixturesA Bushings, Shims, Clamps, etc.` Specsa MoleculeA Water, Proprane, Ammonia, etc.` Specsa OfficeA Copier, Phone, Pencil, Eraser, etc.` Specsa Office LayoutA Desks, Tables, etc.` Specsa PC BoardA Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, etc.` Specsa PlantsA Flowers, Leaves, etc.` Specsa PlumbingA Sink, Faucets, Pipes, Connectors, etc.` Specsa ProduceA Onion, Radish, Pineapple, etc.` Specsa ScienceA Microscope, Magnifying Glass, Tweezers, etc.` Specsa SportsA Football, Dart, Bat, Golf Ball, etc.` Specsa StructuralA Steel Bolts, Beams, Slabs, etc.` Specsa SymbolsA Yield, First Aid, Telephone, Radiation, etc.` Specsa TechnologyA Robot, Radar Dish, Laser, etc.` Specsa ToolsA Ax, Hammer, Drill, Trowel, etc.` Specsa TransportationA Airplane, Trucks, Traffic Light, etc.` TemplatesA BooksJ Booksa AddressA Booksa ArchitectureA Booksa BasementA Booksa BathroomA Booksa BeachA Booksa BedroomA Booksa BookwormA Booksa CD PageA Booksa ChalkboardA Booksa Circular DiagramA Booksa ClassicA Booksa ComputerA Booksa Dining RoomA Booksa EarthA Booksa Eastern SkyA Booksa Evening BeachA Booksa FilmA Booksa Flip ChartA Booksa FloorA Booksa FrameA Booksa GraduationA Booksa Booksa LighthouseA Booksa Living RoomA Booksa MusicA Booksa Booksa NoteA Booksa NotepadA Booksa Notepad 2A Booksa NurseryA Booksa OfficeA Booksa Office 10x10A Booksa Office QuadA Booksa Once Upon a TimeA Booksa Page On PageA Booksa Paint BrushA Booksa PicnicA Booksa PizzaA Booksa PresentA Booksa Booksa Scene On PageA Booksa Space 1A Booksa Space ExplorationA Booksa Sports 1A Booksa StudioA Booksa StudyA Booksa TableA Booksa To DoA Booksa TV RoomA Booksa UnderseaA Booksa UnderwaterA Booksa ValentineA Booksa WinelistA Booksa WinenoteA Booksa YieldA Booksa AddressA Rolodex and cards in page` Booksa AritechtureA An embedded page encircled by ancient ruins` Booksa BasementA Brick room with sind and workbench` Booksa BathroomA Bathroom with toilet and sink` Booksa BeachA A beach scene` Booksa BedroomA Empty room with two large windows and wooden floor` Booksa BookwormA Book cover with text and stack of books` Booksa CD PageA Colorful page with a CD and text` Booksa ChalkboardA Chalkboard with chalk tray, eraser, chalks, and text` Booksa Circular DiagramA A 3D circular diagram with 3D arrows` Booksa ClassicA Report cover with hourglass and marble textures` Booksa ComputerA Computer desk, monitor, and chair` Booksa Dining RoomA Room with French doors and chandelier` Booksa EarthA Earth set on a page with stellar background and a satellite` Booksa Eastern SkyA A starry background with a silhouette of an eastern city` Booksa Evening BeachA Surfboard and palm tree background` Booksa FilmA Film strip containing embedded scenes` Booksa Flip ChartA Basic flip chart with Toronto skyline as a backdrop` Booksa FloorA Single floor with dimension in a scene` Booksa FrameA Picture frame on page with embedded scene in center` Booksa GraduationA Mortar board and diploma on a page` Booksa 3D basketball court` Booksa LighthouseA Beach setting with lighthouse` Booksa Living RoomA Open room with fireplace` Booksa MusicA Poster on page with headphones and musical notes` Booksa 3D international NO symbol in a scene` Booksa NoteA Three notes tacked to a page` Booksa NotepadA Ruled paper with pencil border and highlight` Booksa Notepad 2A Ruled paper with pencil that casts a shadow` Booksa NurseryA Child's room with crib and dresser` Booksa OfficeA Empty office with closed door` Booksa Office 10x10A Empty 10x10 foot cubicle made with modular partitions` Booksa Office QuadA Divider panels set up for four cubicles` Booksa Once Upon a TimeA An open 3D book in an exotic setting` Booksa Page On PageA Page embedded on page` Booksa Paint BrushA Page with paint bucket, brush, and trail of paint` Booksa PicnicA Plate, knife, fork, and spoon on checkered tablecloth` Booksa PizzaA Pepperoni pizza set on a page` Booksa PresentA A pillar top used as a base for dropping shapes or text` Booksa Pub with swinging doors, bar, dartboard, etc.` Booksa Scene On PageA Two embedded scenes on a page` Booksa Space 1A Stellar background with 3D text` Booksa Space ExplorationA Three-quarter page stellar background with title text` Booksa Sports 1A Baseball bats and trophy in poster setting on a page` Booksa StudioA Southwestern artist studio with embedded scene on canvas` Booksa StudyA Empty wood paneled room` Booksa TableA Romantic dinner setting for two` Booksa To DoA 3D To Do list on a page` Booksa TV RoomA Empty room with fireplace` Booksa UnderseaA Page with sand dollars, starfish, bubbles, and text` Booksa UnderwaterA An inviting underwater scene with fish, shells, and jellyfish` Booksa ValentineA Hearts and flowers combined on a page` Booksa WinelistA Wine bottle and glass in page` Booksa WinenoteA Notecard with bunch of grapes and wineglass` Booksa YieldA 3D version of a yield sign$ Select the components and sub-components you wish a to install on your hard drive TriSpectives Custom Installationb- TrispectivesA TriSpectives shared$ TriSpect.exe Copying program files...A ver_base\acistop.