Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0 ================================================================ Title : Looney Asylum 1.0 Filename : Looney.map Author : Brandon Pitman Email Address : Lilpit@AOL.com Misc. Author Info : This is my first level, and it stinks. It took me about 40+ hours to do this level, and it was easy. Description : You are in a Looney Asylum, and must get out. Additional Credits to : Brett Gmoser (His FAQ helped me a lot.) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : No Cooperative : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None Known. Email me if you find one. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: Other: America Online (In the Apogee Form)