================================================================== Title : SnIpEr! Filename : sniper.map ================================================================== Author : Dave Barraclough E-mail Address : Dave@barraton.demon.co.uk Misc. Author Info : 16 years old, English and single! Description : SnIpEr! is a Duke Match level which is like a kinda Paintball/Lasergame with bits and pieces put here and there so you can hide behind things and attack each other. There also is a snipering area but your vision is limited - You'll know what I mean when you play it Additional Credits to : Detlef Mueller for help, advice and testing! - thanx :) ================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level : dunno, see below Single Player : You can, but what's the point? Dukematch Level : duh, err, What do you think? Difficulty Settings : none implimented * Construction * Base : About 10 hourd from Scratch Editor(s) used : BUILD editor Known Bugs : Not sure, some flickering in places, but wont spoil the fun! Mail me, for bug reports, advice to improve and Opinions! * Where to get this .MAP file * Wherever it ends up, I'll put it the Newsgroups, Duke Pages and my Home page when I get it up and going! (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/9895) * COMMAND LINES * You can always choose a .MAP file from Setup in the Duke directory (this is how you would do it for Dukematch before connecting) you can also use these simple command lines: To Play : Duke3D /map doomed.map To Record: Duke3D /map doomed.map /r (kind of pointless alone) Recording in multiplayer is done the same as always (in the game under Options) before choosing New Game then User Map. AddOn .MAP recordings can be run after loading the game (with the map) then hitting Quit To Title * you can only watch once because the 2nd time it will be trying to use the normal Duke enviroment perameters unless you exit the game again.