1. Installation Autostart Screen Options:
    • Install Bible Library Master

      • This will install the Bible Library Master search engine, icons, and a customized version of Internet Explorer. The actual Library of books is read off the CD-ROM and doesn't need to be installed. Once Internet Explorer is installed, your computer will be need to be restarted.
    • View Readme File

      • The Readme file contains the end user license agreement and the Operating Instructions. Before you start Bible Library Master, read the license agreement. Opening the Library signifies that you have read, understood and accepted the license agreement. If you have difficulties getting your Library to start, refer to Operating Instructions in the previous section, or the Readme file contained on the CD.

  2. Library Autostart Screen Options:
    • Start Bible Library Master

      • Picking "Use Bible Master" from the menu will automatically start the CD-ROM Library. You should see a browser window open with a framed index of all the books contained in Bible Library Master.
    • Uninstall Bible Library Master

      • To uninstall, pick "Uninstall Library" from autorun screen. This will only uninstall Bible Library Master components. To uninstall the customized browser, double click the "My Computer" icon on your Desktop, and then double click on the "Control Panel" icon within the "My Computer" window. Next, choose "Add/Remove Programs" from the new window. Last, scroll down the list of programs, choose "Microsoft Internet Explorer 6...", click the "Add/Remove.." button and follow the directions.
      • View Readme File - The Readme file contains the End User License Agreement and the Operating Instructions. Before you start Bible Library Master, read the license agreement. Opening the Library signifies that you have read, understood and accepted the license agreement. If you have difficulties getting your Library to start, refer to Operating Instructions in the previous section, or the Readme file contained on the CD.


  1. To learn more about Bible Library Master's browser controls, choose "Help" on the browser menu and pick "Contents and Index" from the list. This will open the Help manual for Internet Explorer.

  2. Toolbar Functions -

    • These functions are aligned horizontally across the top of Internet Explorer.
    • Help topic on toolbar functions - Click on the Index Tab and type toolbar in the blank provided. Below the blank field you will see a list of items underneath the toolbars word. This list deals with many of the functions within the Explorer's Toolbar. Now, type address bar in the blank and you will see a list of related items under the topic Address bar. These also relate to Explorer's Toolbar functions.


  1. Books Listed
    • The list is divided into subcategories by book type. The subcategories are: Bibles, Greek & Hebrew, History, Commentary, Sermons, Dictionaries, Theology, Topical Bibles, Philosophy and Devotionals. These subcategories cover every facet of biblical study.
      • BIBLES:
        1. KJV Bible - King James Version
        2. ASV Bible - American Standard Version
        3. Douay-Rheims - Douay-Rheims Version
        4. BBE Version - Bible in Basic English
        5. Darby Bible - Darby's Bible Version
        6. WEY Bible - Weymouth Bible Translation
        7. WEB Bible - World English Bible
        8. Webster - Noah Webster's Version
        9. YLT Bible - Young's Literal Translation
        10. Interlinear - Textus Receptus(NT) and Hebrew Tanach (OT)
        11. KJV w/ Strong's - KJV with Strong's Concordance Links
        12. L. Vulgate - Latin Vulgate
        13. SEV Biblia - Las SEV Biblia
        14. Reina Valera - La Biblia Reina Valera
      • GREEK & HEBREW:
        1. Interlinear - Textus Receptus(NT) and Hebrew Tanach (OT)
        2. KJV w/ Strong's - KJV with Strong's Concordance Links
        3. Robertson Grk - Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
      • HISTORY:
        1. E.C. Fathers - Early Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene)
        2. Edersheim - Edersheim's Bible History, Sketches of Jewish Social Life and The Temple
        3. F. Josephus - Works of Flavius Josephus
        4. Foxes Book - Foxe's Book of Martyrs
        1. Clarke Comm. - Adam Clarke's Commentary
        2. Edersheim - Edersheim's Bible History, Sketches of Jewish Social Life and The Temple
        3. Wesley Comm. - John Wesley's Bible Notes
      • SERMONS:
        1. Finney Serm. - Charles Finney's Sermons
        2. Wesley Serm. - John Wesley's Sermon Collection
        1. Easton's Dict. - Easton's Bible Dictionary
        2. Hitchcock - Hitchcock Bible Names Dictionary
        3. Robertsn Grk - Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
        4. Treasury S.K. - The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
      • THEOLOGY:
        1. J. Arminius - James Arminius' Works
        2. Revival Lect. - Revival Lectures by Charles Finney
        3. Sys. Theol. - Systematic Theology by Finney
        4. Revival Fire - Finney's Revival Fire
        1. Naves Top. - Nave's Topical Bible
        2. Torreys T.T. - Torrey's Topical Textbook
        3. Treasury S.K. - The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
        4. Optasia Conc. - Optasia Topical Manual
        1. St. Anselm - St. Anselm's Writings
        2. Summa Theol - St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica
        1. Grace Abound - Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
        2. HolyWar - John Bunyan's Holy War
        3. Pilgrims Prog - John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress

