Terms The software, including all programs, games and datafiles on this CD-ROM, has no guarantee of any type whatsoever. By purchasing this CD-ROM the user agrees that Tietohuomen will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, saving or any other incidential or consequential damages arising out of the user or the precenve of any software, or the inability to use this software items from this CD-ROM, even if Tietohuomen has been notified of the possibility of such damages, or for any claims by any other party. Tietohuomen endeavours to verify all PD, Freeware and Shareware in good faith and is not responsible for any items which have been misrepresented. Trademarks Most computer and software brand names have trademarks or registered trademarks. The individual brand names, trademarks and titles on this CD-ROM are mentioned for statements of compatibility only, and they have not been listed here. NOTE Treasure-CD is on this CD using Info-ZIP's compression utility. The installation program uses UnZip to read zip files from the CD. Info-ZIP's software (Zip,UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and anonymous-ftp sites,including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/*. TREASURE Collection by Tietohuomen AY Tampere, Finland 25.10.1995 First of all we must congratulate you for making an excellent choice by purchasing our Treasure-CD. The programs in this collection can be run with 486 DX computer with at least 8 meg of RAM. This 486 DX and 8 meg is used only by some of the programs and there are programs that can be run even with 286 and 1meg of RAM, although there are not too many of these titles. The programs in this CD-ROM are checked by using the latest virus checker available so that there are no known viruses. The files are commented from their position in the directory root and for the content of the file as well in an ASCII file named as demos.txt, dos.txt, windows.txt and os2.txt. You can use any program that is capable of showing ASCII files to search for the programs that intrest you. Do note that DOS's EDIT is only capable of showing files with a lenght less than 64kb's, so use other program (Norton Commander, LIST, WP etc...) as the comment file is much larger than 64 kb's. All the files in this CD-ROM are under their respective folders f.ex. Windows programs are separated from Windows95 programs with a different folder, WINDOWS-folder for Windows programs and WIN95-NT folder for Windows 95 programs. Do note that you cannot run Windows95 programs under normal Windows and also note that you cannot run OS/2 programs under Windows 95, so use a proper operation system to make the programs run propely. For unpacking the ZIP files you should start your machine under MS-DOS as the unpacking program runs only from DOS. After loading DOS you should go to your CD-Drive by typing f.ex. D: (where D: stands for CD-ROM drive). Then you should copy file UNZIP.EXE to DOS-folder with following command COPY UNZIP.EXE C:\DOS After doing that you can start going through CD-ROMs file structure with CD commands f.ex. CD DOS, which will put you into DOS-folder in which you can find such folders as games and utils which funnily enough are games and utilities programs. If you would like to see what are the games in that game folder then you just have to type: CD GAMES\ACTION and after pressing enter type: DIR *.ZIP/O/P and enter. This DIR *.ZIP/O/P prints all the .ZIP files on the screen with alphabetical order and once there are screenfull of names the DOS will ask you to press any key to continue the list. Before pressing any key you should take down the names of the files that you find intresting for later use. Now that you have a list of programs you are intrested about, then this is what you must do; type: UNP ABUSE (name of the file without .ZIP extension) after that (if you are doing this demonstration right) the file will start to unpack to drive C: and to folder ABUSE. By doing so you will know what files belong to which program and this makes it easier to delete unwanted programs from your hard-drive without losing