Title : Dukedoom.map Filename : Dkdoom.map Author : Rob Ellis Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Author of Dkdm01.map & dkdm02.map Description : A basic level based upon doom (e1m1). This was built to get some practice with build.exe. Additional Credits to : 3DRealms. Id Software. Aquadust for playtesting the levels.Here we go again; thanks dude! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : Yes, and 2-player co-op. DukeMatch Level : Yes, 2-player. This IS NOT a hard level. Difficulty Settings : Not implemented yet. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch based upon doom (e1m1). Editor(s) used : Build.exe (Registered game version). 3 days. Known Bugs : A little problem with a lift not wanting to go up right when you hit the space bar. Just repeat. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: AOL. Keyword: 3DRealms. BBS numbers: Other: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------