map template ======================================== TITLE: FILE NAME: CREATOR: Phil Sherry EMAIL ADDRESS: MISC. AUTHOR INFO: 16-year old beginner programmer with a crappy job and no life DESCRIPTION: This is a level in a city with a hotel, discobar, swimming pool, sewer, exploding BETHLEHEM STEEL building, trick candy machine (heh heh!!), and other cool stuff. ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: 3drealms for creating this game and brett gmoser for his helpful FAQ. ======================================== * Play Information * EPISODE AND LEVEL #: SINGLE PLAYER: NO DUKEMATCH LEVEL: YES DEFFICULTY SETTINGS: NOT IMPLEMENTED * Construction * BASE: New level from scratch EDITOR USED: BUILD KNOWN BUGS: Some funky looking textures in the hotel(bathroom & bedroom), and I can't get the damn mirror to work(it has the bike movie on it now). * Where to get this MAP file * FTP SITES: NONE BBS NUMBERS: NONE OTHER: I hope you enjoy playing this level as much as I enjoyes making it. Feel free to modify it and Email me your changes and comments. Look for updates and changes in the future.