anything else. If your drive C: is full or reserved for other purposes then you should use the following command: UNP ABUSE D. This command unpacks the files to drive D: instead of drive C:. DO NOT use wildcards (?,*) with UNP command as in the worst case all the programs will end up under DOS-folder. OS2 example: 1. open OS/2-Shell 2. cd_rom_drive_letter 3. cd os2\util\misc 3. unp pgp262i (unzip pgp to C) or unp pgp262i e (unzip pgp to E) ZIP-instructions: (Source) (Destination) unzip abuse.zip -d c:\test Ensinn„kin haluaisimme onnitella sinua erinomaisen valinnan tekemisest„ ostamalla Treasure-CD:n! T„m„n kokoelman ohjelmat vaativat toimiakseen 486 DX koneen v„hint„„n 8 megalla muistia. T„t„ 486 DX konetta ja 8 megaa muistia k„ytt„v„t hy”dykseen muutamat ohjelmat ja t„ll„ kokoelmalla on my”s ohjelmia jotka eiv„t vaadi koneelta enemp„„ kuin 286 ja 1 mega muistia, tosin n„it„ ohjelmia ei ole paljon. T„ll„ CD-levyll„ olevat ohjemat on tarkistettu k„ytt„m„ll„ uusinta viruksen etsint„ ohjelmaa, joten t„ll„ levyll„ ei ole tunnettuja viruksia. Tiedostot on kommentoitu niiden sijainnista tiedostorakenteessa ja tiedosto- jen sis„ll”st„ ASCII tiedostoissa DOS.TXT, WINDOWS.TXT OS2.TXT ja DEMOS.TXT. Voit k„ytt„„ mit„ tahansa ohjelmaa, jolla pystyy lukemaan ASCII tiedostoja, etsi„ksesi sinua kiinnostavia ohjelmia. Ota huomioon ett„ DOS:in EDIT pystyy n„ytt„m„„n vain 64 kilon kokoisia tiedostoja joten k„yt„ ohjelmaa joka pystyy n„ytt„m„„n 64 kiloa suurempia tiedostoja, esim. Norton Commander, Windowsin ja OS/2:sen tekstink„sittely ohjelmat sek„ kokoelmalta l”ytyv„ LIST. Kaikki t„m„n CD-levyn tiedostot ovat omien kansioidensa alla esim. Windows ohjelmat ovat eri kansiossa kuin Windows95 ohjelmat, WINDOWS-kansio on Windows ohjelmille kun taas WIN95-NT-kansio on Windows95 ohjelmille. Ota huomioon ett„ et voi k„ytt„„ Windows95 ohjelmia normaalin Windowsin alaisuudessa etk„ my”sk„„n voi k„ytt„„ OS/2 ohjelmia Windows95:n alaisuudessa, joten k„yt„ oikeaa k„ytt”j„rjestelm„„ jotta saisit ohjelmat toimimaan oikein. ZIP tiedostojen purku tapahtuu MS-DOS:n alaisuudessa koska purkuohjelma toimii vain DOS:n alaisuudessa. Sen j„lkeen kun DOS on latautunut sinun tulisi siirty„ CD-ROM asemallesi kirjoittamalla esim. D: (D: tarkoittaa sit„ kirjainta joka on CD-ROM aseman kirjain). T„m„n j„lkeen sinun tulisi kopioida tiedosto UNZIP.EXE DOS-kansioon seuraavalla k„skyll„: COPY UNZIP.EXE C:\DOS . Nyt voit aloittaa liikkumisen CD levyn tiedostoraken- teessa k„ytt„m„ll„ CD k„sky„ esim. CD DOS, jonka kirjoittamalla p„„set DOS- kansion sis„lle josta l”yd„t sellaisia kansioita kuten games ja utils jotka tarkoittavat pelej„ ja hy”tyohjelmia. Mik„li haluat n„hd„ mit„ kansio games sis„lt„„ sinun tulee kirjoittaa seuraava komento: CD GAMES\ACTION ja ENTER:in painannan j„lkeen kirjoita seuraava komento: DIR *.ZIP/O/P ja ENTER. T„m„ DIR *.ZIP/O/P k„sky tulostaa ruudulle kaikki ZIP-tiedostot aakkos- j„rjestyksess„ ja kun ruutu tulee t„yteen DOS pyyt„„ painamaan mit„ tahansa n„pp„int„ jatkaaksesi listan tulostusta. Ennen n„pp„imen painallusta olisi hyv„ kirjoittaa muistiin mielenkiintoisimpien tiedostojen nimi„ my”hemp„„ k„ytt”„ varten. Nyt kun sinulla on lista haluamisistasi ohjelmista sinun tulisi tehd„ seuraavaa; kirjoita: UNP ABUSE (tiedostonimi ilman ZIP p„„tett„) t„m„n j„lkeen ohjelman tulisi purkaa (mik„li olet toiminut mallin mukaisesti) asemalle C: kansioon ABUSE. T„m„n tekem„ll„ tied„t mit„ tiedostoja kuuluu millekin oh- jelmalle koska ne kaikki sijaitsevat samassa kansiossa ja t„m„ tekeekin niiden poistamisen kovalevylt„ helpoksi ilman ett„ tuhoat vahingossa muita ohjelmia. Mik„li C: asema on t„ynn„ tai muussa k„yt”ss„ sinun tulisi k„ytt„„ seuraavaa k„sky„: UNP ABUSE D. T„ll„ komennolla tiedosto purkautuukin levylle D: levyn C: sijasta. ŽLŽ KŽYTŽ ? ja * merkkej„ tiedostojen nimin„, koska pahimmassa tapauksessa ohjelmat saattavat p„„ty„ DOS-kansioon. OS2 esimerkki: 1. Avaa OS/2 ikkuna (shelli) 2. mene cd-rom asemalle 3. n„pyttele cd os2/util/misc 4. unp pgp262i (avaa pgp:n asemalle C) tai unp pgp262i e (avaa paketin asemalle E) ZIP-ohjeita: (L„hde) (Kohde) unzip abuse.zip -d c:\test