================================== INFO =================================== Title : Runaround II MAP (* A.K.A. RUNAROUND THE PLACE AND SHOOT BLOODY EVERYTHING THAT MOVES MAP *) Author : Glen Burgess - MPP, Greater Lobo Township Email Address : glen.burgess@odyssey.on.ca Description : A round sorta thing that I made up while I was whittling away that hours in my office. My constituents saw fit to bless me with a Pentium 166 with 48MB with which to plan their bleak futures. Hah. They're all doomed to a life of farming, I like Duke. It's for 4-8 players really, but 2-4 is not too bad. I spent a lot of time getting textures just right, so if there is a little something out of whack, oh well....sorry. Files included : RUNABUTT.MAP RUNABUTT.TXT Credits : Nobody but the guy who made the original level, but I don't know his name, so I guess then nobody. (No, not even Chookman). Other levels : Just the ones I made for Apogee. They were under my alias though, so you won't recognize the name, and also, I really might be lying. ============================================================================== ** Stuff Included ** 1 Dukematch level 1 Cool Text file ** Build Information ** Base : A good idea Build time : 24 tax-payer hours Editors used : BUILD.EXE Known Bugs : There were a couple of squish bugs, but I've tried like hell to get rid of them, and I haven't had 'em in a while, so I hope they're gone. ** Copyright / Permissions ** Do whatever the hell you want with it. I mean it. Play it first though....then rub it all over yourself. You have my permission. ** Misc ** There are some secrets in this level (not tagged secrets though) that you can look for,but I just wanted it to look cool. Be careful of the Dukematch weasles...they always find the secrets...if somebody beats you, he's probably cheating...it's true! The level was first released as RUNAROND.MAP, but it was kinda smaller, and it had some bugs, and I wanted some more cool sniper spots, and room for eoght players, so that's what this ended up being. There was a little swimming spot in there for a while, but it was kinda stupid, so I just left a puddle. Nobody ever went in it anyways, so you won't miss it. The big secrets are in the blow-up spots somewhere, so check 'em out completely, that's for the people who read text files! Have fun.