====================================================================== Title : EMERALD CITY 1.0 Author : Rick Emmert E-mail : REMMERT@AOL.COM Description : This level started out as the interior of my local comics shop, and kept growning until I had an entire city block on my hands. This level is intended for DukeMatch, as there are no monsters. I don't know how much fun it will be to play since it is my first level, and I have emphasized style rather than functionality. The main building is EMERALD CITY, my local comics shop. The hotel was influenced by the movie, TAXI DRIVER. The doors to the hotel rooms slide up because I still can't get the damn swinging doors to work right! There are a LOT of secret rooms and passages where you can get really loaded, and the cameras are very helpful for strategic trap placement. I tried to make it so you can blow up as many things as possible, but I still can't get the fire truck to blow up like I want. This is the first distribution of this .map, so look for updates and revisions with more cool stuff. Please upload this EVERYWHERE. My goal is to get a level on one of the DUKE NUKEM 3D User-Created Level CD's that's bound to be put together sooner or later. Have Fun! Additional Credits to : StratonAce for allowing me to use BUILD, Brett Moser, for writing the BUILD FAQ, and 3D REALMS for making such a kickass game. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : 1/1 Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Time : Too Long... Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BUILD Known Bugs : Tiny problem with shooting from inside the vault due to overlapping sectors. I think that's it... * Where to get this MAP file * Wherever fine .maps are distributed... PLEASE ONLY DISTRIBUTE THIS MAP IN IT'S ENTIRETY, AND GIVE CREDIT TO THE AUTHOR. HE WORKED VERY HARD ON THIS, AND DESERVES SOME CREDIT. ===========================================================================