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\anim.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\dxe_022n.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyebase.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyedata.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyegobjs.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyeshape.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\macro.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\netpbm.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\pcdlib32.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\render.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\trispect.exeA Copying program files...A QTUTOR Copying tutorials...A qtutor\*.*A QTUTOR% CATALOGS Copying tutorials...A q_cats\ANIMATN.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\BACKDROP.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\COLORS.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\DIMS.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\SHAPES.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\SHOWCASE.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\TEXT.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\TUTOR.TSCA FONTS fonts\*.*A CATALOGS CATALOGS README.TXTa README.TXTA CATALOGS% STANDARD Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\animatn.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\backdrop.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\collage.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\colors.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\dims.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\shapes.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\showcase.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\surfaces.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\text.tscA Copying catalogs...A small\catalogs\textures.tscA Copying catalogs...Ad Copying program files...A ver_base\acistop.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\anim.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\dxe_022n.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyebase.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyedata.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyegobjs.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyeshape.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\macro.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\netpbm.dllA Copying program 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Copying program files...A ver_base\acistop.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\anim.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\dxe_022n.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyebase.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyedata.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyegobjs.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\eyeshape.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\macro.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\netpbm.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\pcdlib32.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\render.dllA Copying program files...A ver_base\trispect.exeA Copying program files...A QTUTOR Copying tutorials...A qtutor\*.*A QTUTOR% CATALOGS Copying tutorials...A q_cats\ANIMATN.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\BACKDROP.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\COLORS.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\DIMS.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\SHAPES.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\SHOWCASE.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\TEXT.TSCA Copying tutorials...A q_cats\TUTOR.TSCA FONTS fonts\*.*A CATALOGS% STANDARD Copying catalogs...A catalogs\ANIMATN.TSCA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\COLLAGE.TSCA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\abstract.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\adv15cm.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\advshaps.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\backdrop.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\bumps.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\colors.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\decals.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\dims.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\interior.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\masonry.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\metals.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\plants.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\shapes.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\shps15cm.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\shps15mm.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\surfaces.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\techilus.