  2. Works Online or Offline
    • The customized Internet Explorer browser was designed to be used for browsing both Bible Library Master and the internet. This gives you access a great wealth of biblical content from one program interface. If you are using Bible Library Master's online search engine, which is listed on the main page, you will automatically search the www.GodRules.NET website. The results of your search will show up in the main screen to the right of the Optasia Side Menu. If you click on one of the links contained in the results window, you will notice that the website pages look very similar to the software contained on your CD. This is because Bible Library Master was originally derived from the website GodRules.NET. To stay within your CD software alone, use only the CD search engine and don't click on any of the online marked (i.e. ~ green colored) links.


  1. By right clicking on an item in the web browser window, a list of options will be displayed for the item selected. There are three different types of lists that can be displayed when right-clicking on an object. One, lists options for graphics. If you right click on a picture, graphic options will be displayed. The graphic options listed are: Save Picture As, Set As Wallpaper, Copy, Add to Favorites, and Properties. Right clicking on a background or plain text will present a different list that pertains to the HTML source and the background. Options on this list are: Save The Background As, Set As Wallpaper, Copy Background, Select All, Create Shortcut, Add To Favorites, View Source, Language Options, Print, Refresh, and Properties. The third type of list is seen when you right click on a link. This list provides options that pertain to links; these are: Open, Open In A New Window, Copy Shortcut, Add To Favorites, and Properties.


  1. Text Links
  2. Graphic Links

    • There are two types of graphic links. One is a mapped graphic link. Different book pages can accessed, depending on where you click on the graphic. The other type allows one link to represent the graphic. This is used only in return links at the bottom of every book page.

  3. Graphic Link Maps
    • There are only two types of link maps within Bible Library Master. One includes links to various search engines. They are: Nave's Engine, Easton's Engine, Systematic Theology Engine, and the Main Search Engine. The other link map provides links to material related to the book chapter it resides in. For instance, if you are reading Exodus 12, the link map would provide materials related to Exodus 12 in all the books listed. So Clarke's Commentary Exodus 12 can be accessed, just by clicking on "ADAM CLARKE" link. Note, Edersheim's Bible History and Josephus' Works are both written in order of historical events, unlike the Bible. This means that the links in Edersheim's Bible History and Josephus' Works to the Bible are in chronological order. Link Maps are used only in the "Through the Scriptures" Section of Bible Library Master. These maps were designed for those who want to quickly get all the information they can on a certain chapter or verse of the Bible. The "Through the Scriptures" Section allows you to read from Genesis to Revelation with ease. Now, when you have a question about a certain verse or chapter, click on one of the resources in the link map to get your answer. No more taking time out just to research the original intent of a phrase in scripture. This provides an atmosphere where reading through the Bible and understanding everything is a possibility.


  1. Internet Explorer
    • Ctrl+N New
    • Ctrl+O Open
    • Ctrl+P Print
    • Ctrl+X Cut
    • Ctrl+C Copy
    • Ctrl+V Paste
    • Ctrl+A Select All
    • Ctrl+F Find
    • Esc Stop
    • F5 Refresh
    • F11 Full Screen

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