====================================================================== Title : Escape v1.0 Author : Jeff Hartwick E-mail : jhartwick@aol.com Web Page : http://users.aol.com/jhartwick -check here often for my upcoming levels (AOL users should use the ftp address below) Description : Small, but challenging level. See the story at the end of this file. Additional Credits to : 3D Realms for making Duke3D Brett Gmoser for his helpful Build FAQ! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes (not tested, but implemented) Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. I spent a lot of time perfecting it. Editor(s) used : Build by Ken Silverman Known Bugs : none * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: ftp://users.aol.com/jhartwick Other: email jhartwick@aol.com =========================================================================== Story: With the aliens destroyed, Duke planned for a long vacation on the planet Nederose. While on his way, Duke intercepted a help message from a nearby space station. It seems their evacuation ships were not working and that a vast array of meteors were approaching. Duke figured "Piece o' Cake" and immediately set course for the station to pick up the crew. After docking, Duke opened the entrance and dismantled his space suit. He looked around, but the place seemed empty. He muttered to himself, "Strange, no welcoming party." He quickly made his way to the bridge, but found the crew already dead, their bodies crushed and mangled. Suddenly, the walls shook violently as the meteors began to hit the station. Duke turned for the exit, but there in front of him stood a giant alien! Duke panicked and ran the other way. He heard more aliens collect behind him, his heart was racing. "Gotta get out'a here", he whispered. He stopped to catch his breath and turned his head backwards to see if he'd lost the aliens. His eyes widened with terror as he caught a glimpse of the huge horde following him. He turned and ran as fast as he could. He finally came to a tall, black door. He opened it and shut it behind him. He felt it lock in place. He leaned up against it and brushed his forehead with relief. "Still gotta get back to my ship!", he exclaimed. He reached for his pocketed, automatic pistol. His eyes flared with excitement, "This is gonna be fun!." ****Send all comments and suggestions to jhartwick@aol.com**** If you liked this map, be on the lookout for the prequel, coming soon! NOTE: This level is optimized for brightness level 1. Use the F11 key during play to adjust the brightness. TYPE "ESCAPE" TO PLAY!!!!!