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\text.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\textiles.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\textures.tscA Copying catalogs...A catalogs\wood.tscA CATALOGS CATALOGS README.TXTa README.TXTA CATALOGS% STANDARD CATALOGS% STANDARD Copying catalogs...A SHOWCASE.TSCa SHOWCASE.TSCA Demos! SAMPLES% DEMOS SAMPLES% DEMOS Copying demos...A Documentation! DocDataa Getting Started! DOCS% GETSTART DOCS% GETSTART Copying Getting Started manual...A DocDataa OLE Automation Guide! DOCS% OLEGUIDE DOCS% OLEGUIDE Copying OLE Automation Guide...A DocDataa Reference Guide! DOCS% REFGUIDE DOCS% REFGUIDE Copying Reference Guide...A DocDataa User Manual! DOCS% USER_MAN DOCS% USER_MAN Copying User Manual...A Images! ImageDataa Decals! IMAGES% DECAL IMAGES% DECAL Copying decals...A ImageDataa Abstract! IMAGES% ABSTRACT IMAGES% ABSTRACT Copying Abstract images...A ImageDataa Backdrop! IMAGES% BACKDROP IMAGES% BACKDROP Copying Backdrop images...A ImageDataa Bumps! IMAGES% BUMPS IMAGES% BUMPS Copying Bumpmap images...A ImageDataa Interior! IMAGES% INTERIOR IMAGES% INTERIOR Copying Interior images...A ImageDataa Masonry! IMAGES% MASONRY IMAGES% MASONRY Copying Masonry images...A ImageDataa Metals! IMAGES% METALS IMAGES% METALS Copying Metals images...A( ImageDataa Plants! IMAGES% PLANTS IMAGES% PLANTS Copying Plants images...A ImageDataa Textiles! IMAGES% TEXTILES IMAGES% TEXTILES Copying Textiles images...A ImageDataa Textures! IMAGES% TEXTURES IMAGES% TEXTURES Copying Textures images...A ImageDataa Wood! IMAGES% IMAGES% Copying Wood images...A 3D Models! Aerospacea AEROSPAC.TSCA Buildinga BUILDING.TSCA Building Partsa BLDGPRTS.TSCA Business Symbolsa BUSSYMB.TSCA Computera COMPUTER.TSCA Doors and Windowsa DOOR_WIN.TSCA Educationa EDUCATIO.TSCA Energya ENERGY.TSCA Fastenersa FASTENRS.TSCA Fooda FOOD.TSCA Homea HOME.TSCA Marinea MARINE.TSCA Mechanicala MECHANIC.TSCA Medicala MEDICAL.TSCA Militarya MILITARY.TSCA Misca MISC.TSCA Modular Fixturesa MODFIXT.TSCA Moleculea MOLECULE.TSCA Officea OFFICE.TSCA Office Layouta OFF_LAYT.TSCA PC Boarda PC_BOARD.TSCA Plantsa PLANTS.TSCA Plumbinga PLUMBING.TSCA Producea PRODUCE.TSCA Sciencea SCIENCE.TSCA Sportsa SPORTS.TSCA Structurala STRUCTRL.TSCA Symbolsa SYMBOLS.TSCA Technologya TECHNOLO.TSCA Toolsa TOOLS.TSCA Transportationa TRANSPOR.TSCA Templates! Addressa ADDRESS.TSBA Architecturea ARCHITEC.TSBA Basementa BASEMENT.TSBA Bathrooma BATHROOM.TSBA Beacha BEACH.TSBA Bedrooma BEDROOM.TSBA Bookworma BOOKWORM.TSBA CD Pagea CDPAGE.TSBA Chalkboarda CHALKBRD.TSBA Circular Diagrama CRCLDGM.TSBA Classica CLASSIC.TSBA Computera COMPUTER.TSBA Dining Rooma DININGRM.TSBA Eartha EARTH.TSBA Eastern Skya EASTSKY.TSBA Evening Beacha EVEBEACH.TSBA Filma FILM.TSBA Flip Charta FLIPCHRT.TSBA Floora FLOOR.TSBA Framea FRAME.TSBA Graduationa GRADUATN.TSBA GYM.TSBA Lighthousea LIGHTHSE.TSBA Living Rooma LVNGROOM.TSBA Musica MUSIC.TSBA NO.TSBA Notea NOTE.TSBA Notepada NOTEPAD.TSBA Notepad 2a NOTEPAD2.TSBA Nurserya NURSERY.TSBA Officea OFFICE.TSBA Office 10x10a OFF10X10.TSBA Office Quada OFFQUAD.TSBA Once Upon a Timea ONCEUPON.TSBA Page On Pagea PAGEONPG.TSBA Paint Brusha PAINTBR.TSBA Picnica PICNIC.TSBA Pizzaa PIZZA.TSBA Presenta PRESENT.TSBA PUB.TSBA Scene On Pagea SCNONPG.TSBA Space 1a SPACE1.TSBA Space Explorationa SPACEEX.TSBA Sports 1a SPORTS1.TSBA Studioa STUDIO.TSBA Studya STUDY.TSBA Tablea TABLE.TSBA To Doa TODO.TSBA TV Rooma TVROOM.TSBA Underseaa UNDERSEA.TSBA Underwatera UNDRWATR.TSBA Valentinea VALNTINE.TSBA Winelista WINELIST.TSBA Winenotea WINENOTE.TSBA Yielda YIELD.TSBA OLE Automation Example! SAMPLES% OLE_AUTO SAMPLES% OLE_AUTO Copying OLE automation example...A8, Workbooks! SAMPLES% WORKBOOK SAMPLES% WORKBOOK Copying Workbooks...A Updating system files...." comctl32.dll mfc30.dll mfcans32.dll mfco30.dll mfcuia32.dll msvcrt20.dll wing32.dll winhelp.hlp, comctl32.dll mfc30.dll mfcans32.dll mfco30.dll mfcuia32.dll msvcrt20.dll wing32.dll winhelp.hlp Creating Folder and Icons...." TriSpect.exe TriSpectivesb TriSpectivesb UNINST.EXE Uninstall TriSpectivesb. Installation complete. Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart$ your system at this time. Restart Windowsb Setup is complete. To complete OLE registration, please run the installed program " by selecting the program icon in the program group. by selecting the program icon in the Programs menu. TriSpectivesa Setup SetupA This program requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51.A This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Insufficient Spaceay Space Required: %12d Space Available: %12d Please free up some space or change the target location to a different drive.B Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0! Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 CBT! Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 CBT Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 version 1.0 Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 CBT Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0\Directories Install Dirs Software\3DEYE\TriSpectives 1.0 CBT\DirectoriesP TriSpectives 3D/EYE TriSpectives 1.0 TriSpectives\CLSID {00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} TriSpectives.Application.1 3D/EYE TriSpectives 1.0 Application TriSpectives.Application.1\CLSID {00028F0F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} TriSpectives.Application 3D/EYE TriSpectives Application TriSpectives.Application\CurVer TriSpectives.Application.1 TriSpectives.Application\CLSID {00028F0F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} CLSID\{00028F0F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 3D/EYE TriSpectives 1.0 Application CLSID\{00028F0F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer32% TriSpect.exe /Automation CLSID\{00028F0F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\VersionIndependentProgID TriSpectives.Application CLSID\{00028F0F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\ProgID TriSpectives.Application.1 CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 3D/EYE TriSpectives 1.0 CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\InprocHandler32 Ole32.dll CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer32% TriSpect.exe /Automation CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Component\SolidsEngine 3D/EYE Solid Modelling Engine CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Component\SolidsEngine\CLSID {00028FEA-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} CLSID\{00028FEA-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 3D/EYE Solid Modelling Engine, Version 0.16 CLSID\{00028FEA-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\FileName acistop.dll CLSID\{00028FEA-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LoadOnStartup CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Component\ANIMATION 3D/EYE TriSpectives Animation Add-on CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Component\ANIMATION\CLSID {0002C525-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} CLSID\{0002C525-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 3D/EYE TriSpectives Animation Add-on CLSID\{0002C525-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\FileName anim.dll CLSID\{0002C525-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LoadOnStartup CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets 3D/EYE TriSpectives Installed CatalogSets CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Default( catalogs% standard% Showcase.tsc Cat0001b/ catalogs% standard% Shapes.tsc Cat0002b/ catalogs% standard% Animatn.tsc Cat0003b/ catalogs% standard% Backdrop.tsc Cat0004b/ catalogs% standard% Collage.tsc Cat0005b/ catalogs% standard% Colors.tsc Cat0006b/ catalogs% standard% Surfaces.tsc Cat0007b/ catalogs% standard% Text.tsc Cat0008b/ catalogs% standard% Textures.tsc Cat0009b/ catalogs% standard% Showcase.tsc Cat0001b/ catalogs% standard% Shapes.tsc Cat0002b/ catalogs% standard% Advshaps.tsc Cat0003b/ catalogs% standard% Animatn.tsc Cat0004b/ catalogs% standard% Backdrop.tsc Cat0005b/ catalogs% standard% Collage.tsc Cat0006b/ catalogs% standard% Colors.tsc Cat0007b/ catalogs% standard% Surfaces.tsc Cat0008b/ catalogs% standard% Text.tsc Cat0009b/ catalogs% standard% Textures.tsc Cat0010b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Textures( catalogs% standard% Decals.tsc Cat0001b/ catalogs% standard% Abstract.tsc Cat0002b/ catalogs% standard% Bumps.tsc Cat0003b/ catalogs% standard% Interior.tsc Cat0004b/ catalogs% standard% Masonry.tsc Cat0005b/ catalogs% standard% Metals.tsc Cat0006b/ catalogs% standard% Plants.tsc Cat0007b/ catalogs% standard% Textiles.tsc Cat0008b/ catalogs% standard% Wood.tsc Cat0009b/ catalogs% standard% Decals.tsc Cat0001b/ catalogs% standard% Abstract.tsc Cat0002b/ catalogs% standard% Bumps.tsc Cat0003b/ catalogs% standard% Interior.tsc Cat0004b/ catalogs% standard% Masonry.tsc Cat0005b/ catalogs% standard% Metals.tsc Cat0006b/ catalogs% standard% Plants.tsc Cat0007b/ catalogs% standard% Textiles.tsc Cat0008b/ catalogs% standard% Wood.tsc Cat0009b/ 3D Models! CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Construction BldgPrts.tscK Specsa Building Parts! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Building.tscK Specsa Building! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ Door_Win.tscK Specsa Doors and Windows! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ Fastenrs.tscK Specsa Fasteners! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ Modfixt.tscK Specsa Modular Fixtures! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ Plumbing.tscK Specsa Plumbing! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ Structrl.tscK Specsa Structural! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0007b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0007b/ Tools.tscK Specsa Tools! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0008b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0008b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Graphic Design Aerospac.tscK Specsa Aerospace! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Building.tscK Specsa Building! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ BusSymb.tscK Specsa Business Symbols! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ Educatio.tscK Specsa Education! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ Food.tscK Specsa Food! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ Home.tscK Specsa Home! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ Marine.tscK Specsa Marine! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0007b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0007b/ Military.tscK Specsa Military! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0008b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0008b/ Misc.tscK Specsa Misc! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0009b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0009b/ Office.tscK Specsa Office! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0010b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0010b/ Plants.tscK Specsa Plants! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0011b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0011b/ Produce.tscK Specsa Produce! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0012b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0012b/ Science.tscK Specsa Science! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0013b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0013b/ Sports.tscK Specsa Sports! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0014b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0014b/ Symbols.tscK Specsa Symbols! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0015b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0015b/ Technolo.tscK Specsa Technology! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0016b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0016b/ Tools.tscK Specsa Tools! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0017b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0017b/ Transpor.tscK Specsa Transportation! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0018b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0018b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Interior Design BldgPrts.tscK Specsa Building Parts! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Door_Win.tscK Specsa Doors and Windows! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ Home.tscK Specsa Home! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ Office.tscK Specsa Office! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ Off_Layt.tscK Specsa Office Layout! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ Plants.tscK Specsa Plants! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Living Educatio.tscK Specsa Education! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Food.tscK Specsa Food! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ Home.tscK Specsa Home! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ Plants.tscK Specsa Plants! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ Produce.tscK Specsa Produce! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ Sports.tscK Specsa Sports! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Manufacturing Fastenrs.tscK Specsa Fasteners! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Mechanic.tscK Specsa Mechanical! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ Modfixt.tscK Specsa Modular Fixtures! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ Plumbing.tscK Specsa Plumbing! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ Structrl.tscK Specsa Structural! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ Tools.tscK Specsa Tools! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Product Design BldgPrts.tscK Specsa Building Parts! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Computer.tscK Specsa Computer! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0002b/ Fastenrs.tscK Specsa Fasteners! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0003b/ Mechanic.tscK Specsa Mechanical! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0004b/ Modfixt.tscK Specsa Modular Fixtures! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0005b/ PC_Board.tscK Specsa PC Board! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0006b/ Plumbing.tscK Specsa Plumbing! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0007b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0007b/ Structrl.tscK Specsa Structural! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0008b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0008b/ CLSID\{00028F09-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\CatalogSets\Technology Aerospac.tscK Specsa Aerospace! catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ catalogs% 3dmodels% Cat0001b/ Computer.tscK Specsa Computer! 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